Chapter Nineteen

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"I've missed you so much," I whispered.

Bending down, I gently moved her hair away from her face as she lay with a tube in her mouth.

"Mia, you are as beautiful as the first day I laid eyes on you," I expressed to her.

Stepping back, I pressed a kiss on her head wrapped in bandages, where dried blood from the crash clung to strands of hair peeking out.

"Please, find your way back to us, for the sake of our son and me," I asked.

A teardrop rolled down her face, and I stared at the nurse in astonishment.

She gave me a reassuring nod, signifying that everything was ordinary.

"Just remember, she's aware of everything you tell her," she softly reminded.

I nodded, a tear escaping my own eye as I wiped away her single teardrop.

"You mean everything to me, Mia. You and our son are my top priority," I expressed.

I rested my head on the cushion, supporting her hand, and gently placed my arm around her.

Glancing at the clock, it read 7:45pm.

"I swear, I will find out who did this," I murmured softly.

I rose to my feet and planted another kiss on her forehead.

"I love you, Mia," I spoke earnestly.

Then, I faced the nurse and gestured my gratitude.

"Your dedication is valued by my family and me; please ensure she's well-cared for," I expressed before leaving through the exit.

I encountered Jarrod and Lisa in the waiting area, and together, we silently navigated our way back to the elevator. The journey back was soundless, with none of us uttering a single word, all of us feeling completely drained. As the elevator chimed, prompting us to depart, we stepped out and returned to the family room.

Amidst themselves, my folks and Mia's grandparents were seated. They noticed the expression on our faces and rose from their seats.

We didn't need to convey much, as they bade us farewell and assured us of meeting again the next day.

"Son, your mother and I will swing by before we head home, alright?" My father expressed.

I nodded and embraced him. He planted a gentle kiss on Riley's forehead and gently pushed aside the strands of hair that covered his eyes.

Jarrod and Lisa got going, and I trailed behind with my son cradled in my arms.

"I really need a seat!" I exclaimed.

Lisa gave a reassuring nod.

"Don't fret, my mum has one in the parking lot," she assured me.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Heading towards the exit, Lisa's mother parked beside my car, simplifying the task of transferring the seat into my vehicle.

"It's not suitable for kids yet, but I'll sort it out next week," I mentioned.

"You can always pass it on to me," Jarrod chuckled.

"Nah, this car is staying put in the shed," I responded.

"What a shame," he joked.

After Jarrod installed the seat in my car, he leaned over, placed Riley in it, and fastened his seatbelt.

"You'll need to pick up on that skill fast, Riley will show you," he said.

"Sure, how challenging could it possibly be," I casually shrugged.

"It's not challenging. It's just finicky," he remarked.

"Alright, I'll catch you at mine. I'll give Simon a call to join me there," I informed.

Jarrod saluted as he turned to bid goodbye to his peacefully sleeping daughter.

I started the car and dialed Simon's number, maneuvering the car in reverse as I drove away at a gradual pace.

"Hey Ashton," he said.

"Hey man, change of plans, I'll meet you at mine. There's been a lot that's happened tonight," I said.

"Sure, I'll make my way over there now," he stated.

"Alright," and I ended the call.

The drive on the highway was brief as there was minimal traffic. Usually, Brisbane faced heavy congestion during rush hour, but it was smooth sailing at the moment, allowing me to get home quickly. I adhered to the speed limit, being mindful of my responsibility as a parent.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, I saw my son fast asleep with his head tilted. It brought a smile to my face as he resembled me in my sleep. It brought a hearty chuckle.

It took twenty-five minutes for me, while Jarrod and Lisa followed closely to arrive at my house.

After opening the garage to park my car, Jarrod parked beside me, indicating he would spend the night.

Once settling Riley in my bed, the doorbell rang, signaling Simon's arrival. I left the bedroom and went to the lounge where Lisa was seated.

"Jarrod is letting Simon in," she informed me, and I nodded as I sat in my favorite recliner.

"Do you want some tea or coffee, Ash? I can make some for us," offered Lisa.

"Yeah, sure," I accepted.

Jarrod entered the lounge with Simon in tow.

"Hello Ashton," Simon stepped forward as I rose to greet him and gave him a friendly embrace.

"Hey, how's it going? Thanks for showing up, man," I replied.

"No problem, I'm sorry about Mia. How serious is it?" He inquired.

"It's pretty serious," Jarrod answered with a somber tone.

"Alright, give me the specifics," Simon expressed with gravity.

We proceeded to relay the details of Mia's accident and the severity of her injuries. When Lisa brang us out each, a coffee. At first, he put forth rational explanations for our hypotheses, but when I recounted the encounter with the nurse and how I stumbled upon her attempting to administer something to my son via syringe, his eyes widened. One, because my sudden revelation about having a son caught him off guard, and two, because hospitals were so chaotic that distinguishing between actual hospital staff and impostors was challenging.

He asked about getting footage at the hospital, gaining our consent, because Mia and I were still legally married and I was her next of kin, he wanted to open up a case so he could investigate whether Luciano had something to do with it.

He promised to see Luciano in prison and find out where his kids were. No one had heard or seen from them since they went underground. They were keeping tabs on Lucianos people in case they were smuggling or if his kids would come out of hiding.

"I'll look into the hospital footage tomorrow, and I'll grab the details regarding the car accident," Simon.

"Thanks, man. I really appreciate you doing this for us. As long as she isn't in any danger at the moment, we'll try to stay low," I said.

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