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They head home in an eerily silent car. Wonwoo doesn't express his emotions by his scent or facial expressions, but Mingyu believes he can determine a lot from the way the omega is facing the passenger window and not speaking to him. Mingyu lacks the courage to switch on the music, even if it is currently off. Thankfully, the children are fast asleep, and tucked between their chairs is a chocolate cake in a box. Mingyu is at least relieved that their scared gaze is no longer on him.

He feels like an asshole.

However, nothing he pointed out seemed to be a lie. The way things are is so disappointing that it's truly depressing; the alpha doesn't know how the other Mingyu agreed to any of it. And to think that pictures of an apparently content family man are all over his workplace here. What a joke.

With a sigh, Mingyu looks at the omega. It pisses him off how it hurts him that Wonwoo is upset.

"Hey, Hyung..." Mingyu starts and pauses for a second when the omega turns even more away from him. "Look, I'm really sorry for what happened... it's just..." he hesitates. "Sometimes I wonder how we got here, how our life turned out like this. I mean... think about our college days. Is this really how you imagined our future?"

"Sometimes life throws some surprises at you," Wonwoo whispers and Mingyu wants to scoff. Yeah, No one can experience those surprises better than Mingyu himself.

Instead, he hums. "It does, doesn't it? There were some, so just out of curiosity, which one was the biggest for you?"

The omega turns around and looks at the kids, making sure they are asleep, and smiles lovingly at their figures. "Minnie for sure."

"Right," Mingyu laughs and it actually makes a lot of sense. Why else would they change their plans so much? They got themselves the bun in the oven and now they make shopping trips for tiny Mary Janes. He smiles in spite of himself. "That must've been... I mean was unexpected."

"Yeah, it was," Wonwoo admits, adjusting the blanket covering the girl's legs. "But I think it worked out okay, don't you?"

And the alpha hates the pain that he hears in that whisper. "Of course," he confirms quickly. "I really like Minjee."

"Oh that's great, Mingyu," Wonwoo snorts and sends him a playful look. "Maybe we'll keep her."

"No, no, I love her, I love Minjee," he checks in the rearview mirror if the girl is still asleep. He tries to imagine her younger, a newborn. He smiles to himself a little. She must've been a handful. Cute but a handful. "We've had a lot of good times, huh?"

"The best," Wonwoo nods and looks at his hands. He's playing with his wedding ring and Mingyu glances at his own. It's right there, on his ring finger, constantly mocking him and winking his way when it catches the light. Imposter. "It's funny, you know. How much she changed. She was so small and made such a big overturn. A tiny pup, the moving, the hospital trips - it all crushed us at the same time and you were so great. With a heart attack..."

"You had a heart attack?!" Mingyu almost hits the brakes because at this moment he feels like he is having a heart attack. His alpha goes crazy inside at this brand-new information.

But Wonwoo seems annoyed. "Stop it, Mingyu, it's not funny. What the hell is happening with you lately?" He shakes his head. "I don't know how our lives would look now if you hadn't stepped in the store."

Taejoon... So this is how he ended up working as a salesman in 'Big Joon's Tires'. His in-law had a heart attack and as a great son-in-law and mate, the other Mingyu took the responsibility. Based on Wonwoo's words about moving, they must've lived in the city at the beginning of their life together. The other Mingyu almost had both a career and Wonwoo... and he ended up with just Wonwoo.

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