eyes talk.

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07:00. My alarm goes off. I turn it off before rolling over in the small bed now facing the wall I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.
Another day in this hellhole with people acting like they're just like me.
They're not but they don't know that.
The past week I've actually made friends tho..
Or well brats who talk about daddy's money all day.. but that's nothing I'm not used to.
That's my world.
I don't want it but it is , how do you think I ended up here ?
That's right.
Daddy's fucking money.

07:20. I get out of bed and go into the small bathroom.
I brush my teeth before splashing water in my face I look up at the mirror.
My hair is slightly messy but I don't care.
I walk out of the bathroom and out of my room in grey sweatpants and a black tank top.
They make you wear the stupid uniform but only during class hours.
I make my way to the dining hall and grab a tray , putting some food on it before I go sit at a table to eat my breakfast in peace.
"Morning Vincent!" Jacob called out as he made his way over to me.
Forget what I said about peace.
I nod as Jacob sits down across from me.
I mess around with my food barely eating anything as Jacob goes on and on and on.. yeah you get the point , he never shuts up.

08:00 I leave Jacob to bother someone else.
Someone that isn't me.
Someone that might actually be able to stand him.
If that person exists gotta hand it to you.. that's impressive.
I go back to my dorm room and go into the bathroom i get undressed and take a shower.
After I get out I wrap the towel around my waist and blowdry my hair ,I leave it at that.
I go back into the room and change into some fresh sweatpants and a sweater.
I have track for the next two hours and if they think I'm running in a uniform they're insane.

08:50 I make my way to the locker rooms and put on my running shoes as guys start to walk into the locker room.

09:05 I escaped the lockerroom just in time.
I start stretching before deciding to jog a lap for a warm up.
And that's what I do.
I follow the tracks as I keep a light pace , I watch the rugby guys run into the field.


I yawn as I get changed.
I just got out of bed five minutes ago and now I have rugby practice just fucking perfect right ?

Once I'm changed I follow the others out to the field so far nobody has bothered me yet.
I hear their whispers tho.
Whatever its too early for this shit.
I walk out onto the field.
It's fucking huge.
I look around.
There's people lined up at the start of the running tracks that surround the field.
I run my hand through my messy hair before I tilt my head when I see a boy jogging on the tracks.

Short blonde hair.
Sweatpants and a red sweater.
Well this one was eager to get out huh ? His whole team is still at the start.
He seems to be lost in thought.
His movements effortless.
He's not breaking a sweat , he seems calm. Collected yet so caught up in his own mind.
I wonder what he's thinking..
I want to know what he's thinking what has this rich pretty boy to worry about ?
Everything gets handed to him on a silver spoon.


And my eyes land on him.
He's watching me.
Do I know him ?
Messy dark hair..his green eyes so deep I can see the color from across the field. They follow me.. his eyes follow my every move.
Finally I snap out of it and pick up the pace , running faster.. too fast, my heart is racing.


He looks over at me and I hold his gaze. I can't help it.
My eyes refuse to leave him.
My eyes flash over his body swiftly before I look back at his face.. blue eyes. Bright blue eyes.
His short hair falling into his face.. almost into his eyes.. almost.
He looks away and starts running down the track.
He's fast.
Still his body moves effortlessly, he's panting the slightest bit.. I watch as clouds of cold air surround him as he breaths.


10:00 one more hour left. I feel his eyes on me.
He is always watching me.
I can't look at him and he knows.
Did I look at him the wrong way ?
Do I have my sweater on wrong ?
I glance down. No. Nothings wrong with my sweater.
Is it my hair ? No. Can't be.
What's this guy's issue ??
The longer I feel his gaze on me the more it puts me on edge I finally look over after another few minutes pass. He's standing on the sidelines of the field downing a bottle of water.. his hair is wet from sweat.
My eyes travel down his body avoiding his gaze.

He's actually kinda... no. Shut up.
My eyes flickered up to his.
He's watching me. Ofcourse he is.
Did he see me check him- no I was just looking. Fuck.
What if he gets the wrong idea.. I'm staring at him now.
I'm panicking.
I feel my face heat up and I know he sees it.
Suddenly he smirks.
So effortlessly , so nonchalantly so.. cocky.
Cocky son of a bitch.
He definitely thinks I was checking him out.
I glare at him and look away.


He glares at me and I chuckle when he quickly looks away after.
He was totally checking me out.
Who knew this school could be this.. interesting.
Who knew someone like that could be so interesting without even speaking a word.


I was totally checking him out.


1009 words.

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