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I woke up, to my wife lying her head on my chest in an uncomfortable position

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I woke up, to my wife lying her head on my chest in an uncomfortable position. She will surely have a sore muscle in her neck if she stays like this.

I moved up my upper body to make some space for her, so that she can at least sleep in a sitting position, but she seems to be a light sleeper.

"What's wrong? Oh sorry, have I made you uncomfortable while sleeping? I'm sorry, I don't know when I fell asleep." She said in one breath and hastily sat up straight.

"It's okay, you didn't wake me up." I reassured her and rested my head on the couch arm. "Come here," I told her as she seemed still sleepy.

She hesitated, but eventually scooted closer and laid her head on my chest, again and stretched her legs to lie down beside me. I'm sure she can hear my fast heartbeat, which increases, whenever she is close.

As she was on the outer side of the couch and it was more uncomfortable, I encircled her warm body and moved her to my other side, so that she could lay between me and the couchback.

My left hand was still under her head, as I was laying on my back. She scooted even closer, which caught me off guard and put her right hand over my chest, half hugging me. Her head rested on my chest, as I covered us both with the blanket.

I thought, that I made her uncomfortable, as every time, I hugged her or acted a little bit too clingy, she stiffened and didn't react.

She says she needs time, rightly she does. It's been only ten days to our Nikkah and it's normal to feel awkward or uncomfortable at the beginning.

Partially, I think that I'm being a little fast. I mean, It has been easy for me to accept her as my wife and better half, but maybe she needs time.

I do prefer physical touch, like holding hands, hugging her, just being close to her and feel her presence.

I feel super content and over the moon when she is in my arms or just near me. I cherish that feeling of comfort and can never get enough of it.

But I need to press the brakes, she needs time, but this little gesture of hers is telling me that we will get there soon. We'll get to a position where we will be completely comfortable and open with each other.

"I have completed the typing in, I didn't upload it to the database, as I thought you should look over it. It's been a while since I dealt with JavaScript. The last time was probably in that horrible finals exam!" She made a disgusted face, as she recalled the finals.

I chuckled, computer science was always my cup of tea, but I do agree, the finals exam was quite tough and demanding.

"By the way, I'm thinking of something, can I do it?" She asked, looking up with her innocent brownish-green orbs looking directly into mine, which made my heart skip a beat.

I'm still in love with her eyes, the brown and green combination is so magical and addictive that I can't look away. That thin line of kohl, brings out the colors, in a more beautiful manner.

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