The Loft // Part Two

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"Is this it?" Martin asked, gesturing up to the pub sign.

"Oh yes, the friendliest pub in the world!" Adam replied sarcastically as the four entered the pub.

Jonny immediately put his arm around Violet's waist as they entered the pub, making their way towards the bar.

The big bald man from before (Lawrence, Violet thought his name was) was stood at the bar, staring at them as they stood in front of him awkwardly.

"Evening, how are you?" Martin smiled.

"What?" Lawrence raised his eyebrows.

Jonny moved Violet in front of him, keeping his hand on her waist as he gave a customer a dirty look for glancing in her direction.

"How's business?" Martin tried again.

"Business?" Lawrence repeated, unimpressed.

"Dad." Adam muttered.

"How's your business doing?"

"Shit." Lawrence sighed.

"Oh." Martin nodded, looking at the three next to him for help.

"Can you just order?" Adam asked.

"Uh yes! Four drinks please." Martin turned back to Lawrence.

"What four drinks."

"Um, what would you recommend?"

Adam, Jonny and Violet all shot disbelieving glances at each other as Martin continued talking.

"Well we've got beer, larger, spirits, wine."

"Should we just get one of each then?" Martin asked.

"Yes please." Violet grinned, knowing she'd give whatever spirit Martin bought to Jonny - he was a massive lightweight and she loved being able to make fun of him for it.

"Sorry just, one moment." Jonny pulled his dad aside for a chat, leaving Violet at the bar to order as him and Adam spoke to him.

"Large pinot blush with ice please Lawrence." Violet smiled awkwardly.

"Course love." He nodded, giving her a small smile, going to make it just as the three men returned to the bar.

Jonny went back to his place behind Violet, placing a hand on the bar as Lawrence came back with her wine.

"Three pints of larger please." He said, noticing Violet had already ordered.

Jonny and Violet headed off to a table as Martin paid, Adam staying at the bar with him to help him bring over the drinks.

"At this rate I'll probably have to stay round yours again tonight if my mum keeps interjecting herself into your parents marriage. We'll come back and she'll announce she's sleeping over." Violet rolled her eyes.

"Cant you just tell me what's going on between them?" Jonny asked, looking at Violet with pleading eyes.

"I'll tell you before you go home tonight if it's still not sorted, I've promised okay?" She smiled at him, trying to ease his anxiety about the situation.

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