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Chapter 5~ Being Happy isn’t Where You Are- it’s Who You’re With
It was 2:38 pm, school was about to end and almost into summer break. Two days left! 10-year-old me thought, excited to go into summer break. Leaf, my little sister, was also excited only because after summer is autumn and she LOVES AUTUMN. It’s basically her personality to love autumn.

“Ash! Ash! I can’t wait for autumn! I want the festival to begin!” Leaf said excitedly, hopping around.

“Wait, Leaf, it’s coming in 2 months, don’t worry.” I replied, trying to calm her down.

“Two months!?!? That’s too longgg!!” Leaf whined.

“Hey, time flies if you’re having fun so let’s go to the park.” I told her, holding out my hand.

She looked at me with glittering and happy eyes. “R-really? But didn’t mom say I was sick?”

I looked at her, trying not to look worried. She’s right, mom did say she was a little sick but it was from eating too much ice cream! She’ll be fine after we go to the park, I’m sure of it.

“See, I told you not to eat too much ice cream and now look what happened.” I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

“I’m sorry, big brother, you ate a lot so I thought it wouldn’t harm me…” She replied, looking at the ground.

“Aw, don’t be sad, I forgive you.” I sighed, “Just don’t eat too much again, okay?”

“Mhm! I promise!” Leaf said, looking happy again now that I forgave her.

“Now let’s head to the park.” I held out my hand again and this time she took it.

We were going to just calmly walk downtown to the park but Leaf started skipping so I had to awkwardly keep up with her.

I guess skipping with someone is just a girl’s thing, does every girl do this?? I thought in my head while Leaf swung my arm around.

Once at the park, Leaf went straight for the slides and I went for the bench to catch my breath. Suddenly, a boy wearing a dark blue hoodie and black khaki pants came up to me.

“Hey ugly boy, what are you doing now? Lounging around a park trying to find someone to take you home?” The boy asked while 3 more boys came up behind him and started laughing.

“N-no, who are you?” I asked nervously.

“WHAT? You don’t know our boss?? Oh, you are so getting it!” One of the boys behinds him yelled.

“Wait Travis, I want to do it first.” The “Boss” said.

“What do you want from me!” I yelled, trying to scare them off.

“Hah! You’re a funny one, yelling at me?!?” He said, grabbing me by my shirt collar.

“What are you jerks doing to my brother!!” Leaf yelled, realizing what was going on.

“Oh? An orphan girl too! Is this your cowardly sister, Ash?” The big boy said, letting go of me.

“LEAF! RUN, THIS PERSON IS DANGEROUS!” I yelled at her, trying to crawl off the floor.

It was too late, the 3 boys behind the big boy had held down Leaf, grabbing her by her arms and legs. As the “Boss” started walking towards Leaf, he took the opportunity and grabbed a stick from beside him and glanced back at me. I had horror in my eyes and he took the stick and hit it directly to her stomach, since Leaf wasn’t very strong she coughed up some blood immediately.

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