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The light is hitting directly in Mingyu's eyes as the dawn breaks. Damn, did he forget to draw the curtains again? Well, that wouldn't come as a huge surprise. He was quite certain that everyone would be a little off after the evening he had.

Mingyu ignores the weight on his chest in an attempt to get another couple of minutes of sleep regardless of it being there. Which is, even though it moves, he ignores it. He stares down and opens his eyes wide.

In front of him lies an untidy ball of hair, and upon sniffing, Mingyu discovers that the individual is an omega and that there is something very recognizable about their scent. Did he find another one last night? How could he forget it? He is positive that he arrived home by himself.

To his complete confusion, Mingyu realizes as he looks around the room that this is not his flat. There are toys and clothing strewn all over this little bedroom. and not the entertaining kind of toys. Real toys for children. There are picture frames stacked on the dresser, and the clock on the bedside table reads 7:57 a.m.

God, where the hell was he?

"Ten minutes more, Mingyu-yaa. It's Christmas.

Mingyu's heart falters for an instant before racing with rage. This voice is familiar to him. Even though he hasn't heard this voice in over a decade, he recognizes this voice better than the voice of his own mother.


He tries but is unable, to look into the face of the person lying on top of him. The only thing Mingyu can see of the omega without literally toppling over him is his blond hair as the omega is curled up with his entire face buried in Mingyu's chest.

Blonde hair?

That settles Mingyu down now. Wonwoo's hair isn't blonde. His jet-black hair flawlessly complements his somewhat lighter piercing feline eyes. Mingyu shakes his head. No, right now is not an appropriate time to become too emotional. He had to leave this place immediately.

When Mingyu is about to gently shift the stranger to a spot next to him, a happy little girl begins to sing directly in the open doorway. The girl rushes into the bedroom with an even younger boy in her arms, and before Mingyu can react in the slightest, they both get into bed.


Jeon Wonwoo is in front of Mingyu. Jeon Wonwoo is in bed with Mingyu. Jeon Wonwoo is hugging a baby boy in his arms while a wild girl starts jumping around, still singing "Jingle Bells".

"You couldn't possibly give Appa five more minutes?" When Wonwoo asks her, the girl bursts into giggles tumbling on top of Mingyu, who is still too surprised to do anything except stare with her large, wide eyes.

The girl's mischievous voice says, "Sorry, Appa," as though she doesn't truly mean it. She raises her head a little as she meets Mingyu's gaze properly. "Please, Daddy, let's open the presents!"

Okay, that's it. Mingyu jumps out of bed, almost tripping over a... dog? The big, brown animal looks at him with sparkling eyes and Mingyu is not sure if he's more terrified by the omnipresent domesticity or the fact that he finds himself naked. Fuck, shit, there are kids here! Is this some kind of sick prank? Did someone put him here to mess with his head? What the fuck?!

He grabs the closest sweatpants that are lying on the floor and a jumper that turns out too tight for him, so it's probably Wonwoo's (of course it's Wonwoo's, how could it be Mingyu's when it's not his apartment!). He needs to get out of here and go home and just pretend none of this happened. What the fuck.

However, before Mingyu can even flee the room, he feels the familiar, delicate fingers pulling him in the direction of the bed gently grasping his wrist. "Mingyu." And for a split second, as their gazes lock, Mingyu is certain Wonwoo will berate him. scared he would curse him and throw the large, ugly lamp that is resting on his bedside table towards Mingyu. However, none of it occurs; instead, Wonwoo simply pouts in a classic Wonwoo way and pleads "A strong tea, please."

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