2. Fansign

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Rows of screaming fans are behind me. They're holding banners, lightsticks, plushies, and their phones up, ready to capture the moment. They are all crowded behind the barricades but not me. I'm in the front.

Looking down the hallway, I see members of Stray Kids walking one by one, greeting the fans by waving and bowing to them, with security protecting them. Their SKZOO mascots walk beside them toward the exit. I smile and wave along. The fans are respectful and stay behind the barriers.

I'm dressed in casual clothes, a mask over my mouth. I'm not their security, I'm one of the staff members.

As ever, Chan is walking last, behind everyone. Wolf Chan is in front of him. The mascot gives me a high-five before continuing his walk. Upon receiving my touch, Wolf Chan begins to jump excitedly, gesturing a giggle by covering his mouth. Bang Chan laughs behind him.

As he is the last member, all staff begins to leave the hallway, heading to the exit. I walk at a safe distance with Chan. He's wearing a large black backpack over a white t-shirt, his legs dressed in black sweatpants, and his hair curly, soft-looking, and blond. I love his blond hair.

We exit the building, heading toward the hotel that is right next to the fansign venue.

"So, your next fansign concert is in Fukuoka, right?" I ask and Chan giggles.

He shrugs his shoulders as we turn to walk the narrow pathway through the park and toward the hotel. The rest of the staff, security, and the members are already gone.

"I don't know," he says, giggling again.

I gasp, stopping in my tracks. "How do you not know what's next on your schedule?!" The question comes out loud but he laughs again.

As I'm wearing slip-on sandals, I kick one at him but he picks it up from the grass and waves it around, mocking me with his tongue sticking out.

"Hey! Give it back!" I shout but Chan begins running away with it.

I start chasing after him, soft grass and leaves ticking my bare foot. He runs around the hotel's park and I speed up. However, he climbs a tree, my sandal still in his hand. I don't have a choice but to follow.

I loved climbing trees ever since I was a kid so the task is easy and I'm in front of him in seconds. We're both panting and giggling. I'm clinging onto his shoulders, my bare foot on the tree trunk behind him. He's trapped.

"Give it back." I hiss, staring into his eyes. The blue contacts look good with his blond hair, a perfect combination.

"Or what?" He cocks a brow at me and I lean closer to him.

"Or I'll push you down this tree," I smirk and he chuckles.

"Then we'll both fall," Chan exclaims, putting his free arm around my waist and pulling me onto his lap.

"You wouldn't..."

His smirk widens. "Try me."

Our breaths calm down but we're so close. Without a warning, he tilts his head and his lips press on the side of my neck. My fingers clutch the fabric of his shirt. I'm holding onto him for dear life as any wrong move could send us flying down the old whitebark sycamore tree.

"Chan..." I breathe out, closing my eyes and enjoying his soft lips on my neck and the pleasurable hums he's letting out as he kisses the tender spot right below my left ear. He lets me grind on his thigh and I can't help but let out a soft breath.


A beeping sound makes me open my eyes.

My body is tingling from the pleasure and I feel hot and needy.

I am no longer high up in the tree, on Chan's lap, holding onto his shoulders as he's kissing my neck.

I am back in my bedroom, on my bed, staring into the darkness. Realizing what has happened, I sit up on my bed and take off the black VR glasses.

"What... was that?" I mumble to myself, looking at the glasses in my hand.

The VR experience felt so damn real - every touch, every smell, and every sound felt as if I was really there!

I can still feel the touch of grass on my feet, the grip of Chan's arm around my waist, and the touch of his soft lips and hot tongue on my neck.

"What is going on?" The shock is not leaving me and it takes me a moment to get used to my surroundings.

My room is the same as it was - colorful fairy lights going from the decorated Christmas tree and the wire spreading all around the room. A small TV is turned off, just like the PC, and the cheerful noise of people celebrating New Year can be heard from outside.

I take out the earbuds and grab my phone. The display shows a single window and I read the text out loud.

"You used the daily streaks of your VR experience. For the unlimited experience, purchase our premium membership."

"What the fuck?!" I fume and tap on the "premium" button decorated in sparkles. The price makes me gasp. "100 dollars a month?! What?!"

I laugh in disbelief and let my phone fall on the bed. Shaking my head, I close the app and get off the bed, ready to go and take a shower.

"As real as it felt, it's not worth the money," I mumble to myself, getting into the shower.

As I'm washing myself, I can't help but touch my neck, the left area where Chan kissed me. A pleasant shiver runs down my spine but I shake my head and continue washing my body.

I return to my room but curiosity gets the best of me and I take my phone, scrolling through the VR application.

My sleepless night passes in me researching about the app and its features. By morning, I have learned that the "daily VR experience" is 5 minutes long and that I can be replayed only once, stored in the archive on my profile, while premium members get unlimited VR scenarios that can be replayed an unlimited amount of time, unlocked and stored in the same archive.

At dawn, I put the glasses and buds on again, clicked on the thumbnail of the only scenario in my archive, and replayed the experience with the blond teasing Chan.

When the screen went black, I was left breathless, my mind hazy, and my body more turned on than the first time I went through this experience.

I scoff, clutching the black glasses in my hand while watching the sunrise.

"Technology has really advanced..."

I exit my bedroom and go to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. Luckily, my calendar was empty for January 1st so I promised myself to rest later today.

However, my mind is still drifting toward the VR app and VR Chan which made my body and heart tremble with excitement.

The next thing I know, I'm scrolling through my bank account.

VR - Virtual Reality [STRAY KIDS FF] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now