Chapter Twelve

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"That's us," Tom confirmed.

"I assume you're Nan and Pop?" And they both indicated agreement.

"I'm Brad Park, the primary surgeon overseeing our medical crew here, along with Dr. Johnson, Dr. Sim, and Dr. Atkins, as we offer our support to Mia during this period," he stated.

"What's going on, doc?" Tom asked, trying to hold back his tears.

"Mia has received numerous injuries, including some serious ones. She has a head injury from the accident, and we have detected bleeding in the brain. To assist in her recovery, we have put her into an induced coma, which means temporarily pausing Mia's bodily functions to allow the brain to recuperate without the body having to take drastic measures by restricting blood flow to the affected regions. Moreover, she has several fractures in her ribs and right leg," he described.

Upon hearing this, my spirits plummeted.

Lisa let out a gasp and then muffled sobs as she covered her mouth.

"I am sorry to say this, but we must proceed with the surgery immediately, and I need the consent of her husband, who is listed as the primary contact. She has a spleen tear that, if not treated promptly, could lead to future health problems. Time is of the essence," he informed me, handing over a set of documents for finalization and signature.

The weight of their stare bore down on me as I signed the papers. No one acknowledged the fact that we were no longer together, unsettling me. I followed the instructions and passed the documents back.

"Thank you, we will provide updates as soon as possible," he assured me before heading toward the door with his team.

As the door closed behind them, a few stifled sobs slipped out. I couldn't bring myself to turn around, as my own sobs were on the brink of breaking free.

After what seemed like an endless amount of crying and comforting each other as I lingered by myself in the corner, I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder and turned around to see Cally gazing up at me with teary eyes. Without saying a word, she reached for my hand and guided me out the door.

Glancing back, I noticed the others trailing behind, their pained expressions mirroring the turmoil in my heart. Silently, Cally led me to a spot in the emergency section where a nurse had just exited. Upon seeing us, the nurse nodded. As Cally drew open the curtain to one of the bays, I staggered back, taken aback by what lay before my eyes. Well, in this context, who.

There lay a young boy gazing at me with eyes the size of saucers joyfully playing with a toy dinosaur. Those were the very same eyes that had been staring at me for the past thirty years. It was like gazing at a younger reflection of myself. I glanced at Cally, who somberly nodded, and that's when the floodgates opened, and tears streamed down.

"Daddy?" He cocked his head in bewilderment as he gazed back at me.

"Daddy!" He exclaimed with delight, extending his little arms for me to embrace, and I did just that.

With tears streaming down my face, I gathered him into my embrace on the bed, feeling an overwhelming sense of ownership and love for my son. As he clung to me, I sought solace by burying my face in his neck, catching a scent that brought a blend of childhood innocence and sterile hospital surroundings to my senses.

"Are you okay?" I inquired, scanning for any signs of harm.

"No, where's mummy?" he questioned, tears welling up in his large eyes. Struggling to contain my emotions, I held him close, stifling my own sobs.

In the distance, my parents and others clung to one another, moved by a mix of feelings that washed over me.

I didn't even realise my mum had come. I thought she'd cause a scene by now. She always did. I was baffled by her calm demeanor.

"He's absolutely beautiful. He's a spitting image, like a little Ashton," my mother observed.

Confused at first, I soon had an epiphany.

"Did you know?" I interrogated my parents, who were evasive and avoided meeting my gaze.

"Ashton, it's not what you think. We did it in your best interests. You were in a difficult situation. We couldn't burden you with more issues when you were already under so much pressure," my father clarified.

Gently, I positioned my son on the bed and detected the anxiety in his eyes as my demeanor abruptly shifted.

"I'm feeling a bit agitated, kiddo. I'm sorry you had to witness that. How about I leave you with your Aunt Lisa for some company, while I have a discussion with the adults, alright?" I murmured.

He nodded, mustering a faint smile.

"I'll be back soon," I reassured him.

Closing the curtain behind me so my son couldn't observe me, I steered around the corner and marched off, keen to release my frustration in the family room.

Navigating through the winding corridors, I suddenly came across the glowing sign for the "family room" amid the hospital's bright lights. With determination, I seized the handle and entered, eager for some much-needed clarity.

Waiting in the remote corner of the room with my back facing the door, my fury grew with every passing moment. As the door clicked shut, I whirled around, consumed by rage.

"You all were aware, and not a single one of you had the decency to inform me about having a son, a son! For fucks sake!" I exclaimed, my hands making fervent gestures.

"Son -" my father tried to interject.

"No! Dad, he's a whole person! A child! My child!" I declared.

"Hey buddy, Mia didn't even realize she was pregnant until she was four months along. She was dying to tell you but just couldn't find the right moment. She was dealing with a lot, especially trying to move on from you. And don't even think about blaming her for this!" Jarrod interjected.

"You're my best mate, Jarrod! Out of all people, you didn't consider how it would impact me?! You don't have to repeat what I already understand! Do you think I wasn't in pain every single day after she left me? Huh?!" I retaliated.

"Who's to blame, you dumbass?!" He snapped, pushing a finger into my chest.

I swiped his hand away, stepping closer to him.

"Don't you dare try to pin this on me! I've endured so much, you know that! You've witnessed my struggles, and yet -" I hesitated.

I shoved him forcefully, making him stumble back, only for my father to catch him.

"I had no right to interfere, Ashton! That's how much I honor Mia! It stings, doesn't it?" He jeered.

I lunged at him, landing a punch on his jaw. As the hit connected, his head jerked back. Realizing I had struck him, anger flashed in his eyes.

He roughly grabbed my collar, delivering a punch to my face. The blood gushed from my nose, imparting a metallic tang in my mouth. He shoved me backward by the collar, causing me to stagger.

Tom held him back as my dad held restrained me. We both stood there exchanging hostile glares.

"How could all of you do this to me?" I yelled.

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