The Sofa-bed // Part Two

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Now alone in the dining room with Martin and Jonny, Martin began questioning Jonny about whether he'd keep ahold of his magazines for him but got distracted by Violet winking at Jonny as she got up and dumped a load of salt into his glass.

He looked up at her and grinned whilst Martin looked on confused.

"That's your glass? That's his glass?" He looked between the two, baffled.

"I know."

"Don't tell Adam."

The two smirked at each other before Violet sat back down, giving Martin a quick raise of her eyebrows as Adam came back in with the crumble.

"Mmmm Crumble!" Martin exclaimed clasping his hands together.

"Crimble crumble," Jackie recited walking back in, giving the table a quick scan before immediately back out again to grab some cutlery.

"Looks a bit dry." Jonny said in a obviously fake voice.

"Lucky we've got water." Violet added on, catching on to what Jonnys plan was.

"What?" Adam asked, immediately suspicious.

"Nothing, we're just saying, lucky we've got some water." Jonny smiled.

"Oh, wait a minute I know what you've done!" Adam responded smugly, switching his and Jonnys water glasses over as Jackie came back in and sat down.

"What?" Jonny feigned confusion as Violet hid her smile behind her laugh, it was almost too easy.

Adam took a massive swig from Jonny's glass before choking on the salt water, Jonny immediately leaning over the table to give her a high five.

"Ugh! You bastard! How did you?" Adam asked wiping his tongue off.

"Jonny! Violet!" Jackie turned on the dissproving mum voice, however Violet was too busy laughing at Adam and Jonny was too busy celebrating.

"The double bluff! High-five Dad!"

But all the high five did was scare Martin shitless, making Violet laugh more.

"Christ! What you doing?" He yelled, nearly falling out of his seat in the process.

"You know he doesn't understand these things." Jackie put a hand on Martin's arm, lightly pushing him back into his seat.

"Lunatic!" he sat back up, looking at Jonny extremely offended.

"Right, I'm gonna get some new water, then."

"Oh please get me some Adam mines still got salt in it from this dickhead." Violet gestured at Jonny and rolled her eyes.

"You know he's gonna put something in it?" Jonny raised his eyebrows at Violet.

"I'm kind of hoping he'll give me gin." Violet whispered back, winking, before erupting into yet another fit of giggles from Adam elbowing Jonny in the head and the defeated 'hey!' that followed it.

Just as Adam entered the hall, the phone started ringing again, and Adam got instructed to answer incase it was Auntie Val again.

"Poor bastard." Violet whispered across the table to Jonny, who immediately ducked underneath it and started speaking.

Violet clocked on and laughed, but soon Adam was back at the door complaining at Jonny again, before sulking back into the kitchen.

"Where'd he put my water then, he was only holding one glass?" Violet said her thoughts out loud, the questioning not warranting any answers, before digging into her crumble.

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