5. Daddy

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Coming home after meeting up with my best friend and telling her all about the VR experience, I kick away the shoes, a sigh rolling out of my mouth. My friend believed me about the VR, but my stories also made her excited, so she requested that I ask my father for another VR set for her.

I didn't call him... or the rest of my family. I can't remember the reason I was worried (whenever I tried thinking about it, my head would start hurting), but I just had a bad feeling about my family... especially my father.

I go on with my day. I don't have classes until January 10th, so I spend most of my day watching funny videos or movies, eating junk food, and drinking coffee while anticipating midnight for my VR daily streak reset.

It is finally time. I make myself comfortable in my bed, put on all the needed equipment, and click "Start".

A quick thought crosses my mind - will it be Chan again, or will the app finally let me spend some time with another SKZ member? - but I dismiss it as the sparkles dance in front of my eyes and my body begins tingling.


Putting on my black padded jacket, I carefully close the door behind me and huff into my cupped hands. The wind is sharp and cold.

The yacht is huge but the swaying and waves hitting the ship could still be felt. The sea has been restless today and I still wonder why I agreed on this trip in the middle of the winter. But, some trust curves up my lips in a smile as I walk by the railing and toward the back of the large white boat from where some clamor can be heard.

My smile widens upon seeing two men talking and laughing, huffing into their cups of hot coffee.

I step down the metal ladder and approach the tall black-haired man in a red padded jacket. Sneaking my arms around his waist, I rest my face on his back.

My touch startles him and he stops talking to his friend, turning around to see me. A smile immediately forms on his face.

"Hey there, love," he says, moving his hand away so as not to spill the hot coffee on me. "How are you?"

I sigh. "Tired... and tense," I whine, clutching my shoulder.

His smirk widens. "Do you need a massage, maybe?" His face leans closer, our foreheads touching.

"I'd love that..." I link my arms around his neck, taking in his hot breath and the scent of coffee.

"Hey! Go be lovey-dovey somewhere else!"

A shout interrupts us and we turn to the man sitting by the railing, his black padded jacket zipped all the way up.

"Sorry, hyung, but I can't resist her. I just love my wife."

"And I hate thrid-wheeling, Seungmin!"

"Then you go," Seungmin says and I hide my giggle, nuzzling my face into his chest. His jacket is opened and I sneak my arms inside and hug him closer to get a bit more of his body heat through the white cotton of his wide t-shirt.

"No way! I came here first!"

I sigh and step away from Seungmin.  "I'm sorry for interrupting, Changbin... but I, too, love my husband so much that I cannot help it."

Seungmin and I giggle and share a small kiss, my arms wrapping around his waist further and pulling him closer.

"You can interrupt me anytime, love," Seungmin says and bops my nose, making me giggle again.

I hear Changbin grunt in annoyance and I just know that he rolled his eyes at our PDA.

"Do you want some coffee?" Seungmin offers his cup and I take a sip.

I grimace, sticking out my tongue. "It's already cold..."

Seungmin glares at the cup as if it'll apologize to him for getting cold and I laugh, going back to hug him.

"Okay, I'll get you another one..." Seungmin says, resting his chin on the top of my head. But he then lowers his head to my ear, his free arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me to him. "After that massage of yours..."

I feel my face blushing and giggle again, hitting his chest playfully.

But then the maid that served us on this trip calls and steps down the ladder. She hands me the wrapped-up baby, our lovely daughter.

"Aww, did our little girly wake up?" Seungmin coos, poking the baby's chubby cheek peeking from the opening of the soft blanket.

I nestle our daughter in my arms, pulling the blanket closer to her face to shelter her from the wind.

"You barely slept an hour..." I sigh but the baby only watches me with her cute sparkly eyes.

I glance up at Seungmin who keeps smiling at us. Our daughter looks so much like him - same eyes and same black hair... people had told me that she only has my nose.

Seungmin pulls me close and kisses the top of my head.

"Let Uncle Changbin deal with her," Seungmin whispers, "You need a massage, remember, Mommy?"

I meet his eyes and see that mischievous spark that I fell for one day, years ago. That spark, paired up with his handsome face, witty humor, endearing smile, and unique personality, made it clear that I wanted to marry him... which I did.

He never stopped being himself even though years had passed since we first met.

"Good idea... Daddy," I wink as I whisper back, going along with his plan. "This Mommy needs some relaxing time..."

Seungmin's cheeky smile plays on his lips. He kisses my head again and hops up the ladder, probably on his way to our shared room.

"Oh, Changbinnie-hyung..." I put on my sweetest voice, making the said male pull up his gaze from his phone. I step closer to him, offering him my daughter. He takes her without a word and I smile bigger.

"Be a sweetheart and feed her, will ya?" He opens his mouth to protest but I continue, "The food is in the fridge. Ask the maid to heat it up for you, okay?"

"No! It's not okay!" Changbin abruptly stands from the bench, almost falling when the big wave hits the boat. "I am not taking care of your baby while you're getting it on with Seungmin!"

"Awww... pleeeaseee!" I whine, putting on my best puppy dog "please" face. "We won't take long and besides..." I become serious again, ready to scold him. "It's not nice to deny a lady!"

Changbin looks between my daughter and me and then sighs.

"Okay. Perfect! Thank youuu!"

I wave and hop up the steps, ready to head to the room and to my awaiting husband.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I sigh and take off the glasses and earbuds.

This experience was so different from the previous two. Not only did my "love interest" change but I met two other Stray Kids members! And I was a mom! I was married to Kim Seungmin and had a daughter with him!

It all, again, makes me wonder if the app can actually read my mind because I did wonder (twice) if it'll be someone other than Chan... But I shake that weird thought as I replay the vivid scenario in my mind.

"Oh my God..." I plaster my hands on my burning cheeks. I surely didn't expect this scenario to happen.

A cold shower I took before bed didn't help in reducing my body heat or the feel of Seungmin's body heat transferring onto me, as well as the warmth and softness of his lips on mine.

The fact that I felt everything every time I entered the scenario made me realize that I am starting to like this VR app more and more.

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