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For the city of Manhattan. Wonwoo Jeon. I will also require an address.





The main door and the apartment door are both open when Mingyu arrives at the building. He lets one person go because several people are taking out boxes, and then he enters, feeling like his heart is about to burst. His wolf is circling impatiently, picking up on the apple scent immediately.

"be careful with that painting, it's important to Wonwoo, "A young, male omega instructs the team,
Then, presumably sensing Mingyu, he turns to face him. "Who are you?"

"I'm Kim Mingyu. I'm Wonwoo's-" His mate. His husband. "I'm an old friend of Wonwoo."

The man rolls his eyes. "Hyung! Some guy's here."

"Oh, Chan. Hey, did you call the airline already? It's only two-."


There he is. Standing in front of Mingyu real. Beautiful as always, gorgeous, astonishing, and stealing breaths away. Blonde in this universe, too.

Wonwoo is here. He's real and so not Mingyu's.

"Hyung," Mingyu whispers and the omega's lips stretch in a sweet smile. "You look amazing."

"Thanks. Come on in!"

They walk further inside the apartment, on the way the omega thanks two men carrying something covered with a sheet and what seems to be an armchair.

"What's going on?" Mingyu asks, expecting that he's not going to like the answer.

"I'm moving to Paris!" 


Yep. Mingyu doesn't like it. 

"Hey, Chan, have you seen that box? It says 'Gyu' on it and you were supposed to call his office about it yesterday?"

"Hyung, do you want me to look for the box or call the airline?"

"Hey, you brat. I'm kinda under a little pressure here."

"Hey, I'm giving up my Christmas Day for my ex-boss here."

"You didn't seem to mind when you were opening all the gifts earlier this morning, Chan."

The young sassy omega rolls his eyes. "It might be by the wardrobe."

"Thank you! See, it wasn't that hard."

"So you're moving?" Mingyu asks, not being able to stop himself anymore.

What are the odds? Did Mingyu really decide to see Wonwoo in this reality for the first time after thirteen years, just to find out he's leaving New York?

"Yes, to Paris. My firm has an office there. I'm gonna head it up."

"Paris?" the realization dawns on Mingyu. "Paris, France?"

"The one and only!"

"So... you're not a non-profit firm?" Wonwoo only snorts and shakes his head as if Mingyu told him the most ridiculous joke. "Are you married?"

The question must catch the omega off guard because he stays silent for a few long moments. The alpha can't see his face but he's pretty sure there's a very confused expression on it.

"No, I never got married, Mingyu. You?"

"Not exactly," I got married to you. Please, marry me again. "Look, could we please grab a coffee or something? I will not take you long-"

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