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Shannon was back in her academy. The classes had started and the lists of homework were starting to turn into a burden. Mrs. Geraldine has taken her place as a theory and practical magix teacher back.

With the burden of work. Shannon never got a proper opportunity to talk to Arjun and set things on track again. It was Sunday morning; she was sitting with a few of her friends in the hall. When Rachel came in carrying a list of letters.

'This many numbers of letters.' Farrah said.

'It looks like we didn't open our apartment's letterbox for months.' Rachel commented as she placed the letters on the main table. 'There are only six of us here and how come there are 37 letters.'

'37 letters, unusual.' Shannon said amazed. 'Anyway, there won't be a letter for me. Who is going to write to me.'

'Shannon, you can get progression report cards from your teachers.' Flare said. 'I do not want a progression card. I never got a good one, to date. It has always been horrifying reports.'

'I am sorry Flare.' Rachel interrupted. 'But you have got one.' She stopped and continued. 'Not one but six of them.'

'What.' Flare screamed going pale. 'I failed six subjects. Not possible.'

'Flare, no one said you failed. You just got reports that's all.' Jinni said earnestly.

'For me, they are. Because from my childhood, they have always been a bad omen.'

'Read and check it.' Farrah said handing the letters to Flare. 'Silly.'

Flare was opening her letters when Rachel said. 'Shannon, you have got eight letters.'

'You are kidding eight progression reports.' Shannon asked. 'I only study seven subjects.'

'These four are progression reports.' Rachel said handing the letters out to Shannon. 'And these are all from Earth by Drishiya, Hannah, and Mariya.'

'Show me those letters.' Shannon said excitedly taking them.

Rachel smiled looking at the last letter and spoke. 'Shannon, this last one is from your sister Anet.'

'Anet.' Shannon asked. Taking the letter from her, she tore it open and a photo slipped out. Flare picked it up and spoke. 'Melvin.'

Shannon took the photo from Flare's hands. It had a photo of a stranger talking with her father. He was tall and handsome-looking. His hair bangs were similar to Arjun's. Shannon was sure he was either twenty to twenty-one years old. 'You know who this is.' Shannon asked at last.

'This is Melvin. Arjun's elder brother.' Flare replied. 'Why do you have his photo.'

'Um......nothing.' Shannon was short for words. She needed to read this letter to find out that and right at that moment, Andy barged in.

'Hello, Andy. Where have you been all this time.' Farrah asked.

'Mr. Roberts Philp Ron is very fond of creating trouble for me.' She replied.

'You have got three letters. Two progression reports and one from waterways.' Rachel said.

'Mom has written to me. Sure, she must have sent a package filled with Metamorphosis potion for the full moon.' Andy said reading her letter.

Shannon was grateful for Andy's intervention. Flare's mind has slipped from Melvin's photo. She tucked the photo and letter in her pocket and spoke. 'I am going downstairs.'

'Why, what happened.' Farrah questioned.

'Um, felt like I need fresh air and I will check in the package room. If Andy has received any package.'

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