Chapter Six

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I playfully scrunched up my nose and savored the bustling family gathering. Nan teasingly tugged Jarrod's ear and planted a kiss on his head while he grumbled.

"Come on, Nan, I come bearing gifts." He presented April and a big blue bag.

Nan cheered, reaching out for April and enveloping her in one of her famous hugs, showering her with kisses.

Riley had spotted Jarrod mid-game abandoning it to run toward him.

"Uncle Jawa!" Riley's high-pitched voice called out.

He sprinted and wrapped himself around Jarrod's leg, his eyes gleaming in excitement at the big blue bag.

"When did you come? I missed you, Is that for me? What's in it?" He shot out question after question.

It was definitely the sugar he stuffed in his mouth ten minutes before bouncing around Jarrod as he held his leg tight.  If my son could grip any tighter, Jarrod would've lost his leg.

Jarrod placed the bag down and lifted him up, throwing him in the air.

"I've missed ya bud, and you're going to love what I got ya." He kissed Riley's face as he giggled, pulling out a signed rugby ball and handing it to Riley.

"I love it!" He smiled happily.

Lisa came over and hugged Riley while he was in Jarrod's arms.

"Aw, my little heartbreaker, you've grown so much! Look at you?" She exclaimed.

We all chuckled as Pop rounded the corner with a big smile, pulling everyone into a group hug.

"How's my favorite people? I'm glad you could both make it." He beamed.

Jarrod and Lisa were like family, regular visitors at Nan and Pop's. Jarrod was always Ashton and I's loyal companion in high school. It was one of his favorite places to go. Sometimes, I'd even find him there hanging out or having dinner with them on his own.

They were Jarrod's go-to people for relationship advice. He admired them as his relationship mentors. They were his ideal couple. High school sweethearts, the epitome of true love, just like in the movies, but in this case, it was Jarrod's reality.

Once Jarrod introduced Lisa to Nan and Pop, they adored her, and Nan saw her as a younger version of herself - spirited and outspoken.

Jarrod and Lisa lost their grandparents at a young age, so Nan and Pop filled the void left by their parents. Jarrod's parents were wealthy entrepreneurs, and Lisa's were doctors. Money was important.

Lisa appeared preoccupied as we conversed. She was focused on a person in the yard. I checked where she was looking and noticed it was Leah.

"Lisa, are you alright?" I asked.

She seemed perplexed when she looked at me.

"I feel like I've met her before, but I can't recall where."

I was initially puzzled but then chuckled.

"She's a friend, her name's Leah," I replied.

"I feel like I recognize her face from somewhere. She seems very familiar. It's going to bother me until I recall where I saw her!" She complained.

"She's friend. I met her at Coles while I was shopping, and later, I realized she goes to the same university because I saw her on campus," I explained.

"I think you two would really hit it off. She's studying to become a nurse," I commented.

"All right, great, now I have to compete for your affection as well," she said, shaking her head.

"No, you don't. I see you both differently, and you are --" I embraced her from behind.

"My best friend and sister," I chuckled as she playfully hit my arm.

"Well, obviously, I'd win if we were to compete anyway. No one is funnier than me," she joked.

"Great, because I was hoping you'd like her too," I responded.

"Who knows, I might just leave you for her," she laughed as my eyes widened.

"Do you think you'd ever leave me?" I asked with a sulky expression.

"Nah, I doubt it. I'm usually very clear about my judgments of people, so you know," she said with a smirk.

I nodded and teased, "Are you certain? I just don't see what you see in Jarrod."

She pretended to be offended.

"Oh, you're hurting me. Do you really not think he's the most attractive man in the world?" she joked.

As soon as Jarrod heard his name, he joined in.

"What about me?" he interrupted.

We looked at him and laughed.

"Of course you'd hear your own name from 30 kilometers away," I said in amusement.

"Well, if it's about me, I'd want to know," he teased.

Lisa laughed and looked at me.

"I told you, Mia, he's the most handsome man in the world," she said playfully as she touched his chin and gave him a quick kiss.

I exclaimed in playful disgust, "Ugh, so gross," I said. They both laughed at me, but our conversation was interrupted by Leah clearing her throat.

"Hey Mia, would you mind if I made more fairy bread for the kids?" Leah asked.

"Oh, I'll come help you. I wanted to introduce you to my-" I was cut off by Lisa.

"Family. I'm Lisa, and this is my husband Jarrod," she greeted with a polite but forced smile.

"Hey Lisa and Jarrod, I'm Leah," she said as she shook their hands.

Lisa shook her hand first and said, "Mia has mentioned a lot about you. Thank you for being a good friend."

I was surprised by Lisa's formal behavior, unlike her usual warmth. Jarrod also seemed surprised. She was testing Leah. I inwardly shook my head, thinking.

"She'll be the death of me someday, I swear." I muttered under my breath.

"Mia has been an amazing friend. Over the last three years, I've discovered a lot about her as we share many similarities," Leah stated.

"Why don't we give you two a chance to get acquainted while I assist Jarrod in preparing the fairy bread," I proposed.

Lisa agreed and smiled, showing that she was ready for us to leave. Jarrod gently put Riley down, and we watched as he quickly went back to the bouncy castle.

He turned to me, handing me the blue bag, and asked, "Shall we start making fairy bread now?"

Laughing, I said, "You'll be making some soon, especially for April's upcoming birthdays, and it's very simple to do."

Placing the blue bag on the table among the rest of the gifts for Riley, I promised we would open it an hour before everyone left. Leading Jarrod into the kitchen through the sliding door, I pulled his arm, and he laughed.

"Look, there's fairy bread, we don't have to make any!" I said excitedly, and he chuckled.

"I've missed you," he said warmly.

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