Chapter Fourteen

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Lisa glanced up at me, loosening her hold and a faint grin graced her features.

"Have you not moved on?" she questioned.

I shook my head vigorously, and she laughed.

"Wait, have you ever had a one-night-stand, Ashton? Because I know you haven't been dating," she asked with wide eyes.

A blush tinged my cheeks. "It's not your concern, Lisa," I replied.

She continued to laugh. "Oh my goodness, you really haven't, have you?" she probed, and I averted my gaze.

"I don't want to discuss this with you, Lisa. It's getting awkward," I said.

"Wow! That's why you're so tense! You need to have sex!" she whisper-yelled, slapping my shoulder.

"Lisa!" I exclaimed, surprised. I rubbed my shoulder to ease the pain she caused.

"You're both the same," she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Who?" I questioned.

"You and Mia," she slapped her hand across her  mouth.

"Fuck, I got carried away, sorry Ashton," she said.

  I sighed, I smiled inwardly thinking about Mia.  I was glad she hadn't moved on yet, it meant I had a chance somehow.

"We should go back," I said, clearing my throat, trying to avoid having the sex talk with my best friend's wife in a cramped space.

She nodded, linking arms with me, and led me back to the family room.

"Lisa?" I stopped suddenly in front of the room, halting us both.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I just want to apologize," I said.

"For everything."

She thoughtfully nodded and smiled. "Ashton, I know you are. You didn't have to say it," she squeezed my arm, and I nodded.

I shook my hand nervously when I pull opened the door and invited Lisa to go in first. I watched as she walked in and smiled up at me. "Thanks, you big buffoon."

I followed her inside and looked around the room. Jarrod had been pacing back and forth at the far end of the room, while my parents were chatting with Mia's grandparents as they fawned over April.

Jarrod looked up at us, then returned to pacing again.

I headed towards him as the parents watched on warily.

"Jarrod, look man, I just want to say I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I was an asshole. I'm sorry for everything," I sighed as I watched him pace the room.

He stopped and looked up. "I can't keep doing this for you bro, you're wearing me thin! I have stuck by you all these years and still haven't managed to pull you out bro. I'm your best friend fucken hell I'm your damn brother and you won't let me in, for fuck sakes!" He started pacing again.

"I know, I'm sorry bro, I'm going to try this time because I've got something to lose Jarrod, my son," I said not knowing what to say anymore as he continued to pace.

Lisa walked up, only touching the side of his arms, I watched as he looked down at her and sighed. The look she gave him reminded me of Mia when she used to do that to me, and I'd instantly calm down.

"I'll be back," I said as I rushed out of the room and followed the signs to the emergency bay.

I wanted to hold my son. I smoothed my hair down and picked up the pace when I opened the curtain to find a nurse with long black hair different from the nurse from earlier.

"What are you doing? I asked as she dropped the needle back into the kidney tray, not looking at me.

"I was just flushing his line, ensuring it doesn't get blocked," she said.

I nodded, looking down at my sleeping son.

"Can you do that later, I want some time with my son, please," I asked her.

She nodded her head and gathered her tray, opening the curtain and walking around the curtain to avoid looking at me.

"What the hell?" I questioned as I watched her retreating figure feeling weird.

The contents in that syringe were still full, so she hadn't given it yet, but why did my skin crawl when she was near us. I shook off the feeling and lifted the covers, kicking my shoes off as I snuggled in to him.

He stretched like a cat and yawned. "I want mummy,"

I pushed his long curly hair behind his ear and smiled sadly at him. He was missing Mia.

"I'm sorry, son, mummy is a little sick at the moment the doctors are trying to make her better for us, okay?" I gently said.

"I miss mummy, why can't she come and get me? It's late now," he said.

I pulled the hospital blanket over us and lay down next to him.

"Daddy will be with you for the moment, okay?" And he nodded, closing his eyes and leaning into me.

I watched as his breathing became lighter, and he was fast asleep again. I closed my eyes, holding him close to me.

"I love you, son," I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.

I don't know how long it had been, but I was awoken by a nurse with blonde hair. She stood there gently tapping my shoulder for a while.

"Excuse me, sir," she said as she waited for me to respond.

My heavy eyelids opened up, and I looked at her rubbing my eyes.

"Hi there, dad," she said. I looked around for my son, who had been sitting up in the chair eating some hospital food.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I must've drifted off," I sleepily said.

"No, that's fine, I was just going to let you know that Riley here is ready to be discharged. His vitals are fine, and all his scans have come back as clear."

I nodded.

"Um, there was another nurse here earlier," I glanced down at my watch. It had only been an hour

"With black hair, I didn't see her face, but she was here  when my son was asleep trying to give him something in a syringe filled with something," I said.

She looked confused and pulled her computer toward her. Clicking the screen and checking notes.

"No, I've just come on, and his nurse earlier hadn't given him anything because he didn't need it. She has blonde hair also," she said.

I stared at her, my brows furrowed.

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