just fucking kiss me.

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07:00 My alarm goes off but I keep my eyes closed.
I feel the bed shift besides me ,my alarm suddenly stops... yesterday.. my dad , Zayne..
Wait. Zayne.

My eyes shot open , I lift my head as I watch Zayne move his hand away from my alarm , he looks at me.
I stare at him.
He probably thinks I'm weak after last night.
He thinks I'm a loser.
Zayne lays back down his eyes locked onto mine.
He looks calm but I see the storm behind those eyes.
He wraps his arm around my waist and puts his other arm across my pillow.
I look at him before I lay my head down on his arm.
Looking into those dangerous green eyes.


I look at him.
I look into those deep blue eyes that hide so much thoughts , so many secrets , so much pain.
I pull him closer.
Closer untill his chest is pressed against my side.
His face mere inches from mine.
He puts his hand on my chest before avoiding my gaze , instead he looks at his hand on my chest.
He starts messing with my shirt.
"You okay ?" I whisper.
He nods.

I know he's not and so does he.
He doesn't want to talk about it.
I know he doesn't.
Maybe one day.. yeah , one day.
After a moment he lays his arm across my torso and moves his head onto my chest , I let him.
I wrap my arms around him tightly and hold him.
I hold him close.
I will protect him.
I will keep him safe.
I start playing with his hair mindlessly.
He looks so fragile in my arms like this..
A few more minutes he falls asleep.
I don't have to look at him to know.
I hear his breathing slow.
I feel his body relax.
I let him sleep.

07:30 breakfast.
I carefully slip out of the bed and watch as he rolls over in the bed and cuddles into the pillows.
I slip out of the room quietly and go to the dining hall I sneak some food out before I go back.
When I get back Vinny is sitting up in bed , his face buried in his hands.
His head snaps over when he notices me. His gaze softened.
Did he think I just left ?

"Where-" he starts but stops as I walk over and take the box I had filled with food out of my bag.
"You should eat.." I say as I put the box down on his nightstand.
He looks at the box before he looks back at me.
"You didn't have to.." he says.
"I know." I say and sit down next to him. "Eat." I say.
He nods slightly before he takes the box and just takes an apple out , taking a small bite.

He really doesn't eat a lot.. I've noticed.
I hum and lay down across the bed , I lay my head on his lap.
He raises his eyebrow and looks down at me.
He chuckles "what ?" He asks.
I smile.
"Nothing." I say.
He chuckles again and shakes his head.
Then he moves his hand into my hair.
I didn't expect him to but I'm not complaining..
He watches me and massages his fingers into my hair.
It feels nice.
I close my eyes.
Time moves fast with him..

After a while he stops, I open my eyes and look up at him.
"We should get ready." He says.
I know he's right.
But I don't want to , not right now.. not when he's being like this.
Not when he's finally letting me close..
I get up.
I point at the lunch box.
Silently telling him to eat.
He nods.
With that I leave the room so he can get ready.

I walk to my own room and take out my phone.
5 missed calls from Preston.
I totally forgot.
I get in my room and call him.
He picks up after a few tones and only grunts.
He's pissed.
It's a long drive here..
"Look man I'm sorry something came up-"i started.
"Its cool ,tell me about this vinny guy." he cuts me off. Vinny ?
How does he know about Vinny.
Before I can even think of a reply he continues.
"Next time you ditch me for some dick let me know."he says.
I clench my fist. "It's not like that Preston Vinny's just-" I start untill I hear his laugh.
"I'm playing with you Zayne. Seriously tho I gotta meet this guy." Preston says.
I take a breath before I chuckle.
That's Preston.
My best friend.
"Sure man. Whatever." I say before I hang up.
He's not mad after all ?
Even after driving 2 hours here..
Guess me being gone fixed his temper huh ?
I get ready after that , my mind once again wandering off to Vinny.

