9. Blankets

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Kicking the door open, I almost stumble on my way inside the dark apartment.

It's night and it's Saturday. But there was an emergency at work which got me staying past overtime on a supposedly day off. And since I spent the whole day (and evening) at my job, not being able to cook anything, I stopped by a restaurant on my way back, buying take-out.

The bags in my hands are heavy but i kick away my shoes and wobble to the kitchen that is, luckily, only a few steps away from the entryway. I let the bags on the small dining table, letting out a long sigh after. But a smile takes over and pushes away the fatigue at the thought of my boyfriend's smiley face once he sees that I bought his favorite food.

"Jisung?!" I call out as I take off my coat and dress jacket.


I glace at the microwave clock. 10:30 p.m.

It's way past dinnertime and, knowing him - a person who can fall asleep anywhere - I fear that he already crashed on the living room sofa while waiting for me. A pang of disappointment in another missed opportunity for a stay-at-home date hurts my heart and, as usual, I begin blaming myself and the unpredictable job I have.

Jisung is understanding and is my biggest support in my dream of becoming a good doctor but, I guess, there are limits to everything. I just hope he won't break up with me due to feeling neglected in our relationship...

I start unpacking the food, comforting myself that we'll, at least, have (reheated) fried chicken for breakfast, with cheesecake for dessert.

Since the food is still warm, I place it on the table and open the fridge to take a can of beer instead.


My head snaps up at a man at the doorway, my shocked expression mirroring his.

"Ji... you're awake..." a short breath of relief rolls out of my mouth but I notice that he's already wearing his pajamas. "I thought..."

But my words are stopped midway at his curious sniffing of the air. Jisung traces the smell to the containers on the table and gasps, his wide eyes shooting up at me.

"You bought chicken?! And cheesecake?!" His squeaky happy tone is apparent and I giggle.

"Yeah..." I grip the cold can in my hands, guilt squeezing my throat. "I thought to make it up to you since I missed the movie night... again. I'm sorry..." my head falls and I bite my lip to prevent the burn behind my eyes.

My nail flicks the small aluminum can opener but a pair of hands cover mine and I look up at Jisung wearing the most endearing smile enhanced by the weak neon light under the cabinets behind me.

"It's not your fault," he shakes my hands lightly. "The emergency was unexpected and," he smiles dearly, "they called you because you're the best."

Jisung pecks my lips and turns to the table, taking the containers with food. I smile. He always knows what to say.

"You go and take a shower," he raises a brow in a warning. "I'm going to set the food for us. But don't come into the living room! Just knock on the door." He warns and I salute.

I smile as he wobbles out of the kitchen. Another tired sigh leaves my mouth as I undo the first two buttons of my white dress shirt. I pour myself a glass of water instead of opening the beer to ease some fatigue while waiting for Jisung's call.

I hear some rustling coming from the living room down the hallway and my intrigue spikes. But I go to the bathroom and shower, wondering what he's preparing.

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