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Mingyu covers Wonwoo's eyes when they cross the threshold of the extravagant apartment.

"Gyu," the omega giggles, smelling the spike in his husband's scent from excitement. "Just tell me the surprise, already. I'm dying here."

"Here, Look around, love," the alpha whispers and finally drops his hands.

Wonwoo looks around the spacious room, at the marble floors, modern furniture, and high ceilings. "Wow, it's like in a museum in here," he chuckles and Mingyu is a bit surprised. Well, maybe it's not as homey as their house in New Jersey but it's still so much more impressive. The omega faces him with a glint in his eyes. "Did you rent this place for a weekend?" He bites his lip and reaches for Mingyu's tie.

"Think bigger," the alpha whispers and shows Wonwoo around.

"For the week?"

Mingyu can't help but laugh at the horrified expression his omega makes, probably thinking about the costs of doing such a thing. So he quickly rubs his mate's arms and smiles softly, to calm him down. "This place is a perk, Hyung."

"A perk? A perk for what?"

"A company called 'P.K. Lassiter Investment House' uses it to attract new executives," Mingyu explains and grins wider at the surprise in Wonwoo's eyes. "I'm going into arbitrage, honey. I'll be making twice what I make now plus a hefty bonus and that's just a start. And we get this apartment practically rent-free until we find a place we'd like to make our home."........

Mingyu frowns Wonwoo's reaction is far from what he expected.

"Are you out of your mind, Mingyu?"

"Wha- Hyung! This is gonna make everyone's lives better. We can put Minnie and Hwannie in private schools-"

"Minnie goes to a great school already."

"I'm talking about the best schools in the country here, Hyung."

"Mingyu, what the hell are you thinking?!" the omega angrily shakes away the businessman's hands and steps away from him. "What about my work?"

"I'm sure you can find even more pathetic clients in New York City than there are in Jersey..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there," Wonwoo inhales a shaky breath and takes Mingyu's hand in both of his, a pleading look in his eyes directed at his mate. "I can't believe you're even thinking about this. Gyu, we left the city because we didn't want our pups to grow up there. We wanted to give them a happy, peaceful childhood, "


"No... No, Hyung. This is the center of the Universe, it's the best place in the world!"

"Oh god," Wonwoo lets go of his hands and runs shaky fingers through his hair, his stressed pheromones taking over the whole space.

This was supposed to be a happy day, what the hell went wrong?

"Okay, you know what," Mingyu can feel the irritation rising in him. "Fine. I don't need all this. We don't have to live here. Forget it. I'll just commute."

"B-But Gyu, that's- that's over an hour-long trip one way. It's three hours each day, when are you ever gonna see kids? When are you gonna be with us? With your family?"

"Hyung, you don't understand," Mingyu sighs, frustrated. This is all wrong. He did it for their family. To give them everything he can. "I'm talking about the perfect life. Life that we dreamed about when we were young, Hyung. We had to make some sacrifices before, you said that yourself but now I can get us back on track. Let me be the alpha you and our kids deserve. I need to do it, honey. For all of us."

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