Going out ?

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Sometimes I get these times when its like time works against me.
In my mind I kind of mind it that my mind can torture me.

I spend the last few days of the break at Zayne's house.
I've gotten closer with Cody and Jinx.
I've noticed how much time Preston spends at Zayne's house.. and how abusive Jinx is to him.. she's always randomly throwing punches at him and ofcourse this is the most entertaining thing ever to Cody because Preston always starts whining about how he's a victim of bullying and harassment..
I'd consider them my best friends right now.

Jinx is nice enough if you ignore the evil look in her eyes whenever she plans something.. I swear that girl is an actual witch.
And Cody.. well Cody is Cody.

Jinx is always all over me asking questions , trying to get me to let her pierce me and let me tell you I am not letting that little witch stab me again.
She tried to do my make up once.. for a girl let's just say she sucks at that.
She blamed it on me "not sitting still"
Zayne's mom isn't around much since she's always working but when she is she's really nice , she makes us food and we all watch tv together on the couch. She hasn't asked me any questions about my family or why I'm even here and I have a feeling Zayne and Jinx are behind that..
My mom was never like that , we never watched tv together.. she never asked me how I was.
Zayne's mom does.

Tomorrow morning we have to head back to the boarding school.
I need to stop by my house on the way there to get my suitcase..
Me and Jinx are sitting on the porch steps after breakfast while Zayne gets forced to help their mom with the dishes.
Jinx is holding a burning cigarette between her shaking fingers.
It's cold.
She hands me the cigarette,  I take it before I take a long drag and hand it back to her as I exhale the smoke.
"You wanna go out tonight ?" She asks.
"Out where ?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Just this little bar a few blocks from here.." she continues.
I've never been to a bar , I've only ever drank once even.
Xavier has asked me a few times but I've always said no.

She sees my hesitation and rolls her eyes "oh come on it'll be fun , Preston is coming over later. We can ask Cody to come with us." She tries to persuade me.
"Eh.. I don't know Jinx.." I say just as I hear someone step out of the door behind us.
Zayne grunts "where ?" He asks.
I look at him when he sits down next to me while he looks at his sister.
Jinx rolls her eyes "the bar."
"Which one ?" Zayne asks , raising his eyebrow.
"Katy's." Jinx says before she takes a drag from her cigarette.
Zayne scoffs. "You're not taking my boyfriend to a bar alone Jinx."
I can't help but smile when he calls me his boyfriend.

Jinx grins and shrugs "why not ? You're no fun , you just always have to start fights there."
Zayne puts his arm around my waist and I lean into his side.
"I wouldn't have to if you weren't dancing with litteral 20 year olds." He says.
Jinx grunts in response "yeah well we're going." She says , she doesn't give me or Zayne a chance to argue as she gets up and goes back into the house.

I look back at Zayne who is glaring at the door.
"Guess we're going to a bar huh ?" I say with a slight grin.
He's adorable when he's trying to be direct with Jinx and somehow always seems to fail.
He looks back at me and huffs , I smile and peck his cheeck before I stand up.
He looks up "where are you going ?" He asks.
"Inside , it's fucking cold out here." I say.
He chuckles before he nods.
He's like immune to the cold , I've never seen him shake , his hands are always warm.. he gets up and we head back inside.

A few hours later I'm sitting on Zayne's bed , leaning back against the headboard,  Zayne is laying inbetween my legs , his head in my lap while I play with his hair.
I watch as he slowly starts to doze off.
Ofcourse that's the exact moment Cody barges into the room "who's ready to get fucked up tonight ?" He says in a singsong voice as he walks in like he owns the place.

Zayne groans in annoyance as he closes his eyes as if someone just screamed right into his ear.
My hand pauses in his hair as I look over at Preston.
Preston follows behind him looking less than pleased with Cody's enthusiasm.
I grin.
Well atleast Zayne's not the only one being grumpy about this whole thing.
Cody climbs onto the bed and practically shoves Zayne off of me.
Zayne glares at him before his eyes narrow when Cody grabs my hand and starts pulling me off the bed.

"Come on bitch , you're not wearing that to a fucking bar are you ?" Cody asks while I climb out of bed.
I look down at my outfit and shrug. "What's wrong with it ?" I ask.
Cody scoffs "sweetie you are not going to a bar with me looking like you climbed right out of bed five minutes ago."
He starts dragging me out of the room while I hear Zayne get out of bed with a huff.


And once again my boyfriend just got kidnapped by the witches.
After an hour of waiting and getting changed into some black cargo pants and a black shirt while listening to Preston whine about how guys will hit on Cody.. we walk out of my room and go wait for the others outside.
He acts like every guy is gay and wants Cody since he started messing around with him.. I don't know if I should pity him or Cody for having to put up with him.

I'm smoking a cigarette when I hear Jinx come out of the house obnoxious as always , basically screaming about how "awesome" this whole night will be.
I look over just as Vinny walks out besides Jinx , I let my eyes travel down his body.
He's wearing black cargo pants and a red croptop.
His whole outfit is topped off with some black rings , necklaces and bracelets.. and his nails , they're painted black.
My eyes meet his blue ones.
That's when I notice the slightest bit of eyeliner.

I smirk , he looks good.
Actually good isn't the right word to describe his look. 
I can't think of any other ways to describe him , my mind is blank besides the thoughts of him bend over the couch while I.. okay you get the point.
He walks over to me with a slight grin.
"Hm you tryna get someone's attention tonight huh ?" I ask.
His grin widens "uh-huh. Yours." He says before he kisses me.


1188 words.

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