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Author's note- The upcoming chapter is a bit boring. Sorry!

Shannon entered the bus and to her surprise found that the bus had scarcely anyone in it. She took the window seat and placed her bag on the side seat. Even though she told her mother she was fine, She wasn't because Lila was accompanying her.

Lila was Stephen and Emily's youngest daughter and is in the fourth level. She has an elder brother, who is in the seventh level. He stays in Light with his grandparents, Unlike Lila who returns every year during a vacation to Earth to meet her parents. They were Shannon's neighbors. The entire Robertson family loved and cared for Shannon except for Lila. She found the special care given to Shannon irritating.

Soon from the corner of her eyes, she saw Lila entering the bus.

On noticing Shannon inside. Lila's mother or Aunt Emily as she called said 'Good luck'. Shannon smiled at her in reply and looked at Lila. Who sat with two girls in the corner and gave her a not-so-happy look.

She then waved to her parents and her annoying brother 'ALAN' who was in second grade. Then especially to her sister 'ANET' who was one year younger than her. But is friendly, and polite and she was always a more obedient child than Shannon and Alan.

Once the bus took off, for a long time Shannon had old memories running in her mind. It was her dream to go to the academy.

'Hmm. You need to travel with that arrogant Lila girl.' The voice spoke in Shannon's mind.

'I have no choice.' Shannon replied in her mind. As soon as she completed the sentence, she started feeling an absurd headache.

'It has started again.' Shannon said in her mind, yellow flecks erupted in her eyes.

'Calm down, relax take a deep breath. The pain will go on its own.' Voice replied.

'Hello, it- is -not a tolerable level of headache.' Shannon replied, clenching her fist. 'I can't tolerate this- this is as strong as the one I get on my birthday. Why is it happening today.'

'I don't know Shannon. Calm down, do not make a scene on the bus.' The voice answered.

'Do not make a scene, seriously!' Shannon exclaimed in her mind. 'You have threatened me to never talk about you and these eerie headaches I get. The day they are the most intolerable is on my birthday. The day on which I am supposed to be happy, I lock myself in my bedroom, twisting and turning in pain. And you are telling me not to make a scene.'

'Shannon, what am I supposed to do? You can't tell means you can't tell.'

'Why not, whenever my mom sees me in this miserable state, she gives me the best headache taking medicines from Light. Despite being a good healer. None of her medicine has any effects on me.' Shannon said as she clenched her jaws because of the pain.

'Because your mom thinks the headache you feel is normal.'

'Yes, she does. Because after taking medicines. In the name of sleeping, I lock myself in my bedroom. So, she will never see me twisting and turning in pain.' Shannon said steading herself as much as she could. 'But my question is why am I getting them now? I do get headaches very often twice or thrice a week. But they are that painful. Today, it is too much beyond my control. I do-

Shannon was distracted from talking to the voice, she didn't realize what was happening around her. Suddenly someone tapped on her shoulders. Shannon turned to see an old woman with weathered skin. 'Can I take this seat?' She asked pointing to the seat Shannon had kept in her bag.

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