The Loft // Part One

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"Are you sure you can't come tonight?" Jonny looked down at Violet.

She was stood in front of him, tying a sling around his arm. He secretly loved how close she was stood to him, occasionally having to wrap her arms around him to ensure the sling was secure.

"You know I have to take all my things back to my mum's" She sighed.

Val had dropped off a lot of clothes for Violet a couple days after she'd been staying at Jonny's, insisting that she needed them so she wouldn't have to constantly wear his clothes - something he was mildly upset about.

"You don't have to move back in with her." Jonny pouted.

"Jonny I've been staying with you for months now." Violet laughed slightly, smiling up at Jonny as she finished up the sling.

"I like your company." He shrugged, hiding his disappointment when she moved away from him.

"Let's be honest I'll probably end up getting dragged round to yours anyway." Violet reminded.

She hadn't told Jonny yet but her mum had phoned her this morning, telling her all about an argument Martin and Jackie were having.

Violet had learned all what her mum had but was under strict instruction not to say anything. Jackie was aware Violet knew, consistently messaging her for reassurance.

"Hopefully." Jonny muttered, turning to his mirror to make sure the sling looked believable.

"Why do you need a sling again?" Violet asked, sitting on her suitcase to try and squash all the clothes in enough so she could shut it.

"Because Dad wants me to do the loft." Jonny groaned.

"Smart." Violet nodded, getting off her suitcase in defeat.

"Sit." She ordered, looking at Jonny as she pointed at the suitcase.

He rolled his eyes at her, doing as he was told as she knelt down, trying to get it to shut.

"Adam's giving me a lift and everything to really sell the dislocated shoulder thing." Jonny smirked earning an impressed look off Violet.

"Will you come over after you've put away your things?" Jonny asked, trying to stop a laugh from escaping his lips as he looked at Violet's overly concentrated expression.

"You know what our mums are like, attached at the hip, so yes I will probably end up coming over." Violet giggled slightly at Jonny's persistence.

"Yes!" She celebrated, finally shutting her case.

She looked up at Jonny, a massive grin on her face as he playfully rolled his eyes, getting up.

"Come on then, otherwise I'll be late." He huffed, helping Violet off the floor.


"Hi Mum!" Violet called through, lugging her suitcase through the door.

It had taken a lot of persuasion for Jonny to actually allow her to drive herself back home instead of her getting a lift with him and Adam.

A small part of her hoped it was because he secretly wanted to spend more time with her, but she shut that thought process down. She didn't want to be delusional about that boy again.

"Oh hi love!" Val greeted her at the door with a big hug.

"I'm so happy to have another girl in the house again, Larry's been driving me mad." The older woman rolled her eyes.

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