09:10. I get out on the rugby field after I had gotten changed in the locker room.
Vinny ofcourse is already jogging half way down the running track.
I watch him and he looks over.
He always seems to notice.
I smirk as he picks up the pace and starts running before he looks back infront of him.
Practice goes on as usual except Cody isn't here.. whatever just means I eat less shit on the field.
I wasn't kidding when I said he's good.
I look over at vinny while my team is discussing which strategy we should work on and all that stuff.

Some guys are playing around with the rugby ball.
That's when one of them throws it.
And it goes flying right at vinny. "Vinny!" I call out.
His head snaps towards me from across the field.
The ball hits him right on his shoulder and he steps back from the impact.
I watch as his face twists in pain before his head snaps over at my teammates. He's mad.

I curse under my breath before jogging over when I see Vinny walking up to my teammates who are laughing.
Vinny is carrying the ball and walks up to Martin shoving the ball into his chest harshly.
Martin stumbles back slightly from the force before he sneers at Vinny.
Martin drops the ball and shoves vinny back.
Vinny winces the slightest bit at the force against his shoulder.
I snap.

Before he can do anything else I tackle Martin to the ground before I grab the collar of his shirt and punch him straight in his face.
It's been a while since I've got to do that.
I hear Vinny gasp.
Martin pushed me off "What the fuck man-" he says before he swings at me and hits my right on my jaw.
After about a minute of beating the crap out of eachother we're pulled apart.
I glare at Martin before I look behind me.

He's holding my arm tightly as if he's afraid I'll go after Martin again.
Which is exactly what I plan to do as I step forward but vinny steps infront of me "enough." He says , looking at me. His voice is stern but his eyes are pleading.
I look at him before I glance over his shoulder at Martin, who's walking off the field with some of our team mates.
I clench my jaw.
Vinny gives my chest a light push.
"I said enough." He says.
I scoff and brush past him.
I head to the locker room.
I hear vinny follow me.
I change paths.
Instead of going to the locker room I head to my dorm room.
I walk in and before I can close the door Vinny pushes it open and walks in.


He's a fucking idiot.
He's reckles.
He shouldn't have done that.
I walk into his room and shut the door behind me.
He walks over to the window and opens it , pulling off his rugby gear before he takes out a cigarette from his desk drawer.
He puts it inbetween his lips and lights it.

He doesn't say anything.
I narrow my eyes.
"what the fuck was that Zayne ?" I ask him.
My voice harsher than intended.
I don't want him getting into fights.
And I sure as hell don't want him getting into fights because of me.
"Drop it." He says as he takes a drag from his cigarette.
Classic Zayne.
I scoff and walk over , I grab his arm and make him turn to me.
His face.. his jaw has a nasty bruise forming already.
His lip is busted and bleeding slightly.
Martin looked worse tho.
I can't help but grin at that.
He notices and tilts his head smiling slightly.
"What ?" He asks.
I shrug and my grin widens.
"you look like shit." I say.
He smirks.
"Thanks." He says , voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Wait here." I tell him as I make my way out of the room.
"Here ? I was planning to go to the mall actually." He says once again the sarcasm evident in his voice but there's a hint of amusement,  I flip him off as I leave the room.
I hear him chuckle before I make my way down the hall.

A few minutes later I am back in his room.
He's sitting on his desk chair.
I'm sitting on top of the desk his arms are folded across my thighs.
He's sitting inbetween my legs partly.
I'm holding an ice pack to his jaw while gently dabbing at his lip with a cotton ball.
His watching me.
He's staring at me.
My eyes flicker up from his lips to his eyes he's not looking at my eyes tho.. his eyes are on my lips.
I take the icepack away from his jaw and put it on the desk behind me.
He looks at me and watches.
I drop my hands in my lap before I look back down at his lips which still have dried blood on them.
I watch as he swipes his tongue across his bottom lip.
My breath catches in my throat and I watch as his lips form into a smirk.
Cocky son of a bitch.
I look back at his eyes.
His green eyes have a spark of amusement in them.
He knows what he's doing.

His eyes have a challenge in them , daring me.
Daring me to move.
Daring me to kiss him.
I roll my eyes at him and get off the desk.
He laughs and I feel my cheecks heat up at the sound of it.


1763 words.

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