The New Car // Part Two

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Violet sat in the front seat of Jonny's car as he took them out for the 'family spin' he'd been promising all evening.

It had been extremely awkward before they'd left the house and the energy had not changed since getting into the car.

His family had refused to sit in the front with him, Martin being the only one willing to before being pulled into the back seat by Jackie.

"So here's our new office." Jonny announced meekly as he pulled up outside a building that matched his car.

"Marvellous." Jackie responded, staring out the window the wrong way.

"Aren't you going to look?" Jonny, looked back at his mum expectedly.

"I don't want to look."

"Why not?"

"I told you why not. I thought you'd worked for this car, not.."

"Shagged for it?" Adam interjected.

"Yes, shagged for it, thank you, Adam."

"My pleasure, Mother."

"I can't believe you pretended to be me on the phone." Jonny groaned.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sexy Bum." Adam responses snarkily.

"Will you please stop saying that?!" Jonny exploded.

"All right, keep your thong on." Adam chuckled, earning a punch off Jonny.

"Jonny?" Martin included himself in the conversation.


"Does your office have a fax machine?" He was ignored as Jackie started asking more questions.

"And how old is this Liz woman anyway?"

"Bit older, I suppose." Jonny shrugged.

"25? 26?"

"Maybe older."

"30? 31?"

"Um..." Jonny stuttered.

"31?! That's practically a grandmother." Adam exclaimed, laughing when Violet turned around in her seat to face him, pointing upwards to indicate that Jonny's new girlfriend was even older than that.

"Very nice!" Jackie sighed sarcastically.

"Shit! What's she doing here?" Jonny started panicking as an older lady stepped out the office.

"Oh, my God! Is that?" Adam grinned.


"It's Liz, isn't it? She is definitely older than 31." Adam didn't bother to hide the enjoyment in his life as Violet grinned.

"Told you," She smirked, winking at Jonny.

"We're not staying here." Jonny frantically tried to start the car once more.

"Oh, yes, we are!" Adam leaned forward pulling up the handbrake.

"Get off!" Jonny desperately tried to get Adam off the handbrake but was unsuccessful.

"Adam!" Jackie scolded.

"What are you doing, you morons?!" Martin asked, Violet being the only one to notice Liz walking over to the car.

"Uh Pissface, your cougars here." She nudged Jonny, pointing towards the car window.

"Hello, Elizabeth." Jonny rolled the window down, smiling awkwardly.

"Hi, Jonny." She smiled back, her eyes softening as they made eye contact.

"How's work?" Jonny asked, trying to silently tell her that he wanted to keep the conversation professional.

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