Chapter Seventeen

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He removed his scrub hat and held it in his hands before speaking up.

"Apologies for the interruption, but I have some good news. We have successfully repaired the tear in Mia's spleen, and the medical team has placed a cast on her leg," Dr. Park announced.

"Can we go in to see her?" I inquired, glancing at my son, who was silently pleading with me.

"Sure, but please be aware that she was in a car accident and has bandages and casts all over her body, so your son might be upset seeing her like that," he answered.

I agreed and turned to him.

"Riley, remember when I told you that mummy is very ill? Well, she has a lot of injuries, and the doctors put bandages on them. Now we need to give her lots of kisses to help her get better," I explained.

Lisa glanced at me, tears filling her eyes. She subtly gestured approval with her thumb, bringing a smile to Jarrod's face.

"You have a talent for this," Jarrod complimented.

I turned to the doctor and nodded.

"My son is eager to visit his mother. If we don't see her soon, he might not want to leave," I expressed.

Dr. Park smiled and nodded.

"Absolutely, I'll take in a group of four first. There are several machines and tubes, so having fewer people inside will make it easier for the nurses to work," he explained.

"No problem," I reassured.

Tom and Cally gave us an affirmative gesture.

"We'll hold the fort. You go ahead, and then you can bring Riley back home. It'll be his bedtime soon," Cally offered.

I signaled my agreement and accompanied Dr. Park and his colleagues down the corridors to reach an elevator.

Once in the elevator, Jarrod, Lisa, and I stood off to one side of the elevator with Riley in my arms. Riley looked at me and frowned.

"Who hurt you, Daddy?" He questioned, looking at my shirt.

Jarrod cleared his throat and averted his eyes.

"Well, daddy wasn't watching where he was going and walked into the wall," I said, avoiding eye contact.

"You didn't fight with Uncle Jawa, did you?" He asked, looking at me.

Jarrod chuckled and pinched his cheek.

"You're too smart for your own good young man."

"I can see you're hurt too uncle, you can't lie to me, mummy said it's bad to lie," he said pointedly.

The chuckles across from us made me chuckle.

"Sorry son, I guess mummy's right," I said, embarrassed.

"Don't fight, Daddy, then you'll be sick like mummy," he said, teary-eyed.

I nodded and hugged him a little tighter.

"I'm sorry, son, I won't do it again."

"Awwww, why are you such a gentleman? Maybe Uncle Jawa and Daddy need to learn from you, huh?" Lisa interjected.

Jarrod snorted, and I laughed along with the doctors.

"He's definitely being raised right," Dr. Park said, smiling at Riley.

"Yeah, his mum has done an amazing job," I said.

The elevator chimed, and Dr. Park and his crew exited, taking the lead. We were guided down to the ICU.

I observed as they slid their cards into the scanners and the entrances parted. My pulse quickened as we approached Mia. No one uttered a single word as Dr. Park conversed with his associates in intricate medical terminology.

Just as we approached a chamber, a nurse gave a nod, unlatching the door to expose Mia with tubes in her mouth.

The beeping of machines and the gentle hum of Mia's ventilator nearly caused me to lose my balance.

"Mum?" Riley struggled to speak as we walked in.

He squirmed out of my grasp and rushed to his mother.

Tears streamed down my face as I witnessed the touching moment. My son reached out to hold his mother's hand, his little fingers barely reaching.

"Don't worry, mum," he whispered as tears rolled down his face.

"I can make you all better," he cried quietly.

Tears spilled in all directions. Dr. Park turned his eyes away, gazing elsewhere, and the room fell silent as only Riley's sniffling filled the air.

I turned to see the nurse had tears flowing down her cheeks as she discreetly brushed them off, attempting to keep preparing IV bags.

Jarrod embraced Lisa as she quietly cried, watching Riley crumble.

I approached, taking hold of Riley to guide him to look at Mia's face. He repeatedly kissed his hand and placed it all over her body.

"Dad, I really need you," he pleaded.

Jarrod joined Lisa and replicated the ritual with them. Kissing their palms and pressing them against Mia.

The nurse adjusted the bed, allowing Riley to get a good look at her as he maneuvered down off me, leaving kisses along the way.

I held her hand, planting gentle kisses on it as tears streamed down my face. I offered silent prayers for her recovery.

"I love you, mummy. Can you hear me? Please, get well," he wept.

Riley swiveled, observing as I delicately returned Mia's hand to the bed before bending and enveloping my neck with his arms while he wailed. He nestled into me, unable to look at his mother, all battered and bruised.

The nurse brought over a chair, and I settled into it, cradling my son.

"Mummy!" He wailed.

"It's all right, my son," I consoled him, patting his back.

"She's not waking up," he lamented.

I arose to take him out, but he adamantly refused.

"No, I want to stay with mummy!" He bawled.

"I understand, my son, but she needs to rest to recuperate," I explained.

I observed as families and healthcare workers paused to cast sympathetic glances towards us. The expression of concern in their eyes for my son brought tears to my eyes. The families seated beside their beloved ones held their hands in solemn silence, begging God for their recovery. It seemed to me that we were all sharing the same sentiment in that moment.

I guided my son out of the room, embracing him tightly. Dr. Park gestured towards the exit and indicated the way to the waiting room. I expressed my gratitude with a glance and made my way to the farthest corner, where families uttered their sympathy for my current predicament.

Tears streamed down our faces as we sobbed together. I comforted him with gentle pats until he drifted into a slumber nestled in my embrace. Half an hour went by as he lay in my arms, snoozing comfortably.

Jarrod and Lisa emerged with their bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair, drawing gazes from everyone.

After a brief pause, Jarrod took Riley from me abruptly.

"Go check on Mia, take some time with her, and then we'll leave."

Agreeing with a nod, I straightened my clothes and rose. Lisa offered a faint smile, and they both observed as I made my way back into the intensive care unit.

I gazed from the doorway, observing the nurses as they put up IV bags. Adjusting the settings on her IV medications for the next dose, I glanced at my shaking hands. As the nurses noticed me, they gestured for me to enter.

I walked in and took a seat next to her bed, holding her hand in mine and giving a gentle squeeze.

"Hey princess," I softly greeted.

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