Chapter Eleven

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"Hello?" I responded.

"Ash, It's Mia," Jarrod cried.

"What!" I exclaimed, rising from my desk chair.

"She's been in an accident, please come!" He pleaded.

"Where?" I inquired.

"Royal Brisbane Women's hospital, you need to hurry, I don't think -" he choked.

"I'm on my way!" I assured him and hung up the phone.

Hurrying down the hall, I burst into my father's office.

"Dad, Mia's hurt. She's been in an accident," I rushed.

Dad sprang to his feet, and his gaze widened as he swiftly snatched his jacket. He quickly contacted his assistant to postpone his remaining appointments for the day owing to an urgent family matter. Additionally, he organized for the valet to fetch my car. With a forceful motion, he hung up the phone, and we hurried to the elevator together.

We hustled to the parking lot, seeing my car idling with anticipation. As I secured my seatbelt, I observed my father following suit.

"Step on it, son," he insisted, his tone filled with urgency. I didn't need a second prompt.

I accelerated into the flow of vehicles. The urban area was bustling, but luckily, the hospital facility was within reach. It was the heavy traffic during rush hour that concerned me most; I needed to get there and fast.

Time felt like it was dragging as I anxiously checked my watch every half a minute and glanced at the unending city inhabitants who, at this instant, carried on with their everyday routines while I waited anxiously at a red light.

"Dad, something's happened," I said, feeling the lump in my throat tighten.

"What's wrong, son?" My dad looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Jarrod called and said there was an accident, and I.." I paused, my emotions catching up to me.

"Is she okay? How serious was it?" He asked, concern evident in his tone.

"It was bad. Jarrod sounded really shaken up. We'll find out more once we're there," I disclosed.

He nodded, and as the traffic light changed to green, I maneuvered through the streets, ignoring the disapproving looks of onlookers at my driving skills, and made it to the hospital in a flash, parking in the emergency lane.

Rushing through the entrance, I hurried to the screening window and leaned in, my heart pounding.

"I'm here for my wife, who was just brought in after a car crash. Her name is Mia Callaghan," I said with urgency.

The staff pointed to the adjacent doors. I was joined by my father as we were guided by the personnel to a lounge, where the medical team would provide us with information.

As soon as the door swung open, a poignant scene unfolded before me: Jarrod cradling his daughter while Lisa wept into his embrace, Mia's grandparents Tom and Cally were seated opposite them, seeking solace in each other. Their sorrow was all-encompassing, rendering them oblivious to our presence.

My father discreetly cleared his throat, drawing their attention as he made his way toward Tom and Cally.

"Tom, I just heard the news. How are you holding up?" he inquired.

"Hey Billy, it's been unimaginable. One moment we're celebrating, the next we find ourselves here," he mused with a heavy heart, casting a weary gaze around the room before letting out a deep sigh.

They stood up to pull him into a hug, and I joined in, embracing everyone. They didn't ostracize me despite my past mistakes. I felt ashamed at first, but their lack of resentment comforted me.

Walking over to Jarrod, he handed his daughter to Lisa and approached me.

"Any news?" I asked.

He responded by pulling me into a tight embrace, and I offered reassurance. It was a shift in roles, with me comforting him for the first time.

I felt upset, yet I didn't consider it appropriate to shed tears, given that Mia's family hadn't wronged her as I had. I would have my private moment when I saw her.

"The doctor hasn't arrived yet. They said he'll be here shortly. We've been waiting for twenty minutes now," he informed.

"What's the matter? How did this occur?" I asked.

"They were struck on the side, swerved, and crashed into a barrier. It's serious, Ashton. It was intentional because the person who hit them fled," he wept.

"Who are they?" I questioned.

Jarrod shook his head and replied, "Clint, Brett, Joe, and Mia. We picked her up from the airport today."

I wanted to feel mad at him, but I couldn't. He had stayed in touch with Mia over the years, and it bothered me that he got to see her while I hadn't. However, I respected his commitment to her. If she asked him not to inform me, he wouldn't.

"Did they all get injured?" I inquired, trying to hold back my rage.

"Clint and Joe have minor wounds. Brett has broken ribs and a couple of bruises, but he'll pull through, but Mia bore the brunt of the collision," he detailed.

I touched my face, struggling to control my feelings. Please be okay, Mia, I hoped.

"How severe are her injuries?" I asked.

"Ashton, I saw the impact in my rearview mirror. Something feels suspicious. The car intentionally targeted them as if they knew who was in it. Who would want to harm her?" he murmured.

"I'm not sure, Jarrod. It's been five years since I last saw or heard from her. I couldn't say if she has enemies or not," I responded.

"Mia doesn't have enemies, Ashton. Why would she?" he retorted.

"I'm confused," I exhaled.

"Listen, a lot has occurred in Mia's life over the past five years. But enemies weren't part of her story. She was adored by everyone," he replied.

"I apologize, I'm just - I'm struggling with everything that's unfolding right now," I expressed.

"There's something else," he said, looking away. He looked at Lisa and then went rigid.

"What is it?" I asked.

I glanced in Lisa's direction, only to find her gazing at me with teary eyes. She mouthed the apologetic words, and it confirmed my suspicion that they were hiding something from me.

My father interrupted my contemplation by tapping my shoulder.

"I contacted your mother, son. She's on her way here," he informed me.

I nodded and exhaled heavily. My mother had a tendency to be dramatic; if she got wind of something wrong with Mia, she'd be wailing by now.

Out of nowhere, a sharp rap echoed through the room, prompting us to turn and catch sight of a towering gentleman sporting oversized spectacles.

"May I confirm if you are the Callaghan household?" he asked, scanning each of us before ushering in several other medical professionals.

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