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"Ahm ahm!" I heard Aapi clearing her throat and bringing me from my admiring daze

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"Ahm ahm!" I heard Aapi clearing her throat and bringing me from my admiring daze. "Huh?" I turned around trying not to get caught staring at my husband who was just standing there effortlessly looking so handsome in his casuals. 

He just dropped me home and is now talking with Abbu and his mere presence is making me admire him. I can't believe we got married today and that I can stare at him all I want and I can't wait to play with those locks of his.

"Kab tak dekhte hi rahenge aap?" Aapi asked tilting her head and a teasing smile on her lips. (Until when are you going to keep looking at him?)

"Aisi baat nahi hai!" I retorted trying to sound casual. (It's not like that!)

She raised her eyebrow challengingly, "Baad main baat karenge, abhi Farah ko sulana hai." She promised me and I knew she won't let me sleep this night until I tell her everything. (We will talk later, now I have to bring Farah to sleep.)

I sighed and looked back, but found no one standing there. "What?! Where did he go?" I asked no one in particular and started looking here and there searching for him. I noticed Abbu who was talking to him in the garage and just as I was about to ask him or rather was contemplating whether to ask him, a hand pulled me and before I could scream or let out any sound due the sudden action, I was pinned against the wall and a strong hand covered my mouth. 

"Relax!" Ouahib whispered near my ear and my heartbeat was already above the normal pace. I nodded and he withdew his hand and held my hands instead in his. "Today was magical, In Sha Allah we will get many more ocassions to be happy like this again, but I don't think any will top today." He whispered slowly, as we were still hiding between the garage wall and the bushes of the garden. 

"It was indeed a wonderful day!" I agreed with a wide smile recalling everything about today. From the nervouseness in the morning until this serene moment now. It was an eventful day. "I will see you soon!" He sighed after a moment of looking into my eyes as if tying to memorize everything. "Goodnight!" He added, momentarily looking at my lips and I felt my whole body burning and stomach blooming, at the mere thought of what he might have intented. 

He then opted for my forehead and hands, kissing each with utmost love. Goosebumps arose on my whole body and I couldn't fight the smile forming on my lips. "Goodnight!" I wished back and soon he was driving away. Looking back he waved from the car, while I stood there at the door. Just as I stepped into my room smiling, I found Aapi spread on my bed with her pyjamas already on and a few snacks surrounding her. 

"You have ten minutes to freshen up and then the questioning will start!" she announced smiling and throwing another set of pyjamas towards me. Allah! this is going to be a very long night! 


I just returned from university and my head is really aching very bad.

I haven't slept very well yesterday as I had to complete my assignment which was important. I didn't have the time to do so, because of the nikkah and all the preparations.

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