17. Shopping

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Happily strutting through the large entrance of the mall, I sway my boyfriend's hand back and forth, our fingers intertwined. I've waited for this day for weeks!

He chuckles and I look at him, smiling big.

"You just can't hide your excitement, huh?" he asks and I smile even wider.

"Of course! A new spring-summer line of clothing just came out and I've been dying to renew my closet!"

He laughs again. "But you already have spring-summer clothes."

"Ha! Look who's talking - Mr. OOTD!" he shrugs as we reach the escalator stairs. "You single-handedly own more clothes than any and all of my friends and me combined!"

Jeongin sighs, running his fingers through his lush semi-long orange hair. 

"Can't help it. That's the life of a fashion blogger."

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Yeah, a hard life you have going there..."

We laugh and reach the second floor of the mall where some of the clothing stores are.

"So... what's the budget?" he asks as we look over the lined stores.

I grin. "My whole salary."


I laugh and cling to his arm. "I'm kidding... kind of."

"Babe, we need to eat something."

"We'll eat... next month."

Jeongin frowns and I laugh again. "I'm kidding. Now, let's go!"

We start from the beginning but end up taking half an hour to browse each store.

Bikinis, summer dresses, denim shorts, tank tops, crop tops, skirts, ... I love them all!

Jeongin might be a fashion blogger but he shows displease every time he shops with me because he ends up carrying countless bags and spending hours at the mall tires him out. 


Though he finished his second milkshake, he's bored out of his mind while I'm trying on my fifth dress.

The previous four were nice and easy to slip into but this one has a zipper.

"Babe? Can you come and help me? I think the zipper is stuck!" I shout from the changing booth and hear him grunt, heavy footsteps coming next before Jeongin swooshes the curtain.

"Hey!" I protest, pressing the dress to my chest.

"Don't worry, we're the only ones here," he explains and closes the curtain. I step back to make room for him yet his frame fills the tiny booth almost completely and I'm cornered. "There's a huge line at the register and the other staff went on her break."

I don't miss the suggestive tone and the eyebrow raise. "No..."

He shrugs innocently. "What? I'm in here because you called for me to fix the dress."

"Innie..." my breath heats up.

"Turn around," his voice comes out in a growl and I gulp, turning my back to him. "Back straight," my body moves to his orders and my arms fall to my sides.

The sound of the zipper slowly coming up fills my ears but I can't stop my lustful thoughts and his knuckles brushing against my bare back doesn't help me ease the rampaging butterflies in my gut.

"It looks good on you... just like the four dresses before this one," he breathes against my neck, his hands on my hips.

My eyes are fixed on our reflection in the tall mirror plastered on the booth's thin wall. My face is flushed and his is smirking, my chest is heaving and his breathing is calm.

"Just what sort of thoughts are occupying this cute head of yours, hm?" Jeongin's grip on my hips tightens just a bit but I feel it, my body tensing and my face heating up more.

He clicks his tongue repeatedly. "What a naughty girl you are..."

"No, I..."

"Shh, you don't have to lie, I know you like it," his foxy eyes narrow dangerously. A string of tingles runs through my body when he moves my hair away and presses his lips on the muscle connecting my shoulder and neck. "The zipper excuse is overrated... but I fall for it every time, baby."

"Jeongin..." I let my head fall back onto his shoulder, letting his lips brush against my bare shoulder and neck as his hands crumple the fabric of the dress.

"Your changing room kink is acting up every time, babe... Do you want to give into it?"

"No..." Yes. "The store is packed with customers and the booth is so thin... they can hear us..." I don't care.

The fact that I'm ovulating fuels my desires and my shameless kink and it's taking every bit of self-control not to yank his pants down and let him fuck me raw in the small changing cabin.

Jeongin's deep chuckle and his body moving away yank me back to reality instead. I'm left dumbfounded and needy.

"Not this time, love. Although that baby blue is tempting..." he licks his lips, already out of the booth, his eyes raking my form. "You're cute when you're blushing."

"Shut up!" I yell, pulling the curtain back close.

"Let's buy that dress," Jeongin speaks from outside. "It looks good on you."

I waiting for the "It'll look better off of you." remark but it never comes.

I change out of the dress into my regular clothes and drop the baby blue into the basket after checking it for stains because his touch and whispers damped my panties.


When I'm out of the changing room, I find Jeongin trying out sunglasses. I smile when he puts on a pair of aviators.

"Those look good," I come beside him.

Jeongin smiles and nods, popping the glasses in the basket and over the baby blue dress.

"I need a leather jacket to go with those," he adds and my eyes widen.

"Leather jacket? In summer?"

Jeongin laughs. "I'm kidding. They can be paired with a denim jacket too."

"Then Levi's is our next stop," I grin, clinging onto his arm again.

"So, you're done? Is it finally my turn?" he asks in disbelief and I nod.

"Yup. But I don't know if we can stay for long..." I say and he blinks in confusion. I tilt my head up to his shoulder, lowering my voice to a whisper. "You created a mess in my underwear so... we need to go home."

"Oh..." his eyes turn from wide boba eyes to narrow suggestive ones again. "Then I don't need a jacket... or do you want me to try on a pair of jeans and a white tee?"

Fuck. He knows what the jeans-white t-shirt combo does to me!

"You're teasing me..." I pout and he taps my lips.

"I can't say no to my lady and her public sex kink."

"Shhh!" I plaster my hand over his mouth and feel his smirk growing under my palm. "You're crazy!" I whisper yell.

Jeongin puts my hand down. "Babe... we won't be the first nor the last people to have done it. Plus, there are no cameras at the changing rooms."

"Jeongin, no!" I hiss at him and he laughs.

"Okay," he pulls his hands up. "But if you try another bikini, I won't hesitate to--"

"Okay, stop! I get it! Let's get out of here!"

I grab his hand and pull him to the checkout while he laughs wholeheartedly.

We leave the mall without buying him those tight jeans and white shirt.

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