Chapter Nine

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"Mia, congratulations on your graduation!" Nan exclaimed ecstatically.

She embraced me in a side hug, with Riley on her hip clutching a bunch of flowers.

"Happy birthday, Mummy!" Riley beamed.

I pinched his cheeks and chuckled.

"It's not mummy's birthday, son. It's mummy's graduation."

I lifted him off Nan and hugged him. When Pop came around and drew me in for a hug, patting my back.

"I'm proud of you, baby," he declared.

"Thanks, Pop, it took me a while," I quipped. We both chuckled as Lisa appeared between us.

"Congratulations, Mia!" Lisa interjected, beaming. She wrapped me into a tight hug.

"Where's your friend?" She inquired, scanning the area.

"She left two months ago. She had to travel to her home country. Apparently, a family member passed away," I responded.

Lisa looked at me skeptically.

"Okay, so what about her studies? Did she defer?" she pressed.

I nodded, smiling at her.

"She said she would come back later next year."

She nodded, her expression cool.
"Well, be sure to give her my condolences," Lisa said with concern.

"I will," I said happily when she interjected.

"Because I saw her in Brisbane city last month," she stated casually.

My brow furrowed as I looked at her.

"Yeah, a few of us were heading to one of Jarrod's games when I spotted her. She said she had to come up to Brisbane for placement catch up," she shrugged.

"Oh, she probably has a lot to catch up on since she's deferring. She did mention she had one last placement before she left," I said.

"She was loving the hospital. She worked at the PA Hospital for a couple of weeks, then went to QEII for the second two. She's on an ED placement, so exciting!" She looked at me with excitement.

"I'm glad she's keeping up with her practical side of things it'll be easier when she comes back after deferring," I replied.

"She was telling me she wants to be a part of the ED team but also wants to do mental health," she replied.

I smiled at Lisa. She had made an effort to be a friend, one of the people who had been there for me. Especially when I needed someone to lean on.

"She will make a wonderful nurse, I can't wait until her graduation," I grinned.

"Alright! Photo time!" she announced, clapping her hands.

She wanted photos, I didn't feel like photos, but I needed some memories of us to put in my new house.

"Let's take the photos," I sighed.

We took numerous photos of me with everyone. Jarrod didn't show up, although Lisa video called him during my time on the stage. I could hear him cheering for me. It was one of my proudest moments. I couldn't help but laugh when I had to pose for a photo with the Minister of Health.

"I'm so excited!" Lisa exclaimed.

"I am too," I replied, matching her excitement.

"Well, shall we get going? Everything's packed and ready to go," She grinned.

I nodded, and we headed to the airport. The house had been emptied, and everything was packed into the truck two weeks ago. Lisa had managed the interior of my new house. I was ready for a new life.

I had put my house on the sales list through the real estate agent, and my car was being towed. It was all happening today!

Lisa had been rushing me ever since she found out I got into the academy a few months ago. I was starting in a couple of weeks, so it gave me time to settle in and speak to Ashton's parents. I dreaded it, but it needed to be done.

I didn't know how I was going to handle meeting Ashton, though. It had to happen somehow, and I was nervous and scared about his reaction to our son. I had practiced a speech for the past two weeks, and as the days got closer, the butterflies attacked me relentlessly.

Once we arrived at Canberra Airport, we loaded all five of my suitcases onto a trolley. Riley had gone with Pop to get a smoothie, while Nan, Lisa, and I went to check in my luggage.

I paid for the excess weight beyond the 20kg limit and headed toward the boost bar where my son and Pop were.

"I'm starving," Lisa groaned.

"Let's get something to eat then, my dear. We've got an hour before our flight," Nan suggested, patting Lisa's back.

"Nan, you go ahead, I've already had lunch. I'm going to join Pop and Riley," I replied with a smile.

"Alright, love." She said.

They walked off to the nearest food bar and lined up to order their meals.

I came to a sudden halt and glanced around, sensing the presence of someone observing me. I spotted a person in black maneuvering through a group, seemingly keeping an eye on me. As I attempted to follow their gaze, I moved forward and accidentally collided with a tall man with a disheveled beard and gray eyes.

"Apologies," I said as he extended a hand to help me up off the floor.

"No problem," he replied with a chuckle.

As I carried on, I looked around but didn't see any sign of the person wearing black.

I hurried over to where Pop and Riley were, being careful not to startle them as they appeared content. I nestled into Riley's neck, and he suddenly flinched.

"Mummy, you scared me, naughty mummy," he said, attempting to shield his neck from me.

I laughed and tickled him, planting kisses on his cheeks.

"Aww, mummy loves you so much. I couldn't help it," I laughed. The feeling of fear slowly dissipated as I held my son closer.

Pop handed me a mango sorbet, and I accepted it with gratitude.

"I got your favorite, dear."

"Thanks, Pop, you're the best," I said.

Nan and Lisa finished their meals and joined us at the boost bar. We sat for a while, catching up when the announcement for our flight came through the speakers. I wanted to tell Lisa, but I didn't want to alarm them. I'll let her know when we land.

"Well, time to make a move, children," Nan announced.

"Yeah!, we're catching a flight," Riley exclaimed, raising his arm and giving it an enthusiastic pump. With some assistance from Nan and Pops, he leaped off the stool and dashed ahead of us. I observed as Pop caught up, lifting him up and tossing him in the air. It was a heartwarming moment.

"Tickets?" inquired the flight attendant. I passed over my ticket, and she grinned.

"Just proceed down that way. You'll be guided to your seats."

Riley and Pop strolled hand in hand with Nan on his other side while Lisa and I followed behind them.

"I can't wait to have you around all the time. I'll definitely be at your place every day. You can bet on it," she beamed.

"Just don't be offended if I don't answer the door in the early mornings," I teased. She playfully slapped my shoulder and laughed.

"This is it, Mia. we're heading back home," she linked her hand with mine, swaying happily.

Yes, this was the moment. But why do I have a funny feeling that someone is watching me.

"Lisa, I think -" I was cut off by Riley.

"Mummy look, there's so many planes!," he shouted excitedly.

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