Chapter Twenty Three

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She stooped down and enveloped him in a tight embrace, both of them wearing wide smiles. The affection Riley had for her was palpable, but I couldn't shake the unsettling vibe. I was unsure about my feelings towards her.

"Hey," her voice seemed pitched a bit too high.

I observed her features: hazel eyes, plump lips, and a tan from the Brisbane's sun.

I gestured towards her. As she rose with Riley in her arms, she approached me with an extended hand.

"I'm Leah, a close friend of Mia's," she introduced herself.

I grasped her hand and gave it a brief shake. Her grip lingered slightly as I disengaged.

"I'm his dad," I replied.

I outstretched my arms to Riley, who beamed and embraced me.

"Okay, dad, do you have a name, or is it just dad?" She laughed.

"It's Ashton," I said, looking at her with a blank expression.

"How did you know I was here?" Riley asked while playing with her hair. 

Glancing over my shoulder, she directed her gaze at the man who had assisted me a moment ago.

"This is George, a buddy of mine. I'm here to take him out for lunch," she cheerfully responded.

I pivoted to get a good look at him, stealing a glance at his name tag. George, huh? He strutted past me and embraced her.

"Hey, sweetheart!" his entire manner had shifted.

The somber businessman had morphed into a vivacious showgirl from a risqué bar. His voice had a different pitch when serving me. It caught me by surprise. Was he gay? I pondered.

"Oh, he's your friend too? You have heaps of friends, Leah," Riley exclaimed.

"I thought you followed us here," he asked.

"I didn't know you were here!" She replied, squeezing his cheeks.

He giggled while in my arms, I felt a little uncomfortable with how close she was standing to me.

"How's Mia?," she questioned.

"She's doing well," I replied.

Riley exchanged a puzzled glance with me, and I motioned for him to remain silent. I was vigilant, unable to confide in her; my trust was reserved solely for close relatives and friends.

"That's great. When you see her next, pass on my congratulations for graduating, and let her know I'm in the area," she said.

I bade farewell with a nod, and she approached Riley and planted a kiss on his cheek. A pleasant scent reached me, and I turned my head away. As she stepped back, she waved at Riley, who returned the gesture cheerfully. It was the same fragrance Mia favored. It brought back memories.

As I walked towards the door, I noticed her checking me out as I caught her reflection in the glass doors. Relentless. I thought.

We set off for the hospital in my car, navigating through the city's traffic, which was sure to be maddening this morning. I thought about Leah as I drove. When did they meet? How long has she known Mia? Why do I get the feeling I've seen her before? I just can't put my finger on it!

I skillfully guided the car through the city and found a spot in the paid parking area. It was 10 am. Visiting hours for the ICU ward.

I unstrapped Riley from his car seat and grabbed his lunchbox. As we made our way into the hospital, I looked around astonished. It resembled a small shopping complex, with people milling about, shops, cafes, and continuing up to the second floor.

Looking for directions to the ICU, I approached the information desk. The lady behind it directed me to use the green elevator to go to the fifth floor.

After discovering the concealed elevator close to the escalators behind a newsstand, it felt as though I was navigating an old maze. When we reached the corridor, we observed a large group of people making their way to the ICU. Although I considered using the stairs, it seemed pointless, as there were also people ascending and descending them.

As the doors to our designated floor slid open, we entered the lift along with nine other passengers, feeling quite cramped in the company of others.

Striving to avoid contact, I offered apologies to the gentleman beside me, my broader frame making it challenging to evade touching shoulders in the crowded elevator.

Supporting Riley on my arm, we waited for our floor to come, eager for relief from the cramped space. When the elevator chimed and a few people got off, we were finally able to breathe, and I let out a sigh of relief.

An elderly woman in a wheelchair remarked, "He's the very picture of handsomeness," as she admired Riley. He returned her gaze with a happy wave and a smile.

"You're handsome yourself," he replied.

I couldn't help but chuckle, and the woman did, too.

"No one has ever called me handsome before, young man," she said.

Riley looked at me with a puzzled expression, and I struggled to hold back my laughter.

"The term 'handsome' is typically used for males, while 'beautiful' or 'pretty' is used for females," I attempted to clarify.

He nodded contemplatively. "Sorry, but you look beautiful today with that pretty hat," he gestured at her acubra adorned with an assortment of colorful bottle caps and what seemed to be scout badges lingering by a thread.

She smiled at him and thanked him for his compliment as we got off on the fifth floor and moved towards the reception desk.

"Hello, I'm here to see Mia Callaghan," I announced.

"Hi there. Can I get your name and some form of identification, please?" she questioned.

I nodded and placed Riley down to fetch my wallet. I gave her my driver's license, and she nodded before returning it to me.

"Just proceed down the hallway, take a right, and Mia's room will be the first on your left," she said with a smile.

"Thank you," I replied. It was reassuring that they were thorough with ID checks. As I approached the room, a uniformed police officer intercepted me.

"May I see your ID?" he asked, and I complied by presenting my license. He checked my name and nodded.

"Thank you," he said, stepping aside to allow my entry into her room.

I entered to find Mia lying peacefully, surrounded by the sounds of beeping machines and the humming of the ventilator with each breath.

"Good morning," the nurse greeted cheerfully.

"Morning," I smiled in return.

She attended to Mia at the back, emptying the catheter bag and measuring its contents. I nodded as she left to dispose of them.

"Good morning, Mia," I greeted as Riley looked at her with sadness.

"Morning mummy, can you lift me up, I want to give her kisses," he requested.

I lifted him and placed him over Mia. He gently touched her cheek and gave a sad smile before kissing her on the head.

"You look beautiful, mummy,'" he smiled sadly, looking at her.

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