I need you.

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Tw: abuse.
This chapter is gonna go more into depth of Vinny's dad's abuse and there will also be a pov of Xavier and his dad after vinny had left but that will be in a different book I'll be writing on Xavier.
In the last chapter Vinny compared Xavier to a fragile wine glass.. but he doesn't shatter like Vinny thought he would.
Vinny and Xavier have a pretty strong bond even tho they're treated so differently by their parents.
Vinny never really had a bond with his parents.
Their mom paid more attention to Xavier when he was a kid.
They both have their dad's blue eyes but Xavier has their mom's black hair.
Atleast he used to.. but he ended up dying it red.
Vinny looks more like their dad , blue eyes and blonde hair.
A spitting image of his dad when he was younger.
So while Xavier got doted on by their mom Vinny became a straight A student , stayed up every night studying.
He tried to be the perfect kid so that maybe their parents would actually love him.
His dad on the other hand moved up ranks in his line of work fast, their dad saw Xavier as a disgrace to his name but never laid a hand on him because he was his wife's favourite.
Their dad turned his attention on Vinny and let their mom deal with Xavier but whenever Vinny would slip up the slightest bit he would beat him.
The first time he beat Vinny he was 12.


My dad still hasn't said a word to me , I've been home for 2 days.
I go downstairs for dinner.
My mom is sitting at the table but my dad isn't there.
Even when he's not in the same room as me I feel his presence in the house.
It's dark , it's quiet , it's cold.
That's my dad.

I sit down across from my mom and we eat in silence before she speaks up.
"Your father wants you in his office after dinner." She says.
My blood runs cold.
I nod.
After dinner I make my way over to my dad's office.
I knock , wait a few seconds.
Then I go in and close the door behind me.

My dad is sitting at his desk.
He looks at me and his face scrunches up in disgust.
"Who was that peasant ?" He asks.
The person who makes me feel that maybe one day I can get away from you.
"A friend , sir." I say.
He hums.
He's not pleased with my awnser.
"Take off your shirt." He says while he stands up , putting his hand on his belt.
"Dad-" I try to protest.
Wrong move.
Wrong word.

He scoffs "oh Vincent." He says shaking his head.
I freeze.
"You dare disobey me ?
I said take off your shirt you pathetic excuse for a son!" He says , his voice is loud and demanding.
I force myself to gulp down the knot that has formed in my throat.
"Sorry sir."
I say and take off my shirt.

He takes off his belt and walks over.
I'm frozen in place , time stops around me as he circles me.
I don't flinch.
I don't let my body react to the stinging on my back.
"Of what use are you if you start associating yourself with that kind of people ?" He speaks through gritted teeth.
"Speak up, did you tell him ?" He asks.
But he doesn't give me time to awnser.
This time I bite my tongue.
"What about that pink haired fag in the car with you ?" He asks.
I grit my teeth and close my eyes as I force myself not to cry out in pain , it would only make him more angry.
"You dare throw filth on my name ?!" He demands.
Slash !
He continues and keeps talking but I block out the sound of his voice and focus on the pain.
I feel the open wounds with every hit.
"You hear me ?!" He yells.
Suddenly he grabs the back of my hair and drags me over to his desk , everything happens fast.
He bangs my head onto the table.
My ears start ringing and for just a second I think I'm about to pass out, I don't get that peace tho because he pulls my head back , before I feel his hand grip my throat.

The room spins around me and I fall to the ground, gasping for air.
"You're pathetic Vincent." He grits out before he kicks me in the stomach.
I cough at the impact and watch as blood drips onto the floor.
I roll onto my back with a grunt.
I feel the cold floor on the cuts that are scattered over my back.
He turns away from me , he's done.

"Get off my damn floor you pathetic piece of shit." He says , his words laced with venom.
I stumble to my feet and pick up my shirt before I walk out of the room , holding my shirt in my hand.
I close the door behind me and brush the back of my hand over my mouth.
That's when I see him.
He's standing at the end of the hallway. His eyes locked onto mine.
His eyes are wide , his jaw is tense.
I look away and put on my shirt before walking past him and stumbling out of the house.
I need Zayne.


Vinny walks past me.
I thought he had stopped..
I really did..
I knew my dad beat Vinny , I cleaned his wounds when we were kids.. but I thought he had stopped.
My hands clench into fists at my sides before I stalk up to my dad's office and barge in.
I'm done watching my brother hurt.
My dad stands up from his desk.


Then.. I start running.
Rain comes pouring down on me as I run and I feel like I can finally breathe again.
I can breathe because he's at home and I'm not.
My body is aching but I don't care , I keep running.
I feel the rain wash over the cuts on my back when my shirt gets soaked.
I don't care.

I run.
I keep running , road after road.
I run untill I'm in Zayne's neighbourhood.
I'm out of breath.
My throat hurts with every breath.
I walk up to his house and call him.
He picks up immediately.
"Vin ?" He asks.
"Zayne.. I.. please I need you.." I whisper into the phone, my voice breaking.
Rustling on the other side.
Zayne comes running out of the house a few seconds later , halfway putting on his jacket before he sees me.
He drops his jacket as I drop my phone.
I can't anymore.
And for the third time ..I allow myself to cry infront of him. 


1145 words.

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