11. Coffee

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Time flies when you're having fun...

It's already January 7th.

I slept through most of the day, given the fact that I went through three scenarios with three different SKZ members, and replayed them through the night because I just couldn't get enough of falling in love.

Meeting the guy, spending time with him, talking about things that we love and what interest us, and that way getting to know each other, small moments such as laughs, sneaky glances, and subtle touches that make my heart flutter and lead to that first kiss, but also gentle kisses, words, and hugs once we're in a relationship... it all makes me warm...

But I can't lie and say that the process of falling in love is bothersome - every second with my potential soulmate is crucial!

I haven't been on many first, second, or third dates but, last night, Jeongin proved to me that those days and moments can be precious.

I flinch out of my thoughts.

"I've been too dependable on that VR thing..." I massage my forehead, losing my appetite. Pushing away the half-eaten lunch, I stand up from the table, rushing to my bedroom to grab my coat.

"I need to get some air... I've been hoarding in here like a mouse!"

Luckily, the day is sunny so I rush out and go to the nearest coffee shop. I need caffeine to clear my head and snap me back to reality.

As I'm waiting in the queue my eyes wander over the cafe and stop at the cute couple seated by the window. They're laughing and holding hands across the table. He's looking at her dearly, like she's his whole world, listening to her so attentively.

Athorn of jealousy pierces my heart but I look away as the line moves. And to make matters worse - a cute cashier gets asked out right in front of me, but she only smiles and continues with the man's order. I want to get out of here soon. The large latte is soon in my hands and I'm soon out of the shop.

Drinking hot coffee warms me only remotely because my chest still hurts.

Why am I so hung up on having a partner? Did the VR really mess up with my head? Yes, absolutely.

Yet I returned to my apartment even though I planned on taking a stroll. The sun is no longer warm, just like to coffee in my cupped hands.

There's nothing interesting to see on the TV and, before I knew it, I'm back on my bed, eyeing the equipment laid on the soft blanket.

My heart is aching but I grab my phone, log in, and put on the glasses, ready to escape reality once again.


When the happy hour meets the rush hour, one must stay focused and not give in to pressure. The line is long but my focus is sharp and I take orders one at a time.

"Here's your caramel latte," I smile at the gorgeous redhead girl, placing the cup in her manicured hand. She thanks me with a dashing smile and turns on her heel, her luscious hair, as well as body, drawing looks until she's out of the cafe.

The next person comes by the counter, looking through his phone, and before I even speak he says, "Iced Americano."

I've dealt with numerous rude customers so I nod and enter his order into the computer. "Anything el--"

"Just coffee."

I nod again, my smile twitching, ignoring his rude interruption just how he ignores me. I tell him the price and he hands me the card without even looking at me. I complete the transaction and return the card.

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