6. Chores

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I don't want to think. I just want to enjoy my life.

My life had become more enjoyable, and I've been smiling more the more I experience VR.

I don't want to do it, but subconsciously, I'm thankful to my father for developing this app and gifting me the equipment that I use to escape the real world.

It's cold outside and the TV and the internet bore me. Those are perfect excuses for me to dive into the VR world every midnight.

I took a shower beforehand, counting seconds before the daily streak reset.

I wonder if I'll meet Seungmin again. Or will it be Changbin this time? Or maybe even Chan will appear again, letting me swoon over his smile for the third time.

I refresh the home screen of the application until the "free pass" window appears, all sparkly and captivating.

A smile appears on my face once the confetti flies over the screen, and the big sparkly button pops up. I can't suppress my excited giggle.

Popping in the buds and putting on the black glasses, I remote control through the app, ready for another wonderful experience.

Familiar light and sparkles fly around and in front of my eyes, my body buzzes with anticipation, and the scenario plays out in the next second.


Water is filling the bucket. I sigh as I watch the water pour out of the shower head. My back hurts. I feel tired.

Twisting the faucet to close the water, I let out another sigh and at the next moment hear a loud crash from the small room in the distance.

"Minho?!" I call for him and hear a low curse, followed by the tools clanking against the wooden floor.

His footsteps come in hard and frustrated run but he appears at the bathroom door, leaning against the frame.

"Yeah, baby?" Minho asks, his voice coming out soft and caring, completely different from his angry curse just a moment ago.

He's dressed in sweatpants, his hoodie wrapped around his waist. His chest, dressed in a white t-shirt, is heaving and his face is glistering due to a light layer of sweat covering it. The sleeves of his white tee are rolled up to his shoulders, exposing his tensing arms.

I smile, reluctantly peeling my eyes away from his body. I take a tissue paper from the bathroom shelf and approach him, dabbing the pears of sweat from his forehead, my fingers combing his damp hair and moving it away from his face.

"I thought that you got hurt... What was that crash?" I ask, finishing the wiping of his face.

Minho sighs and rolls his eyes. "I just can't seem to put together that damned crib!"

"Did you read the instructions?" I ask and he grumbles, crossing his arms.

"No," Minho pouts and I giggle at his grumpyness. "I mean, how hard can it be to put together a simple--?"

He stops talking when I put my hand on his cheek, smiling dearly at him. "Let's see the instruction manual again."

Minho gives in. "Okay..."

I nod and step away. "But first, please carry this bucket of water to the room. I need to mop the floors."

He finally smiles and comes to me, placing his hand gently on my round belly. 

"You should take it easy, love," he kisses my forehead. "I know there are a lot of chores to be done but don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

I nod and peck his lips. "Okay. I promise I'll be careful," I caress his cheek again. "And don't worry, the baby won't come for another two months."

"But the seventh month is risky..." he worries and I kiss him again.

"I know. I'll rest later, I promise."

Minho nods and takes the bucket out of the bathroom. Following him, we enter the nursery, the floor covered in boxes, tools, and parts of the unfinished crib.

"Minho... babe..." I chuckle, placing my hands on my hips. He turns to look at me. "I can't mop this room. There're things all over the floor."

"I'll mop the floor after I'm done. You go and... wash the dishes or something," he shrugs and I laugh again.

"But the water will cool down. It's better to mop with hot water," I state and he sighs.

"Then I'll mop the rest of the apartment. I can use a break from this construction work."

I laugh again and Minho notices my gaze skimming through the room. He approaches me and takes my hand, joining me in admiration of our previous work on wall decor - cute animals on hills, balloons, and clouds took forever to paint but the end result was absolutely beautiful. Empty frames are hung on the walls as well, waiting to display the first photographs.

Minho's hand finds my belly again and I look at him, meeting his loving gaze.

"I can't wait for this little one..." he whispers, brushing his nose against mine.

When he backs away, Minho laughs at my wide eyes and cocked eyebrow.

"You? Can't wait for the baby? You who enjoy peace and quiet can't wait for sleepless nights and continuous cries?"

Minho laughs and pulls me closer, taking my other hand in him. He rests his forehead on mine and continues smiling down at me.

"I am aware that it'll be rough but it'll be fine because... I will spend those days and nights with you... and the little rascal," he narrows his brows, glaring at my baby bump.

We break down in laughter and I kiss him on the lips before stepping away from his embrace.

"Enjoy the peace while it lasts, dear," I say, on my way out of the room. "I'll go do the dishes and set the table for lunch."

"And I'll mop the floors and continue building up this damned baby bed."

"Sounds like a plan," we nod at each other and I send him one last flying kiss before exiting the room.


Three beeps and the darkness.

I sit up immediately, feeling shortness of breath.

"What the hell...?" I breathe out, placing my hand on my lower stomach. I could feel the baby's kicks in the VR, I could feel the weight of it and every muscle in my body hurting.

"Pregnant? Married?"

I still can't comprehend the domestic event that played before my eyes. I was married to Lee Know, we were doing chores around our apartment, setting up the room for our upcoming baby.

Seungmin's scenario from last night most likely triggered this experience and it, yet again, felt so real and so natural.

A smile spreads on my face. I enjoyed the experience but I wish for something less... family-like.

"Maybe next time I'll go on a date..." I wonder, fantasizing if I'll get to experience Minho as a boyfriend next time.

But the thought of him being a caring husband makes me giggle and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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