Chapter 12.1

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Nightwing walked into Barbara Gordon's apartment with Jason, "how do you know about this place?"

Thomas though of a quick lie: "I work closely with the commissioner, once he invited me to have dinner with him and his daughter, she lives here."

Jason nodded, "oh, okay."

"Here, sit down on the couch, get comfy. I've got to go to the safe haven and get Thomas."

"Why can't I come with?"

"It's a long story, but I think that a lot of people would get angry if you were there."

Jason nodded, "here. Take these. I don't need them. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. Not this time."

"It wasn't your fault," Nightwing said, taking Jason's twin pistols. "We'll talk when I get back."

Nightwing left, trying to shake how weird Jason was acting. It was the first time he's seen him in seven years, shouldn't he be more... happy? No, it's just the drugs.

Nightwing opted for his motorcycle this time. It was early morning when he pulled up to the Safe Haven for the people who couldn't get out of the city, the people who wanted safety.

It was a U-shaped brick building, five stories tall with an open courtyard in the middle. Around it was an iron and concrete gate, manned by police with guns.

The gate opened for Nightwing, who drove his bike up to the green command tent the cops set up.

He hopped off of his bike, walking into the tent. Lucius, Gordon, Harvey, and another female detective by the name of Montoya were there. Along with the SWAT captain: Cole.

They all addressed him as he walked up, "good to see you up, James."

"You as well, what the hell happened to you?" James asked.

Nightwing crossed his arms, "had a fight with one of Joker's generals. The Arkham Knight."

Harvey gave his two cents: "Not a bad name."

"Anyways," Nightwing grabbed the attention, "all we have left to do is take out Joker. Then we can start clean up. Lucius, where are you with the cure? Is it ready for the cloudburst?"

Lucius stammered, looking at the metal box on the table, "it's all ready. We have enough to disperse across the city."

"Why does it sound like there's a 'but' at the end of that sentence?" Montoya asked.

Lucius looked around at everyone, "I don't have the cloudburst."

"What?" Thomas asked, a glare starting to crease his brow.

"In the chaos at the R&D department, I think the Joker took it. I was panicked, and stressed, and tired, and it slipped my mind. I remember him saying what he was gonna do with it."

Cole added in, "what's a Cloudburst?"

Nightwing looked at him, "a device that can be used to spread a chemical agent over the entire city. Wayne Enterprises was developing it to be used in countries where they could widespread a cure for a disease. Then they realized the potential use it had for war-purposes and they stopped development."

Lucius nodded, "and I believe that Joker wants to use it to spread a virus. Whether it be the Tetch Virus or something else entirely. Our purposes were to spread a vaccine. And now I'm afraid we're living the worst nightmare of this project."

It was silent until James spoke up, "how does it work? Is there a way we can stop it?"

"We'd have to have it in front of us. The implemented security issues were designed to shield from remote interference. If a government, or an army wanted to stop it, they wouldn't be able to."

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