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Warning : this chapter will contain sexual acts.


I wake up in the morning and feel Zayne's arm loosely around my waist.
I open my eyes slightly and slip my fingers inbetween his.
I move back slightly to be closer to him.
My back aches but it's hard to think about the pain when I feel Zayne's hard on pressed against my ass.
Goodmorning ?

Well that explains his morning trips to my bathroom ,doesn't it ?
However this time he's still sound asleep.
Pressed against me.
And fucking hard.
I slowly turn around to face him.
I look at him.. I look at his messy hair , his closed eyes , his nose and finally his lips , have I ever mentioned how sexy his lip piercing is ?
I lean in and press my lips against his.
He kisses back instantly.
I pull back to look at him again

His eyes flutter open as he looks at me.
He chuckles and closes his eyes again.
Shifting so he's laying on his back, he smirks lazily.
"Morning." He says , his voice rough with sleep.
Making my heart skip a beat.
God he's so pretty.

I lean over him slightly before leaning down.
I place a kiss on his jaw.
Then his neck.
His shoulder.
His collar bone.
He slips his hand into my hair and I continue , I leave a trail of kisses down his chest before continuing down his abdomen.


I open my eyes again and watch him as he moves his lips down my body.
I feel my cock straining against the fabric of my boxers more and more the lower he goes.
"Vinny-" I choke out.
His eyes flicker up to mine but he doesn't stop.
My lips part as he leaves me breathless just with that look.

He moves himself inbetween my legs and I bite my lip.
He takes the band of my boxers inbwteen his teeth before he pulls them down slightly , just enough for my cock to flick out.
He let's go of my boxers and leans back slightly , looking at my cock he licks his bottom lip.
"You don't have t-" I start , I don't want him to push himself.
"Shut up." He says and that's exactly what I do.

He wraps his hand around the base of my cock before he leans down , his eyes lock onto mine as he drags his tongue up my length before he flicks his tongue over the tip.
I curse under my breath, holding back a gasp.
My lips are parted as I watch him , panting softly.
He's just getting started and I can feel myself losing control already.
Vinny.. he really is something else.

He starts moving his hand up and down the base of my cock before he finally takes me into his mouth.
I throw my head back with a groan and resist the urge to thrust my hips up into him.
It doesn't take long before he takes more of my length into his mouth , all while he moves his tongue against my cock skillfully.

Then it hits me.
This isn't his first time doing this , it can't be.
I don't get the chance to think about that any longer tho as Vinny starts moving his mouth up and down my cock in perfect sync with his hand.
I moan out before I get the chance to stop it.
"Fuck-" I breathe.
My hand grips his hair , I can't take it anymore and push his head down more.
He let's out a surprised whimper but his movements don't falter.
That's when I start thrusting my hips up down his throat.
He grunts , the sound sending waves of pleasure through me.
I look down at him and see his eyes tear up a little.

My cock twitches inside his mouth , I'm close.
I bite my lip.
I watch as Vinny reaches down and slips his hand into his boxers.
His eyes meet mine as he continued sucking me off.
Vinny swirls his tongue around the tip of my cock.
"Vin-" my mouth drops open as my orgasm washes over me.
Vinny whimpers and closes his eyes as my body jerks up into him.
And then.. he swallows before I can stop him.

Vinny pulls back before he places his hand behind him as he sits up and spreads his legs infront of me while he jerks himself off.
He's biting his lip as soft breaths and quiet sounds escape his lips.
He's trying to keep quiet.
I watch as his eyes roll back and his movements pick up.
He's close.
Really close.

I quickly sit up and he whimpers as his movements slow the slightest bit as he looks at me.
I rush forward without thinking and push him down onto his back , he let's out a low groan.
I'm on top of him within a second and I burry my face into his neck , I start sucking , licking and nipping at the spot right beneath his ear.

I reach down into his boxers and replace his hand with my own.
I start jerking him off at a fast pace.
He's trembling beneath me , his cheecks pink.
His lips swollen and parted.
And his whimpers , god his fucking whimpers.
My lips are against the shell of his ear before I whisper. "Come."
That single word seems to push him over the edge.
He arches his back and moans out "sh- Zayne!"
I feel him come into my hand as his hips jerk up.

I watch him as he comes down from his orgasm , I slip my hand back out of his boxers.
I roll off of him and lay next to him , staring up at the ceiling.
The only sound being our heavy breathing.
Suddenly he chuckles , the sound is breathless and I can't help but close my eyes and smirk at the sound of it.
I open my eyes again after a few seconds and look at him.
"You plan on telling me who taught you all that ?" I ask.
He laughs "fuck no." He says.


1014 words.

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