18. Hay

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The car sways left and right as we're riding uphill and over the man-made road full of holes in the ground.

I'm excited to see my grandma after so long. My boyfriend? Not so much.

I look at him from the passenger's seat, keeping my lips pressed tight together for the whole ride to the countryside.

Changbin was not happy when I told him my grandma invited us to spend the weekend with her. The poor woman has been lonely lately, with barely anyone to visit, so ever since I told her both Changbin and I have a weekend off, she wouldn't stop begging me to come. How could I say no? She is my only living grandparent.

It's hot outside. Summer has just begun.

I'm wearing my floral dress, the one grandma bought me for my previous birthday, and Changbin is wearing a flannel shirt and jeans. The modern farmer look looks good on him... especially on the arms. I die a little every time I glance at his tensed arms under the rolled-up sleeves.

"Finally!" Changbin shouts, making me flinch out of my dirty thoughts about his biceps.

I turn my head and see the large premise in front of us. Familiar and almost nostalgic feelings grip my heart. I haven't been here in almost a decade but the familiar house, the floral garden which grandma keeps neat and beautiful, the large barn, and the old tractor (now used as decoration) make me smile.

The front gate is open and Changbin maneuvers the car inside, a smile appearing after the tires land on the concrete ground. I reach to him and press the horn to announce our arrival. After a few moments, the short woman in a dress and her signature apron comes from the house. Gray hair and a smiling wrinkly face make me tear up.

The car stops and I don't even wait for Changbin before I storm out of the car and into my grandma's embrace. We cry and hug.

Changbin comes behind me and I introduce him to my grandmother and she smiles widely, eyeing him. He offers to bring the bags inside the house and my grandma nudges me.

"You scored a jackpot with this one, deary," she giggles and I do too. Linking our arms together, we follow Changbin into the house.

Lunch is already served on the table and Changbin's frown about coming to the countryside disappears with the first bite. For the rest of the meal, he laughs and talks with my grandma, praising her food, and I silently watch them on the sidelines, a loving smile not leaving my face.

When the lunch is done, Changbin even offers to help with the dishes while I set the cups and water for a good old-fashioned coffee while grandma brings out a bowl of homemade ice cream made from fresh milk from her cows.

As the water boils and I finish making the coffee, I smile and nudge Changbin who is wiping the plates.

"You like it here after all, huh?"

He smiles, turning his head to hide the faint blush. "Yeah, it's okay."

I chuckle and set the cups on the table.

After the coffee and ice cream, the two of us head out while Grandma decides to rest a bit. Changbin and I stroll around the premises and I introduce him to the rest of the things around the property.

My grandma calls us after we walk around the floral garden for another take on ice cream before she needs to head to work. We offer to help her but she declines, saying that we're here on a vacation and not to work. But, despite her protest, I follow my grandma to the barn and we feed the animals together while Changbin watches.

As we're feeding the pigs, one piggled startles, seeing unknown people crowding its space, and runs out. Changbin, our knight in shiny armor, chases after the baby and I suppress a laugh when he almost falls, slipping on the grass. But he catches the piglet and it surprisingly calms in his arms.

"Piggies like your hug too, babe," I tease the sweaty man as he returns the baby to his mama.

Changbin only gives me a smirk but I read it in his eyes just what is on his mind.

"Now the cows," my grandma huffs a tired breath, straightening her back. "Changbin, would you be a dear and get the hay from up there?" she points to the opened second floor of the barn.

"Sure," Changbin agrees and climbs the wooden ladder, dropping the block of hay in front of us.

"Not like that!" I yell but my grandma laughs, coughing from the risen dust.

"Sorry. However, Grandma, these blocks need some rearranging. They're all over the place. I'll do it for you." He informs us, watching us from above.

"Alright," she waves a hand in front of her face before giving him an approving nod. I carry the block to the part of the barn where the cows are.

I begin feeding the animals when Changbin shouts, calling for me. I run out of the room and look up at him.

"What's the matter?"

"Come up. I need your help," he gestures a hand.

I climb the ladder and take Changbin's offered hand. The air is cooler on this floor. 

I look around and smile. "This has always been my favorite place... I used to build a house out of the hay block and hide whenever grandma would make me eat something I didn't like."

"Your grandma's food is amazing, I don't know what could possibly taste bad here..."

I scrunch my nose. "Raw eggs."

"Natural protein shake."

I stick my tongue out in disgust and he laughs. I join the laughter but it hitches in my throat when Changbin takes off that provocative flannel shirt, making himself appear more provocative in just that tight white tank top glued to his upper body.

He begins stacking the blocks while I stare. Noticing I'm not helping him, Changbin turns and frowns at me.

"You gonna help me or just stare at me working?"

"The latter," I shrug nonchalantly.

His eyes darken and the corner of his lips rise up. "Oh, I see..."

In two long strides, Changbin is right in front of me. He captures my hands and pulls me to him. He walks backward.

"Bin... watch out... we'll fall!" I scream as he pulls me down with him on the stacked hay.

The dry grass must prickle his skin but he doesn't show it - he only smiles, brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"Now this is relaxing..." he whispers, cupping the side of my face with his hand and pulling me down for a kiss.

My hands on his chest clutch the straps of his tank top but release them as the kiss deepens and we tilt our heads to the side. I'm gripping his damp black hair, enjoying the feel of his tongue around mine and his body below mine.

"Bin..." I gasp and he uses the chance to kiss my neck, his hands caressing my sides but stopping on my butt. "Grandma will hear."

Changbin chuckles and looks back into my eyes. "Then, let's return here tonight. I never had sex on a pile of hay."

My eyes go wide. "It must be uncomfortable."

"Don't worry, we'll bring blankets."

I smile and agree, the heat spreading through my body at the thought of the upcoming naughty time.

Now I'm starting to enjoy this weekend getaway even more.

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