Chapter 2.1

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Batman stepped out of the batmobile, walking across the stone ground. There were some training areas to his right, and an armory to his left, but he went to the large computer system ahead of him. He took the cowl off of his black armored suit, the pieces of the helmet expanding to allow him to do so.

Bruce Wayne's black hair was short and sweaty, and his blue eyes were cold from the horrors of Gotham as he placed his helmet on the table and sat down, typing away on the bat computer.


A few hours had passed--it was now into the early morning--before he went upstairs, an exhausted look on his face as he walked out of the armory area, wearing a black turtleneck and pants. He walked between the training mats and the computer, up the large arcing staircase and into the mansion.

When he reached the living room he saw the TV was playing a Star Wars movie and the couch was occupied by two people. Selina Kyle was laid back in the couch, a young boy tucked into her right arm.

Bruce walked around the couch, placing a blanket over the two and kissing his wife's head.

"Dad?" Thomas had stirred awake as Bruce straightened up. He put his hand on his son's head, ruffling his hair.

"Hey, little bird. Go back to sleep."

Thomas yawned, snuggling back into his mother. "Goodnight, Dad."

Bruce smiled smally before walking away, cursing himself for missing yet another family night.


In the morning, Cassandra Cain was waiting in the line of a coffee shop. Her jaw-length black hair and small build covered by a denim jacket made it easy for her to get lost in the line of people waiting for their coffee.

Other people were standing near the counter, waiting for their orders, and others were sat at the tables with books and laptops and phones. Some were alone, and others were with friends. Cass was with her adoptive brother Thomas Wayne.

He wasn't much shorter, but his hands were in the pockets of his fleece hoodie, a red R over his chest on his left side. He bounced up and down off the balls of his feet, looking through the glass window at the different pastries and baked goods at his fingertips.

"You decide what you want?" Cass asked.

He turned around, looking up at his sister, "Yeah, I want my usual."

Cass nodded with a smile, "Alright." She turned to the barista and ordered: "Can I get a medium hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, kid's temp. A blueberry muffin, a banana bread, and a large white chocolate mocha."

"That'll be 19.50," The barista said.

"Keep the change," Cass set down a twenty as she walked away, Thomas following her. They walked the streets of Gotham with their coffee, enjoying the morning air.

"What are we going to do today?" Thomas asked.

"What do you want to do?" Cass returned.

"I wanna go visit Barbara at the library. And can we invite Jason?"

"Of course, Tommy."

Bruce was down in the cave again, wearing jeans and a black turtle neck as he sat at the computer. Alfred walked up behind him, a tray of coffee in his hands, "finding anything, Master Bruce?"

"Something's stirring. Joker's working on something. Dent tried to get in the way and they shut him down. Harley's organizing the men, too. I don't know what they're planning, but I don't like it."

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