his mind.

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For the past two weeks I've been hanging out with vin during lunch.. he doesn't talk much, most of the time we just sit there in silence.. he's interesting.
He always seems to be caught up in his own mind.

His eyes are even brighter up close..
Even tho he doesn't really talk to me he isn't telling me off when I follow him around he just.. kinda let's me.
The guy he sat with in class is Jacob or rich kid number 23.
There's a few other guys that talk to him.

Rafael, rich kid number 17.
Cole , rich kid number 30.
Martin , rich kid number 32.
I feel bad for Vinny.
They all seem to never shut up.
Then there's Cody.
He's actually pretty okay, I've talked to him.
He's a total twink tho so you might be surprised when I tell you he's on the rugby team and let's just say he could outplay the whole team.
He's good.
So good it's kinda hurting my ego but we won't talk about that..

It's lunch break now.
I'm walking to the back of the building where vinny's always sitting.. I noticed he doesn't eat lunch most days so I picked up something from the cafeteria.
As I turn the corner I see vinny sitting against the tree.
As always in the shade.
I grin as I walk over "hey vin" I say as I go to sit down.
He glances up at me and watches me as he leans his head back against the tree i take out the cigarette pack from my pocket taking out a cigarette, tossing the pack onto his lap.
I bring my cigarette to my lips before lighting it as I watch him put his cigarette inbetween his lips.


I take a cigarette out of the pack and put it inbetween my lips.
I'm about to ask him for a lighter when he grabs my chin and lifts my head before he leans in.
He's close.
Too close.
I feel my face heat up.
His touch is so gentle yet firm.
What is he doing ?
I almost drop the cigarette from my lips before snapping out of it.
I blink and look at him as he takes a drag from his cigarette, as he does his cigarette lights mine, I take a long drag.
He looks into my eyes before he let's go of my chin and leans back casual as ever.
I look away.
We smoke our cigarettes in silence.
He's so fucking sexy- no.
He's annoying.


I watch him exhale the smoke.
I watch his lips when he takes a drag.. when he licks his lips after taking the cigarette away from his lips.
He's thinking again.
He's in his own little world and won't let me in.

After a few more minutes I take out a box from my backpack a box where I put lunch in from the cafeteria, I put it next to him "eat." He glanced down at the box.
He looks conflicted.. but then he takes the box and opens it.
He smiles slightly which makes me grin.
Who doesn't love pizza?
He starts eating and I watch him once again in silence.
Its not an uncomfortable silence tho no .. I could get used to this mysterious boy.


He brought me food.. did he notice ?
Did others notice ?
Does he know ?
Shut up. Eat.
That's what I do.
I eat the pizza slice before putting the box aside again.
I look at him as I lean my head back against the tree.
He does the same.
And then he.. smiles at me.
I blink before I look away.

After lunch we go to class in silence.
As class starts I glance over at Zayne. He's sitting next to me.
He lays his head down on the desk and closes his eyes.
Seriously what's with this guy ?
I huff and lean back in my chair , I watch him.
He smirks.
He knows I'm watching.


He's watching me.
I feel his eyes on me.
I feel the heat radiating off of his body.


I look away after a few minutes and focus on class.
I awnser some questions during class as the hours drag on..
16:00 classes are over again.
I stand up and look at Zayne who ofcourse is asleep.
I roll my eyes and nudge his shoulder , he doesn't respond
"Zayne." I say a bit louder than intended.
I glance around seeing some students give me a look I huff and look back at Zayne who's watching me now.


He seems on edge.. more than usual.
Tomorrow its Saturday, we get to have visitors over on Sunday, 2 people max and they can only stay from 16:00 till 18:00.

Is someone visiting him ?
His girlfriend ? No.
Can't be can it.
Family ?
Friends ?
Whatever he won't tell me anyway.
I stand up and follow him out of the classroom.. then I follow him to his dorm room where he stops and turns to me "what ?" He asks.
"Oh vinny where are your manners. Not gonna invite me in ?" I tease.

Don't lie that was pretty fancy for a broke kid to say.
He shoots me a glare but doesn't bother to respond he just opens his door and walks in , he leaves the door open.
I take that as my invite.
I walk in and close the door behind me... its so ..clean.
Everything is neatly placed in order.
No dirty laundry in sight.
I'm impressed.
"Shouldn't you go study ?" He asks as he sits down at his desk , opening his laptop to start studying I assume.
I look at him and raise my eyebrow , he's asking me that of all people ?
I chuckle.
"Shouldn't you take a break and relax?" I ask as I walk over to him.
"You're so annoying." Vinny mutters as I step behind him.
I place my hands on his shoulders , he tenses.
I start massaging my thumbs gently into the back of his neck.
He huffs before he leans back in his chair and I feel him relax the slightest bit.


I close my eyes.
It feels good.
He continues for a few more minutes and I feel the tension leaving my body slowly.
I grunt.
He stops.
I open my eyes and lean my head back to look up at him.
He's watching me.
He steps away from behind me and I turn around in my chair to watch him. He walks over to my bed and sits down , he kicks his shoes off and moves back on my bed to sit against the wall.
I turn back around in my chair and start studying.


1130 words.

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