The Jingle // Part One

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"Alright pusface?" Jonny called out as he sauntered across the road, Violet in tow, having gotten a lift from him once again this week.

Adam immediately shushed him as Violet finally caught up to Jonny.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking at him peer through his parents window.

"Come here!" Adam insisted waving the two over.

"What?" Jonny asked as he got closer.

Violet trailed behind him, trying to readjust her skirt as she did so.

"Come on, quickly." Adam hurried them over.

"What are you looking at?" Violet asked, rolling her eyes.

Jonny and Violet joined Adam at the window to see Martin stood topless.

"Dad's got no top on, he never has a top on," Jonny stated dismissively, leaving to go inside.

"Yeah but," Adam grabbed him and dragged him back to take a proper look at what Martin was doing.

"Shit." Jonny said.

"What?" Violet asked trying to get a look.

"Uh don't think you should V" Jonny said, pulling her closer to him, putting one of his hand over her eyes.

Thankfully, because she couldn't see, she missed the rude hand gestures Adam was making because of how close her and Jonny were, but she did hear Jonny tell Adam to 'piss off' so she knew something was happening.

"Why can't I look?" She whined, trying to claw Jonny's hand off her face.

She was promptly ignored as Adam turned back to Jonny.

"He's been doing that for ages, he keep on looking and looking."

"Looking at what?" Violet interjected, but was once again ignored.

"Why's he looking at his...?" Jonny trailed off so Violet still didn't know what it was Martin was doing.

"I don't know, it's not good though, is it?" Adam responded, "I mean it's funny, but it isn't good."

"If your not gonna tell me what's going on can I at least go inside?" Violet asked trying to make her way to the door, her head still pinned to Jonny's chest.

"No otherwise they'll know we're here!" He stated dragging her back by the waist, receiving yet another look from Adam for doing so.

"Definitely not good though" Jonny continued his conversation with Adam, choosing to now ignore Violets sighs of annoyance.

"Woahhh!" Jonny and Adam said in sync.

"A magnifying glass?" Jonny continued.

"That's a new development" Adam added.

"Why does he need it magnified?"

"I really don't wanna know."

"So what this just means it's very... small?"

"Or very... thin?"



"What are you two..." Violet was cut off by the two boys ducking down out of sight of the windows, her being dragged down with them as Jackie entered the room.

The two boys slowly slid back up again, leaving Violet crouched on the floor, still with her eyes covered.

"What they saying?" Jonny asked.

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