The perfect son.

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(This story will be a little messy since i started it without an actual plan.
This is the first story I've ever published so have fun and give me some feedback I could use for future stories.)

I'm vinny.
I'm nothing special really just your average 17 year old rich dream boy I am what every rich brat wants.
Blonde hair , deep blue eyes , perfect skin , perfect body , respectfull , perfect son , perfect brother , perfect student , perfect family , perfect grades , perfect friend , perfect future planned out for me.
All that tv type shit.
Everything a mom wants their daughter to bring home one day.
In other words I'm perfect.
That's what they think.
Atleast that's what I'm told to be.

07:00. A knock on my door. It's the maid. Clichee , I know right ?
I stare up at the ceiling and wait.
Tap tap tap.
The maid is gone.
I sit up in bed and drag my hand down my face before I get out of bed with a sigh.
I make my way over to the bathroom that's connected to my bedroom.
What ?
You thought this was any different than any other pretty rich boy story ?
You're wrong.
I look at myself in the mirror.
My hair is short as always.
My mom says if i let it grow out it would look "unpresentable" I would look like a "delinquent" as if.
I run my hand through my short blonde locks before i brush my teeth.
I take a shower before getting changed into a white button up shirt and some black jeans.
I brush back my hair and put some gel in to keep it that way.
That's how they want it.

07:30 I make my way out of my room and down the stairs to the dining room where my mother and father are waiting for me.
I don't have to look around the table to know Xavier won't be joining us.
He never does.
He stays in his room.
I wish I could.
In some ways I envy him. They don't care if his hair is too long , too short his clothes too baggy too dirty too "unpresentable".
I sit down across from my parents.
I give my father a slight nod and give my mom a smile.
A fake smile but they don't know that. Ofcourse they don't, how could they ?
We eat in silence before my father speaks up.

"The maid is bringing you to the school. I expect you to be ready in an hour."
I nod "yes father." I say as I resist the urge to roll my eyes.
My parents decided the local public school wasn't good enough for their image.
Ofcourse they didn't.
So here I am being sent off to a boarding school.
They want me to be a doctor.
They tell me I'll be a doctor.
I won't be.
After a few more minutes I dismiss myself and head up to my room.
I look at my packed suitcase in the corner of my room.
I let myself fall back on my bed and roll over onto my stomach before groaning into my sheets.

08:50 I walk into my brother Xavier's room.
He's asleep I roll my eyes and walk over ,I shove his shoulder he groans and lifts his head to look at me "what do you want" he says in a bored tone.
I shrug "I'm leaving." I say as I watch him as he sits up in his bed to lean back against his wall.
"What , you want a hug now or sum ?" Xavier says, raising his eyebrow at me.
I roll my eyes and can't help but grin at his antics "man fuck you." I say with a chuckle.
Xavier grins and flips me off "good luck in that hellhole." He says and gives me a slight smile.
I give him a tightlipped smile "gonna need it." I say. "Oh I know." Xavier says with a small laugh.
I scoff and leave his room after flipping him off which he ofcourse returns the favor of.

09:00 I'm in the car.
We're on the way to my new school. The car ride is quiet.
I watch as we leave the neighbourhood. The car ride is longer than I expected.

12:00 we arrive at a private parking lot infront of the school ,it looks more like a prison.
High stone walls surrounding the building, golden gates , way bigger than necessary.
I step out of the car and the maid takes out my luggage , I walk over "it's okay I've got it luna."
The maid looks up at me with her big brown eyes "oh no- sir your father-"
I shake my head "my father isn't here."
I say as I grab my suitcase and head towards the entrance after a few moments I hear the maids footsteps behind me.

Once I'm inside we're greeted by an older man who is wearing a suit.
How fancy for a school.. wouldn't expect anything less from my father's arrangements tho.
The maid leaves and the man who introduced himself as my principal personally shows me around the school. The gym , the pool , the rugby field surrounded by running tracks , the dining hall , the classes which I will definitely not remember just like half of the other rooms he's shown me and finally the dorms.

He hands me my schedule and my dorm key before he leaves.
He's too nice.
But I know why.
My father as always.
I step into my dorm room.
It's a lot smaller than my room at home. A bed , a nightstand , a door that leads to a bathroom with a shower , toilet and a sink.
Nothing too special.
Nothing like the big golden gates at the front of the school. I chuckle at that.
I pack out my bag before I notice the uniform that is neatly folded on my bed.
A uniform, just my fucking luck.
I go over my schedule.

07:30-08:00 breakfast.
09:00-11:00 sports.
11:30-12:30 assigned classes
12:30-14:00 lunch and freetime.
14:00-16:00 assigned classes.
19:00-19:30 dinner.

I open the laptop on my desk before signing myself up for track running.
I like running.
It makes me feel free.
Like I can run.
Run from all of this.
I know I can't but to feel like that for even a second is my escape.
It's my only escape even if it's all just in my head.
I close my laptop and lay down on my bed. It's uncomfortable.
It's cold.
It's hard.
It's lonely.
The next morning I will deal with all of this. And the morning after that.
And the one after that.
The one after that one too.
Welcome to this story of my perfect rich boy life.


1151 words.

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