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'So, what story do you want to hear about.' She asked.

'Mam the dragon prophecy.' The class screamed.

'So, the portal has made a really good entry into your minds.' Grace said.

'But the thing is dragon prophecy is the most mysterious story I have ever heard. No one knows about anything. The only person who is said to have information about the dragon is 'Andre' the commander of Erin. And he is said to be tortured to death. Moreover, his family has disappeared into thin air. So, there is no clarity in the reality of these stories. Unless we get solid proof that a prophecy exists like that.'

'So, miss are you saying that the prophecy doesn't exist.' A girl asked.

'No, no. it is just that there is no solid evidence of anything. Everyone believes it because it said that the prophecy was the reason the Darks were sucked into the portal.'

'So, mam is the theory that the last royal dragon is part of the prophecy-

'I am sorry I do not know about it. Whatever you know is what even I have an idea about. We can see about it in the future. Even the portal that opened need not be the portal that connects with Darks. it can be anything. The reports are to come by a few cycles' times.'

'Mam why does the report take so much time to come.'

'Because the magic is from a very different source. Its intensity and variations of frequency are different and complicated.'

'Mam, can you say that again? We didn't understand.'

'That you won't understand now. It is the fifth level's portions.' Grace said looking at a book and then said. 'But I will say another story.'

She then came near Everlee and asked. 'Who do you think is wrong? Darks or Light.'

'Darks, of course.' She replied. Grace gave a warm smile and asked. 'So, is there anyone who supports Darks here.' the class was silent. No one would support Darks. They are wicked and cruel. They find happiness in hurting others.

'Listen, kids. I am not sure of this story. But it's worth hearing.' She spoke. 'You all believe that Lights are innocent. But in reality, both sides are to be blamed equally.'

'It is said that there are seven dimensions that exist. And eight types of people were there. Everyone took one universe for them. And at last, there was a universe and two types of people left. According to history, a deadly game was set up by the Lights. And whoever won was to get the existing universe and a magical world will be created for the other. Now, who would want to live in a magically made-up world when there was an existing one? Even though Lights were the people who made up this deadly game the pure people won. As pure people's quality was their generosity. They let Lights stay in their land.'

'So, miss. You are saying that we stayed in another dimension before coming here.'

'Patience dear. Then you will understand who stayed where.' She paused and continued. 'For a few centuries, everything went well. But the upcoming generation of pure people didn't have the quality of generosity. They didn't like the concept of Lights staying in their land. A war broke out after that. I do not know who started it but that war, started the legendary war of the Lights and Pure. During this war. Lights came to be known as Darks and pure came to be known as Light. As both, the people lost the purity of goodness they had. So, you see. Both sides are wrong. With this war. Every universe closed its contacts with the other universes.'

'Miss, where did you learn this story from? We have never heard about this part of the story.'

 'While I was studying. I was given a field visit work. That time I came near the ruins of some old house. Inside that house, there was a diary. Even though I tried giving my professor the diary he said it was rubbish. But I tried studying the diary. It was written by Anne James. She was a historian as well as a healer. The best known for years but her history is not clear. Where she was born or how she died is unclear. I tried researching a lot about her but all in vain. According to the diary, this is what took place.'

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