Chapter 8.1

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Thomas Wayne stood in Barbara's apartment in the Gotham Clocktower. He wore his suit, the mask off showing the emerald eyes identical to Selina Kyle's. He walked through the halls, hitting the button to the secret room where Oracle operated from.

Thomas tapped his ear, "Lucius, are you there?"

"Thomas, where have you been? You've been missing for a week," Lucius said, walking through the R&D department.

"I know, I'm okay now. I need your help. The cloudburst. We need it up and running again. I'm working on an antedote to the virus."

Thomas sat down at the computer, typing on the keyboard as he looked for the files he needed. "The cloudburst, we stopped it because it could be used to spread a bio-weapon."

"That's why it's perfect. We use it to disperse the cure. I've got a sample, and I'm reverse engineering the compound, now."

Lucius stopped, looking at blueprints in front of him on a worktable, "you have a sample? You mean, you are the sample."

"Which is why you're my contigency. If the time comes, activate the Injustice protocal. Shut me down."

"I... I can't."

"Lucius, please. The voices are so loud. It's already hard to stay on top of it. And the fight hasn't even begun. I need you to promise me."

"I... I promise."

"Thank you, Lucius. I'm sending the files soon."

Thomas removed his left glove, holding up a syringe. He stuck it into a vein on his wrist and drew his own blood before inputting it into a disk that the computer analyzed. With his glove back on, he started to dicipher the compound. "See, I never needed high school chemistry," He mumbled, continuing the process.


It was early morning at the Manor when Jason was woken up by a ringing. He slept in Thomas' bed, pulled under the cover. But he groggily pushed himself up, reaching into his pocket for his phone.

His eyes widened as he read the caller ID, answering the phone as fast as possible. "Thomas?" He asked.

"Jason, I need your help. I'm at Barbara's. The Joker had me, I barely escaped. Please come get me, I'm scared. I don't know what to do."

As Thomas spoke, the man on the other side of the line smiled. The Joker stood there, holding the phone to his ear as he spoke into a voice changer. "....I don't know what to do."


Gordon was in his office at GCPD. Bullock sat on the other side of his desk. "What I want to know," Harvey said, "is where the other Bat-brats are?"

Gordon was looking over a map of the city, marking hot spots, "I don't know. They've been gone for a long time. Batman, too. I don't think any of them are coming back. All we have is Nightwing."

Bullock threw his hat on the table, "Damn it. I know he's good, but these wackos are going crazy. Half the city is overrun, all we have left is downtown. The safe zones are overflowing, buildings are being destroyed, gangs are taking territory. Even when these nutjobs are dealt with, we're fighting a losing battle. We need the big guns. We need military support."

Gordon sighed, "I know. But the army says they can't deploy anyone until they know what's out there. And they won't risk a recon mission, the last plane was shot down. They can't even send supplies."

"Jim, we're being overrun."

"I know, Harvey. But Nightwing sent word earlier today, he's close to an antedote. Once we get the tetch virus dealt with, then we can start reclaiming land."

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