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Slowly, the days go by. Mingyu sticks to the routine that the other Mingyu seems to have established for himself, and he hates every minute of it. He despises his profession, where it seems like everyone looks up to him and asks for help; Mingyu hates the way Wonwoo looks at him and gives him many kisses every day; how Jihwan reaches out to him and begs to be embraced in silence; and how Lucy follows him around the house. Minjee is the only person who gives him some space. Whenever he succeeds in carrying out a "typical human activity," she simply cannot stop complimenting him. She gave him the go-ahead for perfectly cooked scrambled eggs just this morning. It made the alpha sincerely happy.

He hates this way of life even more at the moment. Mid-January finds them on an adorable family outing to the mall, where they are reportedly taking advantage of the huge discounts to buy items, plus it's a yearly habit. At least in Minjee's opinion.

Mingyu follows the three as Wonwoo pushes the stroller with Jihwan in it and Minjee running beside and gesturing to whatever she notices that is pink or purple. Throughout the day, the omega speaks to her in a lively tone, and Mingyu is really unaware of Wonwoo's source of energy. Because Mingyu is exhausted. exhausted by this life, this mall, and all of the stuff he is carrying around. He simply doesn't want to, regardless of the fact that those bags aren't even heavy.

"Okay, we're almost done," Wonwoo chirps joyfully and Mingyu wants to scream. Finally!

"Appa, you promised me Mary Janes," Minjee reminds him with a pout.

"Well, you're right, I did. Okay, kid's shoe shop first, then I need to pick up my watch, and then..."

"Why don't we go to all the stores? Every single one. And maybe in another mall too. Wouldn't that be just fun?"


Wonwoo and Minjee turn around and blink at Mingyu, surprised. But Mingyu doesn't even care if he sounds like dick. He just wants to get out of here, put Jihwan for his nap, and pretend to watch cartoons with Minjee and instead just turn off his mind, like he does every single day to endure this shitshow.

"You know what. You stay here in the men's department and I will take the kids. We will catch you later."

Wonwoo continues to speak in a cheerful manner, but Mingyu can see the pain in his eyes. Fantastic. Excellent. He is aware that the omega can sense when something is off with his husband; sadly, he hasn't yet discovered that the problem is that his husband isn't actually his husband at all. And it seems like Wonwoo decides to ignore those little outbursts, instead showering Mingyu with more love like the caring mate he is. As if that didn't make the alpha feel even worse.

The three walk away and Mingyu's heart feels heavy in his chest as he watches after them. He starts strolling around mindlessly, enjoying a quiet time as much as he can, knowing that it's gonna be over soon. Suddenly a familiar brand catches his eye and with more energy than he had in a few days, he speed walks to the Zegna section. He draws in a deep breath and for the first time in a few days, Mingyu feels at home.

"Wow, Minnie, look how handsome your daddy looks in the suit."

Mingyu glances at their reflection in the mirror and the admiration in Wonwoo's eyes feels great. Mingyu knows he looks good, for the first time since he arrived in this alternate reality he feels like he actually deserves the omega's appreciation.

This is what a successful alpha you deserve looks like hyung.

"It would need some changes but I already feel like a better person," Mingyu states proudly and catches a weird look that Wonwoo throws at him. "I'm gonna buy it."

The omega checks the tag and laughs in disbelief. "It's 2,500 dollars, are you out of your mind?"

"She got her shoes," Mingyu points at the box in the bag under the stroller.

"Those shoes were 25 dollars, Mingyu. Come on, let's grab some early dinner before we go home. Your daddy is a crazy guy, kids, he needs some chocolate cake, what do you think?"

The alpha is more enraged by Wonwoo's disregard than by anything else that occurred that day. This is what makes Mingyu feel less like an outsider in his own skin—it's the essence of who he is. This suit, at least on the outside makes him a respectable husband, a proper mate, and a proper alpha. Does Wonwoo not see the true nature of this situation? It feels like the airport incident all over again.

Mingyu firmly responds, "No," and they turn once again. Not at all. Are you aware of every detail of my life?

"Pardon me?" Puzzled, Wonwoo furrows his brows.

Every morning, I find a dog spit all over my face. After dropping the kids off, I walk her for eight hours and sell tires. Hyung, tires! After picking up the kids, I head home and take the monster-sized dog for a stroll. I take out the trash, play with the kids, and get six hours of sleep," Mingyu chuckles. If I'm fortunate, of course. After then, everything begins anew," he pauses to inhale deeply. "So what's in it for me? Where are my Mary Janes?"

Mingyu tries to ignore the evident hurt in Wonwoo's eyes because he can't back down now. "I'm sorry to hear that your life is such a disappointment to you," the omega whispers with scrunched eyebrows.

"I can't believe it isn't a disappointment to you!" Mingyu yells and his stomach drops when Minjee hides behind Wonwoo. "Jesus, Hyung, I could've been a thousand times the man I became. One of the richest... Forbes... President..." he closes his eyes. "How could you do this to me, Hyung?" he looks him in the eye. "How could you let me give up my dreams like that? And for this?" He gestures around. "Why did you make me do this?"

Wonwoo stares at Mingyu with wide eyes, hurt and aghast swimming in incoming tears. "Who are you?"

Mingyu felt the words strike right in his chest. He notices the omega's disturbed pheromones, Minjee peeping at him from behind her Appa's back while sobbing softly, and Jihwan acting strangely quiet and not reaching out to him as usual. Mingyu apologizes and clears his throat. I apologize for being such an asshole now when I was such a saint that you loved so much. Mingyu is no longer even bothered if the children pay attention. Mingyu avoids his growling alpha as well. "Perhaps, though, I've changed since we were married.

Wonwoo calms Minjee when she buries her face in his sides. He is a loving father. The girl calms down, and the omega glances up at Mingyu once more before eventually saying, "Maybe you are not." Wonwoo shakes his head in shock, hurt still visible in his eyes, "Because Kim Mingyu I married wouldn't need a 2,500 dollar suit to feel better about his life." "But that's okay if you really need it and you're that miserable. Purchase it. If it will make you happy, then do as you like. We will only deduct some amount from the children's college fund.

He gives the alpha a final, dissatisfied glance before turning away as Jihwan eventually catches up and begins to whine softly.

Mingyu adds angrily, "Forget it," taking off the jacket since he is no longer feeling well. Unbelievably great. "I'll that chocolate cake, please. It'll be the highlight of my week."

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