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Zayne told me he loves me last night.
He told me he loves me more than i could ever believe .. i don't think i can ever believe he loves me as much as he claims.. but for now I will just hope that he does , that he proves me wrong and that he can make me believe.
That he proves his own words wrong.

Because as cheesy as it sounds I want him to love me forever and i want to believe it every single day , i want to be reminded of those three dumb words every night before we close our eyes.
I want to spend every breathing moment of my life with him.

Maybe one day we could even get.. Zayne stirs slightly in his sleep , drawing my eyes back to his face , its early in the morning , hours from when he told me he loved me and about half an hour before breakfast.. it feels just seconds ago with the way his words seem to be on repeat inside my head like a broken record player.

Part of me tries to tell me it was all just a dream but I know it wasn't.
He said it and I said it too.
I didn't just imagine it like I've been doing the past few days.

There's always this little voice in the back of my head trying to make me imagine what i would do without him , what i would be without him.
Hell I know i would still be playing the act of being perfect , I would still be trying to change myself for my parent's 'perfect' reputation.

But i'm learning to ignore that little voice in my head , i'm trying to make it shut up and while i'm laying here in Zayne's arms it feels easier to do than when i'm alone with my thoughts in the silence of my house.
I know that much is true.

My thoughts are a mess yet I finally don't feel like i'm drowning in them anymore.
I'm not going back to that house.. I finally did it.
I finally left.
I look at Zayne as he's starting to wake up , my gaze silently studying his face , his dark lashes that seem to just be the perfect length to make those dark green eyes stand out even more than they already would , his perfect nose , his clear skin , his sharp jawline.. and those soft lips.
His arms tighten around me.

He's gorgeous.
I had never imagined myself actually dating a guy , falling asleep and waking up in bed with another guy , sure I knew I was gay pretty early on but I expected that in the end I would end up marrying some stuck up rich brat that my parent's adored just because of her family status.

Well fuck them because look at me now or more like look at him.
The guy that randomly showed up here and had a damn staring problem.
I can't help the snort that escapes me at the memory of him watching me on the tracks that day.
Fucking idiot had me on edge , I thought I had earned myself my own personal stalker
It's been a few months since then.. and honestly I still feel like he's a bit of a stalker sometimes I mean the guy litteraly breaks into my room here on a daily basis after all.

Zayne's eyes flutter open in that moment , he looks at me before a lazy grin appears on those perfect lips "morning stalker." he says.
Oh the damn irony.
His voice is hoarse with sleep.. and the mere sound of it is the only thing I needed for chills to run through my body like an electric wave.

"morning" I mutter , shifting on the bed to subtly press my legs together but the way his eyes flicker down at that exact moment tells me he's very much aware of my sudden arousal.
What ?
Can you fucking blame me ?
He rolls over onto his side and props his elbow up to lean his head on his hand as he watches me.
His gaze carefull .. calculating.

He reaches out and gently uses his finger to move a stray strand of my hair away from my eyes and tuck it behind my ears.
Now I would be lying if I said my stomach wasn't doing flips right now.
I might just puke if he keeps up this cheezy shit and I mean puke in a good way.. somehow ?
Like puking rainbows or something I don't know..

He finally leans in and his lips meet mine in a slow and I mean torturously slow kiss.
I grunt against his lips in frustration after a while as I kiss him back.
He merely chuckles against mine in response to my clear frustration.
"Stop that." I mutter and I regret it instantly when I feel him smile against my lips before he pulls away.

"Zayneee" I groan in annoyance he only smiles back at me , the kinda smile I could litteraly die from.
"What ?" He chuckles "you told me to stop" he says as if he's being so fucking smart.
"You're an ass." I roll my eyes.
"Oh shut up you love me." He retorts back and my face flushes , I scoff "maybe I should rethink that." I throw back.
"As if you could." Zayne says with full confidence and I hate him for being so right about it.

I hum "how about you just fucking kiss me hm ?" I then say and within seconds his lips are back on mine kissing me feverishly , his tongue invading my mouth and I gladly let him without protest.
I let out the slightest sound into the kiss before I feel him shift on the bed.
His body is on top of mine before I have time to register it as I wrap my arms around his neck , moving my fingers through his hair and down his back.


Short chapter , you guys can just guess what comes in the next chapter because its totally not obvious.

(Typed with the intent of being nonchalant and mysterious, most likely read by you as chalant and obvious)

Next chapter is gonna be probably the longest of this whole story so brace yourselves.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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