20. New world

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One more step.

I'm standing in front of what it seems as a portal to the new world - a blurred street - yet I squeeze Chan's hand and turn back at the crumbling world one last time.

"Leave everything behind you and start a new life."

I look at him, seeing his signature dimple smile. I'm feeling weaker by the moment, feeling as if my lungs are burning. I shake off the mental image of my real body swallowed by the fire and smile back at Chan.

"It begins and ends with you..."

But my knees give up and I fall yet Chan's arms come under me and he pulls me up. His smile is replaced by concerned frown.

"You're dying. We must go."

I faintly nod and after that, everything is a blur.


Opening my eyes, I feel light as a feather. City noises and smell of fresh bagels reach my senses but I bask in the warmth of his arms.


My eyes fly open and I look up at Bang Chan. He's carrying me!

"Chan! What the hell are you doing?!" I wiggle around, trying to escape his arms but he strengthens his hold on me.

"Easy there. You'll fall!"

"Let. Me. Go!"

"Fine..." he rolls his eyes and helps me stand. 

My heels click against the concrete and I rush to the first shop window to check my appearance.

Hair? Check. Coat? Check. Long black dress? Check. Red lipstick? Check. Nails? Check. Red shoes? Also check.

"Don't worry. I didn't do anything," I hear Chan grunt behind me and turn abruptly to him, frowning. He scoffs and smooth his suit and tie. "You had one granola bar for 'breakfast' and you passed out in the middle of the street. You're lucky I was there to catch you."

"Woo-hoo, my hero," I roll my eyes and smooth my hair. "The real matter here is - why did you carry me in the middle of a crowded New York sidewalk!? Are you insane!?"

Chan looks around and shrugs. "You look like the insane one right now, shouting and throwing a fit."

"I'm not---" I stop myself, not wanting to give into his words. I won't let him get that satisfaction of riling me up. Not today.

I flick my hair. "I'll forgive you if you buy me a bagel."

Chan's jaw drops but then he laughs. "Forgive me? For what?"

"For being insolent," I shrug.

"How--" he stops himself as well, letting out another grunt and pinching his nose.

His eyes return to mine and in two long steps, he's in front of me and I don't even flinch.

"We must return to the office but once we're there..." he growls but I shake my head.

"Nah-ah-ah. Not so fast, cowboy. My bagel." I put up my manicured hand, a cheeky smile spreading on my face.

Chan rolls his eyes. "Fine. You want milkshake with that."

"You know I do," I say cutely and he chuckles, shaking his head.

"Do you feel better now?" Chan asks once I link my arm with his.

"Yup, thanks." I stretch. "I feel refreshed, as if I slept for a whole eternity," I grunt after my stretch and move closer to him, putting my chin on his shoulder. "Thank you for caring about me, Channie."

We stop and he kisses the tip of my nose, placing his arms on my hips.

"It's my job to look after you and I will continue doing that in every universe and alternative reality. Remember that."

I giggle and hug him tight, pressing my face on his chest. His heart is beating and I close my eyes to enjoy the soothing sound. He presses his lips on the top of my head.

We're just standing and hugging in the middle of busy NYC but I don't mind. I need this hug.

"Thank you, Chan... for everything..."

His arms tighten around my body and he kisses my head again, our hearts beating in sync.

"Always, my love."

I close my eyes and enjoy the moment, letting his love, care, and warmth fill me up.

"Hey, you two! Stop that!"

Chan and I part and look at the seven suit-wearing boys in front of us, all of them frowning and eating.

Jisung steps first, pulling me away from Chan while glaring at him. "You sneaky kangaroo! What were you doing just now?!"

Chan shrugs, an innocent pout making me giggle. Jisung turns to me and my laugh stops as I press my red lips together.

"We still didn't get to go on a date. Are you already choosing Chan?" Jisung asks, his eyes filling with tears.

"Jisungie, I..."

"Nah-ah! I'm taking her on a date!" Hyunjin shouts next, pulling me away from Jisung. He turns to me, his frown getting replaced with a charming smile. He puts a finger under my chin, tilting my head up for our eyes to lock. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

"Fuck you, Hyunjin! She's mine!" Changbin roars next, yanking me away and making me fall onto his chest. "We didn't even get a snack together!"

"But I also want..." Felix pouts from the sidelines and I give him a compassionate smile.

"Fuck all of you!" Seungmin steps forward but Minho follows.

"Oh, no you don't, puppy. I already bought her lunch." Minho glares at the younger and sparks fly on the sidewalk, the moment charged with tension.


I turn my head and see Jeongin sneaking in from behind. "Let's ditch all of them. I have your latte."

A smile grows on my lips but then they all call my name and I flinch, turning to the expecting men in suits.

"So, love, who are you choosing to take you back to the office?" Chan raises his brow, his arms crossed in front of him.

I put a finger under my chin, pretending to think.

"Whoever catches me first!!" I stick out my tongue, push Jeongin away and run as fast as I can in my red heels, giggles falling out of my mouth as I push through the crowd of people.

Who knew getting chased by eight handsome men in the crowded city of New York would be this much fun?

I love my life.



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