The Sale // Part One

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Violet sat in the back of Adam's car, the two brothers in the front seats, her nose crinkled slightly due to the stench exuding from her boyfriend.

He'd gone to play football, the girl agreeing to watch, the two making Adam be designated driver for the night - something that had become far more common.

There was no doubt Jonny was good at football, but somehow he sweated buckets whilst playing, so being trapped in a small car with him (and the fact Adam's windows had recently broken, so couldn't be rolled down) meant she wasn't overly happy.

Violet jumped out the car as soon as he parked, the boy doing the same thing, both taking deep breaths of fresh air.

"Thank God I can breathe again!" Adam celebrated.

"It's not that bad." Mommy objected.

"It is quite bad." Violet told him, pulling a face as he looked at her in betrayal.

"You were playing football, not lying in your own BO." Adam added, Jonny rolling his eyes in return, grabbing his brother and pulling his head into his armpit.

"Lovely." Violet scoffed, taking her eyes away from the two, stopping suddenly as a sign caught her attention.

Jonny finally let Adam go, both boys looking at her puzzled at her sudden halt, allowing their eyes to wander to where she was looking, eyes widening as they read the sign.

'For Sale'

"What?" Violet finally asked, mouth agape as she gazed at the sign, unable to take her eyes off of it.

"What?!" Jonny snapped.

"What?!" Adam fumed.

"No way." Violet laughed slightly in disbelief.

"No way."

"No way!"

The boys echoed her words again, in much angrier tones, all three not wanting to believe that the house they'd grown up in was to be sold. 

"Dad!" Jonny called out to Martin.

The man was stood on the drive, faffing around with his car, oblivious to his son's furious expressions.

"Hello, bambinos."

"Is this for real?" Jonny questioned, gesturing at the sign.


"Uh, the 'For Sale' sign!" Adam explained.

"Is the 'For Sale' sign for real?" Martin echoed.

"Yes!" Violet exclaimed, despite choosing to be in denial about the couple selling the beloved house, she still wanted answers.

"Well, it exists." Martin responded.

"Right." Jonny huffed, getting his keys out and making his way to the door, "No way!"

"No way." Violet repeated.

"No way!" Adam shouted.

"There is no way you are selling this house!" Jonny yelled, opening the front door, all of his and Adam's anger dissipating as soon as they saw a pair of strangers stood alongside Jackie. 

"Oh, Hello." Violet greeted uncomfortably, Jonny giving them a polite nod, slightly embarrassed by the way he had entered the house.

"Uh, I do beg your pardon, Paul and Melissa.
This is Adam and Jonny." Jackie introduced, pointing at either son as she said their names.



"Our sons." Jackie continued, "And this is Jonny's girlfriend Violet."

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