The Loss

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Violet rolled her eyes as she received yet another text from Jonny. She hadn't spoken to him for nearly two weeks now and he had been non stop messaging her because of it.

She groaned, shaking her head as she shut her eyes, images of Tanya and Jonny appearing. She didn't know how she could face Jonny after what he'd done.

Although he hadn't technically done anything wrong, Violet was still feeling bitter and upset, still in disbelief that she'd allowed herself to even think he'd liked her back.

Her and Adam had spoken about it at the pub, both had been hopeful about Tanya and Jonny and both were in a fair bit of pain from seeing the two of them together.

She'd been keeping Adam updated with Jonny's texts, him promising to her that he'd keep quiet despite Jonny constantly begging him at any given moment to tell him why she was ignoring at him.

Sighing, she turned her phone on silent as she received yet another text from Jonny, she got up frowning when she realised it was all ready dark outside.

Another day wasted away in bed all because of him.

She'd called in sick to work for the last few couple weeks, still randomly getting upset from time to time.

They'd called her this morning to check up on her and see when she'd be available to work again and she told them that she should be okay to come back next week, her raspy voice from crying really selling her imaginary illness.

"Are you okay in there V?" Val knocked on the door, inching it open slightly to look at her defeated daughter, sat on the edge of her bed staring into space.

"Mhm. Fine mum."

"Okay lovely, I'm going to pop over to see Jackie so just call me if you need anything." Her mum smiled sadly.

She knew what had happened between Jonny and Tanya Green thanks to Jackie giving her a call as soon as Violet left, making her aware of Violet's close call to crying.

As soon as she had come home smashed off her face, Valerie put two and two together, silently cursing the youngest Goodman as she made sure her daughter was okay.

Much to Violet's relief, Val had kept her newfound knowledge of her prior feelings for Jonny a secret from Jackie.

They didn't always get on, but when it came to boys, Val was always understanding and honest - the two had always bonded about the more 'girly' parts of life, only bickering every so often when Val started comparing the two as if they were both teenagers again.

Violet took a deep breath before getting up, taking a long shower in an attempt to make herself feel human again.

She cooked herself a quick dinner as she let her hair dry before doing her makeup and hair, dressing up slightly in some low waisted jeans and a bland crop top that cut off just around her waist.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, already feeling slightly better now she had glammed herself up. It didn't matter that Jonny had been snogging Tanya instead of her, 'his loss' she reminded herself before picking up her keys and leaving to go for a drive.


Despite having not owned her own car very long, Violet soon found that just simply driving around, blasting music helped every negative mood, even just slightly.

"Fuck sake." she muttered as her phone started ringing, making her drop her music down as she answered, putting it on speaker so she could continue driving.

"Violet? Honey!" Val's voice whimpered through the phone, the sounds of Jackie consoling her being heard in the background.

"Mum? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Violet frowned, immediately pulling over, thanking the lord she was down some side road where she could pretty much park any where.

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