more than you could ever believe.

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I follow Vinny to his room but he doesn't give me a chance to ask him what's wrong because before i can react he shuts the door and locks it with a click.
I stand there for a few more minutes only being met with silence on the other side of the door.

"Vinny are you okay ?" I call out.
"just leave me alone for a damn minute Zayne fuck !" Vinny snaps.
The tremble in his voice would have been easy to miss if I wasn't paying attention.

I step closer to the door "Vinny please let me in.." I plead.
"just stop !" Vinny yells out in frustration , his voice breaks and I barely hear him whisper "please".

I step back from the door feeling conflicted , my head is screaming at me to do something , to pick the useless lock and make him feel better.. make him feel okay.

To stop him from drowning in his own thoughts yet my gut is telling me not to , telling me to give him space.. fine then.
Giving him space it is.. kinda.

I turn my back to the door and lean against it before I slide down against the door.
I mean.. he has to open the damn door at one point right ?
An hour later however i start to question that .. and just like that another hour passes.

I want to be with him.. but maybe that's exactly why he's pushing me away , part of me wants to believe he only needs space yet part of me knows he feels like I can't love him.

He seems to think he is unloveable .. if only he could realize how much i care about him , how much he means to me .. how much i fucking love him.
I get up and head to my own room.


I'm sitting on the floor , leaning back against the door Zayne hasn't left the past few hours , he also hasn't said a word yet I know he's there.
I close my eyes as I listen as Zayne gets up before his footsteps fade down the hallway.

I didn't mean to snap at him.. I didn't mean to shut him out.. I didn't want to but I did because how could I ever expect someone to handle me when I  can't even do it myself ?

How can i expect someone to love me when i can't seem to even like myself in the slightest bit , i know Zayne cares about me.. a lot but does he love me ?
Does he love me or is it all just getting to my head ?
Does he love me or am i only drowning in hope that he does ?
Because i do.. love him.

I guess i'm scared..because what if he doesn't love me ?
What if this.. our relationship is just temporary ?
What happens when he realizes how pathetic i really am ?
What if he realizes how much i need him ?

Shut up is what i'm telling my mind but it doesn't thought after thought it keeps going , and once again i'm drowning in my own thoughts.
I need him.




The sky ouside is pitchblack as i'm staring up at it while leaning out of my window watching the smoke I blow out from my mouth evaperate into the cold night air.
I glance down at the cigarette between my fingers.

I can't sleep , i can't stop thinking about him , can't stop worrying and wondering if he's okay..
I miss him even tho i haven't been apart from him for a damn day.

I'm hopeless, hopelessly in love with a fucking idiot who can't see it , an idiot that doesn't want to see it.
Just then my door opens with a slight creak , I look to the reflection in my window and watch as Vinny steps into the room , he softly closes the door behind him before he turns the lock on the door , locking it.

He leans his back against the door for a few seconds while i feel his eyes on me.
I flick the rest of my cigarette out of the window before I turn around to face him and lean against the wall besides the open window.

His eyes lock with mine , his perfect blue eyes filled with tension.
"Vinny.." I start talking without a single clue of what I am even gonna say.
Vinny however cuts me off when he swiftly closes the distance between us an walks straight into my chest , pushing his face into my neck.

My breath catches in my throat when he grips my shirt tightly , his body is tense. 
I sigh "baby.." I mutter before i wrap my arms around him and hold him close , his grip on my shirt only tightens and so do my arms around him.

"I'm sorry" he whispers , his voice barely audible over the deafening silence.
"Don't. Don't apologise." I say before he continues "I'm sorry for shutting you out.. i'm sorry I snapped at you I just .. I didn't know what.." he takes a shaky breath.

"I'm sorry Zayne.." he says , I lean back to look at him but he only pushes his face into my neck more , hiding his face from me.
"baby look at me" I say , running my fingers through his hair.

He lets out a whine in protest before he reluctantly pulls away from my neck and his eyes meet mine.
His gaze is filled with vulnerablety.
"Stop thinking." i whisper , he closes his eyes at my words and shakes his head the slightest bit.

"Tell me what happened back at the house." I tell him , his hands start messing with my shirt as he opens his eyes to look at me.


"I .. got kicked out.." I tell him , leaving out the things my mom had said.
Zayne listens carefully,  his eyes focused on nothing but my own.
He looks at me expectantly as if he's silently pleading with me to tell him more, to tell him everything.
I look down at his shirt in my hands , avoiding his gaze.

"It wasn't my dad Zayne.." I feel Zayne tense the second the words leave my mouth.
My eyes flicker up to his on their own accord.
His green eyes turn a slightly darker shade.
"Who- I swear I'll fucking kill-" Zayne starts but I cut him off by kissing him.
That shuts him up as his gaze softens once more.
"Let me talk." I whisper against his lips.

He seems conflicted before he nods.
"My dad wasn't there.. my mom kicked me out." I say.
"Why ?" He asks.
"She.. saw us outside the house.. let's just say my parents aren't the most.. excepting you know ?" I say with a slight chuckle, trying to ease the storm swirling in those eyes.

Zayne scoffs "your parents are a shitshow Vin."
Somehow that manages to get a smile from me.
"Tell me about it." I say.
He brushes my hair away from my eyes gently.
"You okay ?" He then asks.

I am now i'm with you.. is what I want to say but I don't.
I only nod and he let's out a soft sigh before he takes my hand and leads me to the bed.
I climb into the bed and he follows , he lays down and pulls me into his side , I lay my head on his bicep and move my hand up his chest slowly and for a split second I feel his heartbeat quicken.

I continue moving my hand up..up his neck and finally into his soft dark hair.
I watch as his eyes flutter closed , I mindlessly move my fingers through his hair.
Minutes pass by but they feel like mere seconds when I'm with him.
"I love you." He whispers so quietly I barely hear it , my heart stops for a second before it beats faster than ever.
I gulp and it feels like time has stopped around us for once.
Does he ? "Do you ?" I whisper.

His eyes open slowly and he turns his head slightly to look at me.
He leans closer and kisses my temple.
"More than you could ever believe." He then says.
His voice is filled with emotion.. vulnerablety .. affection and.. love.
And before I can catch myself I feel a tear roll down my cheeck.

Zayne looks at me , his beautiful green eyes so gentle .. speaking volumes.
He kisses my cheeck , I close my eyes and he places a kiss on the corner of my eye.
"I love you Vinny." He says again.
"Zayne.." I whisper.
He continues placing the sweetest kisses all over my face.
"I love you." I choke out.
"I know." He whispers.

I love him.


1450 words

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