Chapter Twenty Two

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Assisting Riley with getting dressed, I swiftly got myself ready, sliding into a pair of jeans and throwing on a cozy cardigan. Once prepared, we made our way to the lounge area where Lisa and Jarrod were already seated.

"We're off to Mia's place to grab a few items and sort through her suitcases that were left in the car," Jarrod announced.

I gave a nod and glanced at Riley, who was fixated on the TV, still showing his earlier cartoon.

"Sure thing, Riley and I will swing by the car yard first and then drop by the hospital to visit Mia and the boys," I responded.

"We'll make sure to stop by later today. Give us a ring if anything pops up," Lisa chimed in.

After exchanging hugs, they rose from their seats and made their way to the garage, slipping into their car and driving off.

We bid them farewell and gazed as they departed while waving from the driveway.

I strolled around the kitchen, arranging some snacks for Riley as I reflected on our eventful day together. Retrieving one of my old lunchboxes for work, I packed some fruit, a juice bottle, a water bottle, and a sandwich I had made earlier. I added a mix of chips and a jelly cup to fill the remaining space and closed it, tucking it under my arm as I switched off the TV and headed to the garage.

"Okay, buddy, I'll need some guidance on how to secure you in the seat, I'm still new at this," I grinned down at him.

"Dad, I got this. Watch," he exclaimed joyfully.

After I unlocked my car, he swiftly hopped into his seat, effortlessly securing his own seatbelt.

"You're quite the pro at that, son," I remarked.

He nodded with a chuckle.

"Yep, mummy thinks I can't handle it. She always does it for me," he disclosed.

"You're too intelligent for your own good," I teased.

I leaned in to double-check his secure position and inspected the sides. I gave his seatbelt a gentle tug and tapped his shoulder.

"Everything's cool. Are you set to roll?" I inquired.

He gave a silent nod and beamed at me.

"I'm all set!" He exclaimed joyfully.

I exited the garage and activated the remote to close it. After ensuring it shut completely, I backed out of the driveway and headed towards the highway.

While navigating the road, I utilized voice recognition to guide us to the car dealership. It took us approximately fifteen minutes to reach our destination. But traffic on the other hand, was a total different story.

To keep Riley entertained, I connected the radio to my Spotify using Bluetooth, and we enjoyed some of his favorite songs that he selected. Before long, we arrived at the car yard and parked in the designated area.

"Here we are, buddy. Let's go check out some cars," I told him.

As I glanced around, I noticed a black BMW parked nearby, the very same one that had been trailing me on the highway. I identified it by the license plate and recognized tp⁰he silhouette of the occupant inside, as the tinted windows prevented a clear view.

I extracted Riley from the vehicle and strolled into the car lot, stealing glances at the car through the window's reflection. Upon entering, a sales representative came up to us.

"Hello, do you have something in mind, or are you simply exploring?" He inquired.

"I'm just exploring at the moment, thank you," I replied, letting go of my son's hand to allow him to wander.

I passed by several cars, and each was not quite what I had in mind. None of them satisfied my search for something different. All of these cars were merely 'pleasant', but they didn't fit the bill.

I peered out the window at the sleek black BMW. It remained stationary, and there was no sign of anyone exiting the vehicle.

Am I simply overthinking? I pondered while leafing through a brochure featuring the latest car models. Monitoring the car intently, half-expecting someone to emerge at any moment.

I paused at a particular page when Riley indicated a car.

"Daddy, I like this one," he exclaimed, gazing up at me.

"Oh, really? Should I get it?" I inquired, receiving an enthusiastic nod in response.

"Yes! It's a big car," he exclaimed, with a wide grin.

Acknowledging the sales rep, who had already greeted me, I nodded in approval.

"Do you see something you fancy?" He inquired with enthusiasm.

I nodded in agreement, and Riley eagerly indicated the car in the brochure. It was a black Genesis GV80. A little hard on the bank account but nothing I couldn't handle.

"This one!" He exclaimed enthusiastically.

"I'd like it customized," I pointed out before he escorted us to his workstation.

As we settled down, I glanced back to catch sight of a woman emerging from the BMW. She slipped on her black shades and confidently made her way to the car lot. Tall in stature, sporting a stylish Bob cut, a summery dress, and heels. It was the middle of July, yet she seemed unaffected by the cold weather. Puzzled, I pondered her choice of attire as she sauntered toward the car lot.

When our eyes met, I noticed the gentleman gazing in the same direction I was. His grin was warm, and he proceeded to inquire about the additional features I desired for my new vehicle.

As I gestured towards the customized feature I desired, he sealed the deal with a firm handshake.

"I'll give you a call as soon as the car is ready for pick-up," he reassured.

"If anyone inquires about the car I just purchased, please refrain from sharing any details," I cautioned, observing the same woman pulling open the entrance.

He nodded, flashing me a reassuring smile. "Certainly, sir. I'll be in touch,"

I regrasped his hand and smiled, the tiny fingers of my son clasped around my own. A shiver crept up my spine as I watched this elegant stranger stride in, revealing her eyes as she removed her sunglasses. As she assessed me with a smirk, I experienced a strange mix of discomfort and curiosity.

"Leah!" Riley's voice broke the tension.

"Leah?" I gazed at my son, perplexed.

"Who's that?" I inquired, and he affirmed, releasing my hand to embrace the outstretched arms of the woman.

"Mummy's friend!," he smiled happily.

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