Shut up.

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Suddenly I hear Zayne and Preston walk up the stairs.
Forgot these assholes are like fucking magicians when it comes to picking locks.
I look at Cody and nod to the door , he gets up and closes it before locking it.
All while vinny is trying to look at his earings that we put in a few minutes ago through the little make up mirror.
Speaking of make up.. Cody seems pretty good at it.
"Hey , can you do his make up ?" I ask.
Cody turns to me then looks at Vinny
"Oh I've been waiting for this day." He says with a grin.
I try to hold in my excitement and grab my make up bag , putting everything on the bed.
Vinny looks up , he looks terrified.
It's hilarious.


As I'm doing Vinny's make up he's like a statue.
Frozen in place.
He's acting like we're holding a gun to his head.
Jinx puts on some music.
"So.. church camp ?" Vinny asks , it's obvious he's trying to distract himself , I get it.
Change can be scary.. been there done that.

I look at him before I continue.
"didn't go.." I say.
Vinny frowns.
I glare at him "Relax your face"
He does before he continues "but I thought your parents.."
"Ur a nosy little fucker aren't you ?" I ask.
I hear Jinx snicker besides us as she fixes up Vinny's hair a bit.
Vinny scoffs.
"Preston took me-" I start but this time he cuts me off.
"From behind." He finishes.
Not exactly what I was gonna say but he's not wrong..

Jinx gives me a shocked look "wait- you and Preston??" She asks.
I ignore her question.
"You know I could fuck up your whole look with one swipe of a brush right ?" I say , he falls silent.
"He took me to his house." I finish my earlier sentence.
"Do you like him ?" Jinx asks.
I glance at her.
"I hate him." I say.
They both give me a look.
I roll my eyes and huff "I like his hair." I say.

Once I'm done with the make up look Jinx grabs the bag and tosses it to the floor.
I grab Vinny's hand and make him stand up "and you ,lover boy are done." I say.
The make up is nothing special , just some eyeliner , mascara and just a tiny bit of eyeshadow.
He walks over to the mirror on Jinx wall , he runs his hand through his hair.
"That's.. a lot." He says.

I sit down on the bed and watch him.
Jinx claps her hands together.
Vinny suddenly grins "I look hot as hell."
"Fuck yeah." I say with a grin.
Jinx squeals in excitement , who knew she was a fucking pigeon ?
Never would have guessed.


We're sitting in my room waiting to find out what the hell Jinx has done to my boyfr- Vinny.
We quickly found out she had tricked us when I got to Preston's house..
I haven't asked about Cody tho and since my sister is probably doing some evil witchcraft on Cody and Vinny this is the chance.

"So.. you gonna tell me what's going on with you and Cody or should I keep pretending I need glasses ?" I say.
Preston shakes his head as he takes a drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out of my window "he's just.. so confusing.."
I tilt my head as I watch him.

"That day when I went to come see you he was in your room right.. well let's say I might have.. tripped into his bed ?" Preston says hesitantly.
My eyes widen before I laugh. "You are so fucking gay Pres."
"Oh shut up don't think I don't know about you and Vinny." He says , I shut up.
He stays quiet for a few seconds before he looks at me.

"You love him ?" He asks.
I frown at his words.
I look at Preston. "Maybe.." I say.
He nods before he grins.
"Who's fucking gay now huh ?" He taunts.


I watch as Zayne laughs.
He loves him.
I can see it.
I know my best friend and as his best friend I declare that this man is completely and utterly in love with Vinny.
Cody walks into the room.
Followed by Jinx..
And finally some random-wait Vinny ?


I look over as my sister walks into the room , fully prepared to find out they have turned Vinny into an actual frog with their evil witchcraft.
Then my eyes land on him.
My eyes widen and I forget how to breathe for a second.
Holy shit.

He looks at me before he looks away , blushing.
I'm speechless , my mouth is probably opening and closing like a fish as I try to get words out , try to get anything out at all.
"Damn." Is all I manage to say.
My sister gives me a look.
Cody pushes Vinny towards me.


I shoot Cody a glare when he gives me a light push in Zayne's direction who looks like someone has just tazed him 4 times.
"Eh.. Pres ?" He says.
Preston chuckles and grabs Cody's hand , pulling him out of the room , Jinx follows them as they leave us alone.
Jinx closes the door partly.

"You look so.." he starts.
"Different ?" I try.
He chuckles "sexy." He finishes.
I feel my cheecks heat up again.
He steps closer and runs his hand through my hair as his eyes look over every little detail.
"Holy shit they gave you earings." He says.
"Yeah and it hurt like a fucking bitch." I say with a chuckle , I put my arms around his neck , his hands find my waist and he pulls me close.
"You look fucking amazing baby." He says as he leans down before his lips capture mine.
God I love it when he calls me that.

I melt into the kiss.
It's passionate , it leaves me breathless.
The door swings open.
I look over and Jinx is looking down at her phone , wearing that evil grin on her face.
She really is evil.


1024 words.

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