The Yoghurts // Part One

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Violet sighed, rushing to the door. Her mum had started asking her a ton of questions just as she left the house, making her late.

She rung the doorbell a couple times, flinching slightly as it was swung open by Adam.

"Come on! Pissface is about to dance with Grandma!" He exclaimed, running into the kitchen.

"What?" She called through, frowning as she shut the door behind her, hanging up her jacket before rushing to the kitchen.

"Is this loud enough?" Martin asked, barely hearable as he blasted the radio.

Violet covered her ears as she came in, Jackie yelling at Martin to turn it down. She grinned as she looked over at Jonny and Nelly, his hand was on her waist, hers on his shoulder, their other two hands clasped together.

Jonny looked disgusted at the situation he'd got himself into whilst Nelly looked extremely excited.

"Oh Adam! Violet! You two dance!" Jackie clasped her hand together, pushing them towards Jonny and Nelly.

"Really?" Adam groaned.

"Come on it will be fun!" Violet grinned, grabbing one of Adam's hands and placing her other on his arm.

"What if she wants to shag me after this?" Jonny asked over Nelly's head as Adam placed a hand on Violet's waist.

"What?" Violet asked, certain she'd misheard because of the music still blaring.

"Grandma always shagged the guys she went out dancing with." Adam explained, shuddering.

"Oh! To be fair my track record says the same." Violet winked at Adam, receiving an eye roll in response.

"Yes! Oh, lovely music." Nelly exclaimed as Martin finally turned the volume down.

"Lovely!" Adam echoed sarcastically.

"One, two, three, one, two, three." Nelly started counting as she started leading Jonny around the room.

"Um, I think that's the music for the news." Jonny frowned, looking for an excuse to get out.

"Keep going, Pissface." Adam grinned.

"Shut up, Pusface." Jonny scowled, glaring at Adam's hand placement on Violet.

The girl was grinning as she let Adam lead her around the room, throwing in a spin every so often.
She was wearing her usual sweater-skirt combo today, however had switched out the tighter skirt with a pleated one, making it twirl up every time she spun.

"Where's the digital camera?" Jackie started rummaging through draws in an attempt to find it.

"Oh, yes, the camera." Adam clapped in joy as Violet spun away from him, the two going back to the basic steps as soon as his hand met her waist once more.

Nelly continued counting as the music got interrupted by a man.

'The headlines'

"It is the news!" Jonny exclaimed, gesturing towards the radio.

"Mum!" Jackie called out, holding up the camera.

"What?" Nelly stopped dancing for a second to look at Jackie confused.

"Switch?" Violet asked Nelly as Adam dipped her.

Nelly nodded excitedly as Adam pulled Violet back to being upright, the girl immediately letting go of him and spinning over to Jonny.

"We are dancing to the news." He told her unimpressed.

"It's funny!" Violet giggled, laughing harder as Jonny spun her around.

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