Chapter Twenty

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"The best course of action for Mia right now is to place uniforms outside her room. If that person found Riley, they could have access to Mia during nurse shift changes. Anything is possible," Simon stated.

"Only family members will be permitted to enter and exit her room. I will provide a list of approved individuals for the uniforms," Jarrod said, with Lisa agreeing.

I nodded in understanding. I felt somewhat relieved but had other urgent matters to attend to the following day. I needed to inform the parents of our suspicions, keep my son close at all times, take a couple weeks off work, visit Mia daily, and get to know my son better. That was my checklist.

I also had many questions for the nurses about Mia's condition, but I never had the chance to inquire fully. However, I did manage to get a brief idea of it.

"I will go to the station to get some uniforms and then we can go to the hospital to inform them about our plans. I will also retrieve the footage while I'm there," Simon said.

“Do you mind if I visit Mia?" he asked.

We all nodded.

"Yeah, go ahead. It's been a while since you last saw her," I replied.

He nodded and stood to say goodbye.

"We'll be in touch shortly, I'll see myself out. The three of you look exhausted and should get some rest," he remarked.

We observed him leaving through the corridor towards the main door and breathed a collective sigh when we heard it shut.

"Well, I'm going to bed," Jarrod announced, getting up and helping Lisa to her feet as she yawned.

"Alright, I'll wait for my parents. They should be arriving soon," I replied, standing up.

Jarrod and Lisa went into the guest room, closing the door behind them.

I turned on the TV and sat in my recliner, flicking through channels. It wasn't long before the doorbell rang once more. I saw Tom, Cally, and my parents on the camera and opened the door to let them in.

"Please come in," I said as they walked past me into the lounge.

"The house looks exactly as I remember it," Cally commented.

"I never got around to making changes," I replied.

"Would you like some tea or coffee?" I asked.

"No, thanks, son, we won't stay for long," my dad said.

Tom and Cally also shook their heads.

"It's okay, we'll grab dinner later. We just want to say goodbye to Riley before we leave," Cally said.

"Yeah, no problem, but I need you all to take a seat. There's something that has been bothering us about today's unfortunate events. I want to relay my thoughts to you all before you go," I said, sitting back into the recliner.

I waited for them al to be seated comfortably, watching as they looked at me in anticipation of what I was going to say.

"I wanted to bring up Mia's accident," I said.

"We think it was on purpose," I waited for their reactions, and to my surprise, only my mum and dad were taken aback. Tom and Cally remained stoic, worried for their granddaughter, but schooled their features.

"Tonight at the hospital, a nurse tried to give Riley some sort of an injection," I said.

"What?!" They all got up, but I raised my hand to settle them back down.

"I arrived just in time, but she managed to avoid me. I didn't get a good look at her face, but I questioned the nurse taking care of him. Surprisingly, she wasn't Riley's nurse, and there were no nurses fitting the description on duty," I explained.

"Could this be related to Luciano or his children?" Tom speculated, understanding my implication. It was like he already had a suspicion before we even thought of it. He knew they both did.

"We suspect it might involve his kids. I've informed Simon, and he's posting two uniforms outside Mia's room 24/7. No one can enter unless they're family."

"Jarrod has sent him a list via text. With our pictures," I added.

I observed them visibly relaxing, their shoulders easing in relief.

"I want to assure you that Simon will also receive the footage from tonight. He has connections at the hospital," I reassured them.

"Sure, if you need anything, just inform us," Tom said.

I nodded. "Do we have pajamas for Riley?" I asked Tom.

Cally got up and walked outside. I heard the car being unlocked in the driveway. I watched as she took a suitcase from the trunk and wheeled it into the house.

"I have everything Riley needs. His toys are at home, but he should be occupied with his mother," she said.

I thanked her for the suitcase and took them to the bedroom. All four of them quietly went in to kiss Riley goodnight.

"I'm deeply sorry for how things turned out, Ashton, if only we could've done better earlier," Tom said, patting my shoulder.

"Look, Tom, I'll be okay, and I'm glad I have a child, I'll definitely be the father he thinks me of," I replied.

After doing so, they left, and I walked them out, saying goodbye to each of them.
I walked around, locking the doors to the house. and then went into my bedroom. Riley had moved to my side of the bed from the center. I didn't want to move him in case I woke him up. So I left him there.

I got my pajamas. It had been a long day. It was only 8:55pm as I removed my watch and stepped into the shower.

I felt the hot water jet down forcefully onto my skin while tears flowed. I tried to stifle my sobs, thinking about Mia's current state. I missed her so much. It had been five years. I hadn't given up, and now, when I finally laid eyes on her, it was from a hospital bed; machines attached, and ventilators helping her breathe while she was in a coma.

After a while, I heard a faint knock at my door.

"Daddy?" My son's voice came from the other side.

I hastily got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me, and went to open the door. My son was standing there, looking up at me.

"I miss mummy," he said.

"I feel the same way. Let's go," I said as I lifted him, undressed him, and grabbed some fresh clothes.

"Would you like a cozy bath to help you relax?" I inquired.

He nodded, yawning sleepily.

I started the bubbling spa bath, added lavender soap, and swirled the water with my hand. After shaking off the bubbles, my son removed his underwear.

I carefully positioned him in the bath, scooping water and gently rinsing it over his shoulders.

"Feeling better now?" I inquired.

He nodded wearily. I proceeded to cleanse his body and hair, then ushered him out and enveloped him in a cozy towel from the cupboard.

Changing him into his pajamas, I laid him beneath the duvet and slipped into my own sleepwear.

With the day weighing heavily on me, I switched off the lights. Wrapping my arms around my son, I planted a kiss on his head as he nestled closer. Soon, I drifted into a peaceful slumber.

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